Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > The Little Mermaid: Evolution

Under de Sea!

by AnonGirl88 0 reviews

Chapter Five!*snickers*

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: G - Genres: Parody, Romance - Characters: Cyclops, Jean - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 1470 words

AN: Here's chapter five. The insanity continues. Speaking of insanity, I just want to clear something up. I am not joking around when I say that I really do act like during a sugar rush: I get very hyper and perky, and, well, you'll see what I mean as you continue reading.


The scene begins at the usual beach, but this time the castle is visible in the background. Everything is calm for a moment, then AnonGirl88 and Pyro stumble into view.

"Alright, alright, we're going!" AnonGirl88 yells. She and Pyro grin at the camera, but instead of their usual phony grin, it's an insane grin often seen in people who have had WAY too much sugar.

"Hello! And welcome to the fifth chapter of The Little Mermaid: Evolution. I am AnonGirl88, the director."

"And I am Pyro, the co-director."

"Today, we have an extra special treat for all of you Remy LeBeau fans. The Ragin' Cajun is going to be si-" Suddenly she and Pyro burst out laughing.

"Will you two knock it off an just start the chapter already?" Lance yells from backstage.

"Ignore Lance, he's still mad at Pyro and Toad for stealing his Jeep." AnonGirl88 giggles, then she looks confused. "Wait, how come I'm not still mad at the two of you for leaving the set and not inviting me?" she asks Pyro.

"Because we gave you the rest of the Pixie Stix and Cola, then got those big pink sugar cookies." Pyro replies.

"Oh. That's a good reason." she says happily.

"We're doomed. We've got two hyped up pyromaniacs in charge." Bobby groans.

"I am so glad that todays entire chapter is underwater." Sam adds.


Kitty, Amara, Rogue, Amanda, Jubilee and Tabby are all preening in front of mirrors.

"Hey Roguey, you make a tres belle mermaid, chere!" Remy catcalls from backstage.

"Knock it off, Gambit, or we'll send you to back up to the beach to watch AnonGirl88, Pyro and Toad." Lance says.

"Dat's cruel and unusual punishment!" Remy exclaims. The sounds of insane cackling by AnonGirl88, Pyro, and Toad can be heard off stage. "Remy don't like de sound o' dat."

"No one does. But I'm not going to risk my skin to check on those maniacs." Lance replies.

"And I thought thoselittle pink alienswere bad. These three on sugar rush are even worse!" Scott groans.

"Ariel, dear! Time to come out!" Amara calls through a door, trying to ignore the boys.

"You've been in there all morning!" Tabby yells.

Jean finally swims out with a glazed look on her face, humming to herself. She goes up to one of the mirrors and fixes her hir, then takes a flower before swimming off. She's so far gone in her little world that she bumps into Hank.

"Oh! Morning Daddy!" She giggles, tucking the flower into his hair before swimming off again, now singing quietly to herself as she does several flips. Hank and the girls stare at her for a few minutes, bewildered.

"She's got it bad." Jubilee says.

"Totally." Kitty agrees.

"What? What has she got?" Hank asks, confused.

"Isn't it obvious Daddy?" Amanda says. "Ariels in love."

"Ariel, in love?" Hank says to himself, examining the flower.

Meanwhile, Remy is nervously pacing back and forth muttering to himself, occaisionally blowing away one of the falling petals that land on his face.

"Okay, so far, so good. Remy don't t'ing de king knows." he blows away another petal. "But it will not be easy to keep dis a secret for long." Meanwhile, Jean is plucking the petals off of a flower.

"He loves me. Hmm, he loves me not. He loves me!" she giggles after the last petal has been plucked. "I knew it!"

"Ariel! Stop talking crazy talk!" Remy says.

"I've got to see him again! Tonight" Jean says, not listening. "Scuttle knows where he lives." she swims off of the rock she was on and Remy quickly grabs her tail.

"Ariel, please! Will you get yo' head out of de clouds an' back in de water where it belongs?" Remy says.

"I'll swim up to his castle, then Flounder will splash around to get his attention."

