Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Immortal Dead

Blood and Iron: Enter Metal Flame

by Nessrox444 1 review

A major character: Metal Flame, is introcued. He's just been promoted to Brigadier General as bait to lure a serial killer out in the open. But when he finally comes face to face with this killer, ...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-03-03 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 1943 words

Disclaimer: I created all these characters, the plot, the setting, the story, everything about this story short of the English language was created by me. Never use this story/idea and
claim it as your own. Enjoy!

I'm going to keep writing these stories regardless but I would appreciate feedback on if you like the story and how I can improve it. Please send me feedback.


Blood and Iron: Enter the Metal Flame


"The Chief of Military Affairs will see you now." The secretary told him. He got up and entered the office.

"Ah Colonel Reyers, please sit down." A man sitting behind a desk said, rather enthused. "Or should I say Brigadier General Reyers?"

"What?!?" he responded. The man was none other than Colonel Jim Reyers. A famous soldier in the Gan military. Jim Reyers had black eyes and flat, short brown hair. "Are you serious?!?" Reyers asked him.

"Complete serious." The man responded. The man was obviously older due to him being the Chief of Military Affairs. He wore a black hate and a black uniform. His eyes were brown and his skin was tan.

"Wait... why me?" Reyers asked suspicious.

"Nothing gets by you does it Metal Flame?" The man said, he then lowered his voice. "To tell you the truth there have numerous been killings recently. I've talked it with the higher ups and we're going use your fame to help catch him. We're hoping that the news that you're getting a promotion will spread to his ears; we've taken the liberty to plan a grand ceremony that you'll be attending in four hours. I trust you'll make it."

"Not a problem." Reyers said, getting up from his seat.

Outside he was confronted by two men. One wore wrappings on his head and body and finished off the look with an odd looking grey cape and red goggles. The other man had black eyes and short blond hair; he wore glasses and a standard green military uniform.

"Are you sure that going to this ceremony was a good idea?" the one wearing the military uniform said.

"How did you know about that already? I just found out."

"Word has been secretly spreading around for weeks about your promotion. Apparently the want the serial killer to know where you'll be." The military uniformed man told him.

"You worry too much Wreck." Reyers told the man in the military uniform.

"I don't think so, not this time at least." The bandaged man said.

Reyers looked surprised. "Wait you're actually worried for once?!? That's not good you almost never get worried, Jigsaw. Fine, tell me about the killer." He told them. They found a bench and the three of them sat down.

"Well we're not certain but he's killed at least ten members of the military, all of them high ranking officers." Wreck told him.

"Are we certain all of them were committed by the same person?"

"We are." Jigsaw told him.

"You see, each victim had multiple wounds. Stab wounds and then their entire back is blown out." Wreck told him. This alarmed Reyers.

"Well if it's a sword I'll break it to pieces, I'm going to go rest up for the ceremony in three hours." Reyers said.

"Too cocky for his own good, typical of Reyers." Jigsaw said to no one in particular.

"Wake up, wake up damnit." A female voice was saying. Reyers woke up quickly, and sat up. "You're going to be late for the ceremony." The woman said. She had purple eyes, long light brown hair and wore all black with a silver armored vest over it.

"You..." Reyers said in anger. "I despised you, I still despise you, and I will never stop despising you. If you were sent to escort me you can forget it, I'm going alone." He said getting up and leaving. The woman smiled and left after him. Reyers ran down the street, wearing the green colors of the Gan military. He ran a couple blocks before entering a large ceremonial building. Reyers stopped before going in, wondering if they should be doing all of this to lure a serial killer out, when there was a war being fought. Shouldn't I be on the front lines? Reyers thought, he dismissed these thinking he would be transferred after the promotion. He entered the building and saw hundreds of members of the upper class and various counsel leaders. He made a quick glance and saw various soldiers on the balcony, hiding, and waiting. He among them he saw Wreck. The crowd grew silent as Reyers approached the large table next to a stone podium. The only leaders he saw were the President, and the chief of military affairs. He sat down next to the chief and the president went up to make a huge speech. It took about three minutes before Reyers was asked to take the podium. When he did he noticed something move up in the balcony. He instantly recognized it, a shell. Shells are not humans. There are three civilized countries and one uncivilized country. Altair and Gan are human populated countries. The Shell Kingdom is populated by shells, and of course the barbarian lands just above Altair are usually humans with low intelligence and high strength. The reason shells are identifiable is their skin and eyes. Shells usually have dark grey, dark purple, dark blue, or glowing black skin (though few are reported), and they have no pupils or irises. He saw the shell; he was watching him, when he noticed Reyers had noticed him he decided to attack. He leapt off the balcony and unsheathed a sword and cut right through the stone podium, missing Reyers. The resulting commotion caused an uproar of fleeing civilians. The president and the chief also abandoned their post. The military in the balcony leapt into action and began firing upon the intruder. The shell slashed at Reyers, who ducked underneath the sword. The shell didn't have time to make another attack, he jumped out of the way as bullets rained down upon him. The shell ran past Reyers and caused and stabbed his sword into the ground, creating a large explosion. Smoke billowed out of the crater he created. The military personal were confused, they exited the balcony to get to ground level. Reyers jumped down after the shell and followed him. In the crater he saw a blast in the concrete leading into the sewer. Reyers jumped through the hole in the wall and ran through the sewers. When he came to a crossroad he looked in all directions and saw the shell, looking right at him with his pure white eyes.

