Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > All Thanks to a Vision

Chapter one: Awkward moments and Visions

by Magic144 6 reviews

Theresa is the resident phsychic, so you'd think she'd be used to the omniscient visions. However, one vision gives her a spook. Could Cronous be involved? And could the person she likes least in t...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-05 - 830 words

Chapter one:

Disclaimer: I don't own Class of the Titans; just my ideas

The young girl was surrounded by an overpowering darkness; with a feeling of melancholic solitude. She inhaled a damp, cold air that replenished her lungs with dissatisfaction. She wearily tried to focus her vision in front of her, straining her delicate eyes. Finally, she could make out miniscule shapes and shadows of her surroundings. Not daring to blink she hastily forced her long leg to take a step forward. The sixteen year old girl placed her long, slightly tanned fingers on some sort of wall. It was freezing with little droplets of water slowly trickling downward, while intercepting her fingers. The enmity of the mysterious unknown place was wearing down the youth. Her voice croaked as she let out a small, yet subtle sigh of discontentment. She continued forward, ignoring her body's desperate plea to turn around and run away. However, she couldn't contain her slight curiosity of this omniscient place. Finally, after several long minutes of scaling the ebony wall, she noticed only a very small crevice of light coming from around the bend. It was literally so small, that only one with acute senses could manage to see it. A little hope reached her as she slowly turned towards the light...and then...

Theresa sat up bolt in her soft bed, covered with small rivers of sweat rapidly spreading on the sides of her face. She relayed what just happened in her head and wondered if it was a mere dream...or something more. She glanced at the clock at her bedside table and noted it was about four am. 'Great.' She thought to herself.

Knowing that the chance that she'd make it back to sleep was as probable as Neil being ugly, the orange haired clairvoyant reluctantly got out of bed. She noticed in the mirror that a light, plum shade of purple was invading under her sleepy emerald eyes. She gathered her towel and housecoat and headed for the bathroom. Theresa heard faint snoring from her narcissistic friend Neil, a couple doors down. As she turned the water on, she decided to turn only the hot water knob, since she felt incredibly cold. When she entered the shower, the sudden jolt of a temperature change shot a sensation through her slim body. Her skin turning a bold red, she challenged herself to endure the boiling, steaming water. When Theresa finally decided she'd had enough, she turned off the water, and wrapped the fluffy towel around her delicate figure.

Archie heard footsteps passing the door and wondered who could be up so early in the morning. Finally, when he heard the running water of a shower, he himself decided insomnia was victorious that night. He sighed; he gathered his things and headed for the washroom, which was presently being occupied by the resident psychic, although, he was oblivious to the thought.

He waited patiently by the door 'hmmm...probably Jay that's up having a shower from an all nighter searching for Cron-' his thoughts were immediately interrupted by Theresa wrapped in a skimpy towel, hair straight from the water. Archie felt his eyes wandering on her body and mentally kicked himself for those dirty thoughts. He hoped that his mild blushing of surprise was hidden.

Theresa a little surprised that someone was up at this time, immediately broke through the speculative glares.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you. I just decided that I uh needed to beat Neil to the hot water." She whispered.

"No, I was up anyways, but man you take almost as long in the shower as Neil." He grunted, obviously a little embarrassed.

'Huh, that was Archie; he only had nice things to say about Atlanta, nobody else.' Theresa thought to herself.

"Well if you're done standing in the doorway, I would like to have a shower, before Neil gets here." Archie stated.
Theresa a little offended that he could be so rude this early in the morning, obliged to his request.

Theresa headed to her bedroom and got changed, and quickly brushed her hair. 'Why does Archie have to be mean? I mean I didn't do anything wrong, so why does insist on picking on me? And I really thought our relationship had become stronger after the Polythemus incident.' She dismissed these thoughts as she decided to walk to Olympus High. Theresa wanted the feel of the crisp fresh air to hit her face, and refresh her. However for some unknown reason, she was compelled to travel to the old park. It was a force that led her to the deserted part of the park's forest clearing, where she felt herself become nauseous. She was swaying around, the world become colorful blurs. Theresa desperately tried to reach her pmr, but it fell, and part of the battery fell out with a spark. She fell in a deep trance, drowned in a vision of unresolved answers.

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