"Down here is yo' home!" Remy swims up in her face. "Ariel, listen to Remy, de human world, it's a mess. Life under de sea is better den anyt'ing dey got up dere." He makes her sit back down and starts to sing.

"De sea weed is always greener

In somebody elses lake.

You dream about going up dere,

But dat is a big mistake.

Just look at the world around you

Right here on de ocean floor.

Such wonderful t'ings around you,

What more is you lookin for?!

Suddenly a bunch of fish come in and dance around Jean to the music

"Under de sea!

Under de sea!

Darlin' it's better

Down where it's wetter,

Take it from me!

Up on the shore dey work all day

Out in de sun dey slave away.

While we're devotin'

Full time to floatin'

Under de sea!"

Remy then joins Bobby the blue lobster on a set of drums and they sing together.

"Down here all de fish is happy

As off t'rough de waves dey roll!

De fish on de land ain't happy

'Cause dat's cause dey in de bowl!"

Magneto as a big fish is trapped in a big bubble.

"But fish in de bowl is lucky,

Dey in for a worser fate.

One day when de boss get hungry,"

"Guess who gonna be on de plate." Magneto sings in monotone baritone.

"What, no!

Under de sea!

Under de sea!

Nobody beat us, fry us, and eat us

In fricas'e!

We what de land folks love to cook!

Under de sea we off de hook.

We go no troubles

Life is de bubbles!

Under de sea!"

Under de sea! A bunch of tiny little fish begin to sing back-up.

Under de sea!

Under de sea!

Since life is sweet here

We got de beat here



"Even de sturgeon and de ray

Dey get de urge an start to play!

We got de spirit

You've got to hear it

Under de sea!

Various sea creatures get some camera time as they play various instruments.

"De newt play de flute

De carp play de harp

De plaice play de bass

An dey soundin' sharp.

De bass play de brass

De chub play de tub

De fluke is de duke of soul."


"De ray he can play

De lings on de strings

De trout racking out

De black fish she sings

De smelt and de sprat

Dey know where it's at,

An oh dat blow fish blows!"

During the instrumental, Sam comes in and swims through the crowd to Jean, then whispers something in her ear. She smiles and the two swim away, un-noticed. Remy and the fish continue to sing.

"Under de sea!

Under de sea!

Under de sea!

Under de sea!

When de sardine begin in de beguine

It's music to me!

Music to me!'

What do dey got, alot of sand?

We got our owh crustaician band.

Each little clam here

Know how to jam here

Under de sea!

Each little slug here

Cutting a rug here

Under de sea!

Each little snail here

know how to wail here

Dat's cause it's hotter

Under de water

We in de luck here

Under de muck here

Unde de sea!"

All the fish point to the rock where Jean was, but when they see that she's not there, they swim away.

"Ariel? Oh, somebody's got to nail dat filles fins to de floor." Remy comments to no one in particular.

"Sebastion!" Forge yells, swimming over to him. "Sebastion, I've been looking for you everywhere. King Triton -"

"De sea king?" Remy asks nervously. Forge begins tugging on one of Remy's claws.

"He wants to see you right away! Something about Ariel."

"He knows!" Remy gasps, now terrified out of his mind.

"And cut! Yes, it's finally over!" AnonGirl88 yells.

"Let's go burn down Principal Kelly's house!" Pyro says gleefully.

"Then Duncan's car!" Toad adds.

"I like the way you think, Todd." AnonGirl88 says. The three hyper-active teenagers run off.

"Oh great, with our luck they'll probably turn Toad into one of them." Lance grumbles. "Just what we need, another pyromaniac."

"Either that or Toad's going to turn them into kleptomaniacs." Pietro adds.

"Why do you say that?" Lance asks.

"Because they're stealing your Jeep again." Pietro says.

"What?! HEY! GET BACK HERE WITH MY CAR!!!" Lance screams, running after them.


The end. Will Pyro and AnonGirl88 turn Toad into a pyromaniac? Will Toad turn Pyro and AnonGirl88 into kleptomaniacs? Will Lance ever learn not to leave his Jeep unattended? Who knows? For anyone who's confused, read Living La Vida Locka,Thanks to Pixie Stix.
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