Categories > Original > Horror > The Shallows

The depths of death.

by IcedHope 3 reviews

two more people die, what will the towns people think of the the previous disapperances?

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2005-09-18 - Updated: 2005-09-18 - 462 words

It was a dark night, two figures ran towards the lake, taking off their clothes as they ran.
Vacant clothes fluttered to the ground.

as the two shapes moved closer to the edge of the lake. The beach was covered in shiny red pebbles, worn down by the surf of the lake. One figured took the other figure, and laid the other one

on the ground, as the moonlight shone on the two shimering naked bodies, entagled into a love connection, as the male shoved his erect peice

of flesh into her open wet, love cave. There moans would fill the forest. He quickly, withdrew his penis, and looked deep into her eyes." Alicia, do you want to, take a dip?", She giggled and nodded.

He quickly, got off and hoped into the water, delevering a loud excited scream. Alica was quick
to follow her love, as she plunged into the water, swimming underneath her boyfriend.

He was treading, and then he felt it a tug, in the water, he bobbed down, and went back up. spitting the horrid water from, his mouth and then again another tug, this was starting to scare

Alicia, popped up from behind him, and jumped on his back. Screaming, and laughing. She leaned down and asked him." Where you scared Zack?", she kissed his cheek, and he just laughed and smiled.

With out the two lovers, a few of the creatures stirred beneath them, waiting for the right moment to attack; they circled like sharks, and waited for the opertunity, their jaws opening and closing in spasms.

Zack threw Alicia off, and triggered the attack.

With out a second, the creatures started to nip and tear at alicia, her blood filled screams, filling the warm nights breeze, chunks of the poor girl, were falling to the bottom, being picked up by the catfish at the bottom.

Zack witnessed in horror, as his girlfriend was being torn to shreds, and consumed by things he couldn't see, through the splashes, and blood erupting from the lake. He gasped and screamed, he tried to swim, but he couldn't the horror had frozen his muscles.

The remains of the poor girl, slowly drifted to the bottom, her head still intact but chunks of mid section, and part of her right breast, had been consume. He body slowly reached the bottom, sanding lifting from the impact, and the catfish, rushing to the corpse and feeding off the fresh corpse.

The creatures, had turn to the last person, the leaping from all angles, the creatures landed on him, tearing and clawing at his body, blood clouding in the water, he opened up to scream, but the horrid, algae ridden water, rushed into his lungs, silencing him in the depths of death.
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