"My, my, you've followed me." The shell said in a deep voice. "I shouldn't let this stroke of luck pass me by." He said unsheathing his sword. The shell was wearing a black cloak, and a black hood that completely covered his hair. His skin was a dark grey.

"So you're excited to fight me are you?" Reyers said with a smile on his face. "I wouldn't be so eager to fight the metal flame." Reyers held out his hand and then, with a pained look, slowly clenched his hand together.

"What's wrong? Can't get a feel for the metal? I don't know if the Gan military knows this yet but I broke into a personnel file. I got the general idea of what you were trying to do." He said holding up his sword. "These runes on the sword make it unbreakable and unbendable, your mana is worthless."

"That's right; your race can't use mana." Reyers said boastfully.

"What we lack in mana, we make up for in physical prowess." The shell said, charging at Reyers. Reyers held his right hand parallel to the ground with his fingers point up and concentrated his energy. He formed a large fireball, during that time the shell had closed the distance between them. Reyers thrust his arm forward but the shell was too fast, he ducked under it and stabbed his sword into Reyers. Reyers jumped back and held the wound as blood seeped out. The shell wouldn't let up, it ran towards him again. He slashed at his ribs. Reyers stepped back and received a minor flesh wound, he tried to create another flame but the shell kneed him in the chest, which sent him several feet back. Reyers landed on his back and quickly got up and jumped back.

"You're easy to predict. You use low level flame attacks which a shell can dodge with ease. Plus without metal you can't use your metal powers." The shell said unenthused.

"Could you tell me your name?" Reyers said bleeding tremendously. The shell looked down and had a saddened look on his face, but then he looked up with intensity in his eyes.

"You can call me Dem." The shell told him, walking up to a now kneeling Reyers. "Take my name with you to the grave." He said raising his sword, he stabbed down into Reyers but stopped before contact was made. Dem jumped back a few times and saw his blood trickling out of his body. His blood, like all shells, was blue.

"Heh, you never expected me to have metal components on me, however I'm never unprepared. I attached small gourds to my belt filled with liquid metal mixed with mana. Then I manipulated it to shape around my knuckles. That pain you're feeling is a result of some of the knuckle's spikes." Reyers said rising to his feet and then laughing a little. On the knuckles of both hands were metal bands with spikes on each knuckle. Right now they weren't extended. Shit, we both know that a human can't compete with a shell in physical combat with little help from mana. I'm going to have to try and end this quick. Reyers thought. Dem charged at Reyers. Reyers extended the spikes on his right hand. Dem jumped over the spikes and swung his sword. Reyers made the metal on his left hand form over is left and blocked the sword. Dem jumped back, landed on his feet and ran forward and slashed at Reyers. He cut Reyers hands but Reyers dodged the brunt of the blow. Dem crouched to charge at Reyers again but suddenly the wall behind him exploded. Dem turned to see Wreck standing there with a hateful glare in his eyes.

"Lieutenant Colonel Alex Wreck, the stone wall of Gan. Specialties are earth and wind mana. It's a glorious day for me, I get to kill two magi." Dem said with no emotion on his face. Then he heard boots, he knew more military personnel were on their way. He knew he couldn't take on the whole military, especially with their rifles. "There's one thing I didn't tell you, this sword, with each slice or stab, absorbs that worthless mana of yours and on my command will explode." Shocked by the realization, Reyers charged at Dem but it was too late. Dem planted is sword into the concrete wall and the wall exploded. When the smoke cleared Dem was gone. The soldiers arrived just as this happened.

"Don't just stand there, get your asses in line and go after him." Reyers told them.

"Right!" they said in unison.

Then Reyers collapsed against the wall.


Thanks for reading, leave me feedback. Be sure to read the next episode which will follow the story of Dem. It'll also introduce some major characters (the antagonists) so be sure to not skip it.

Don't worry I'll be going back to Dan later, but I have to introduce everyone.
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