Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ::We Can Take It To The Highway::Mikey Way::


by magstamonkii 0 reviews

don't you love this sorry i know i sound obsessed..(which i am) but this story is so awsome.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-07 - 1021 words

"What's eating him?" questioned Mikey, his head on my shoulder. Everyone shrugged, except Frankie.
"You know, don't you?" I said, and he nodded.
"But I've been sworn to secrecy, so I can't say," he said, and we all knew he was serious. He has kept every secret anyones told him. I went over to Gerards room, and knocked softly on the door.
"Are you ok?" I questioned, and the door flew open, he grabbed my hand, and pulled me in.
"Eve, why are you doing this to Mikey? i mean, hes 17 and your 19. Its not going to work," he said, taking my hands roughly in his.
"Gerard, let go, my hands are numb," I begged. He released his grip, but only to replace his hand on my upper arms.
"You should be with me, dammit," he said lowly, his fingers gripping harder into my arms, and i could feel little capalaries starting to rupture, and knew there would be ten small bruises in at least an hour.
"Gerard, I love Mikey-" I felt a sharp sting across my face, and hit the wall. Gerard had pulled the ultimate slap, the one a woman does in a movie to bring a man back to his senses. Thats enough to bring anyones senses back with a sharp pain across the whole half of their face. A tear fell, and my hand gingerly touched the place where his hand connected.
"Shit, eve, I'm sorry," he said, coming close to me. I backed against the wall, shrinking away from him.
"Gerard, please, stay away from me," I said, getting up and walking out the door.
"Evie, are you ok?" Frankie asked, looking at me, which got Mikey's attention, and the color drained out of his face.
"He did, didn't he? He hit you," he whispered in my ear, and I nodded, head leaning into his shoulder. He held me for a moment or two, then went to find his brother. I heard the door open, and Mikey yell. Gerard yelled back, and then silence. The door shut quietly, and Mikey came out, distressed. Bob was holding me, and had to hold me back when I tried to go be with Mikey. He walked out the front door, and I saw through the window he was walking down to the park.
"Let him be by himself right now Eve," Frank said, being serious, and using your name, which he never did. You looked at him, you all knew that he had stood up to his brother for you, which was pretty big, because they hardly fight, and usually their still tight friends after.
"E-dine, I know this is your house and all, but lets give Gerard some space," Ray said, taking my hand. I nodded, and went with them. We ended up walking down to Frankie's house. Even though Gerard and Mikey were in a fight, and they could possibly no longer trust each other, the guys got bored and started playing video games.
"Haha Frankie, eat this," Ray yelled, and shot a turtle shell towards Frankie.
"Hell no, that's mean," Frankie pouted. They were playing a Mario Kart game, and Ray had just knocked Frankie back to 4th. After a few more games, I decided to lighten up.
"Hey, add me in, its sad watching a bunch of amatures." I said, sitting down on the couch behind Frankie and Ray. Bob was sitting to the side in a chair, never looking away from the screen.
"After this lap and besides, your the woman driver, don't call us amatures," Frankie said, eyes not leaving the screen but a grin spreading on his face.
"You did NOT just call me a woman driver," I said after their last lap. Ray got up, plugged in another controler, and handed it to me.
"What you gonna do about it?" Frank teased, a small glint in his eye. I smiled, giving him a quick glare.
"I'm goign to whip your asses with the princess. That's what I'm gonna do about it, I said.

"Fuck, there is no way you just did that!" Ray yelled, Frankie moaned and fell over.
"Three in a row bitches! and with the stupid PRINCESS!" I yelled triumphantly, standing on the couch and stretching my arms over my head. Arms snacked around my waist and pulled me back over someones shoulder.
"Bob, put me down!" I laughed, but he shook his head.
"Victory lap," he merely said, and took me around the house. Frankie came up and slapped my butt.
"Hey Frank, hands off the goods." I said, only to see his head come into vision.
"Oh really? and what would you do if I was too..." he slid his hand top the top of my jeans, resting it in the small of my back. I swung my foot, and got him in the shoulder.
"Damn, ok, I get it, don't touch the goods." He rubbed his arm, cursing under his breath.
"Do you think Gerard will come back to his senses?" I asked, and Bob put me down.
"I think he'll get over himself." Bob said, and Ray smiled.
"Just don't go near him anytime soon, ok?" Frankie said, taking me into a hug. They all nodded, and I smiled.
"I promise. I swear, what would i do without you girls?" I joked, and Bob laughed. Frankie smiled wide, running a hand through his hair. Ray looked at me.
"I can prove Im not a girl," He said, and started unbuttoning his pants. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to lower his pants.
"You think I haven't seen one of those before?" I said, and he smiled. Bob closed his eyes and turned around. Frankie however, covered his eyes with his arms, yelling and stumbling backwards over the couch. I grinned, and Ray pulled his pants back up.
"Well well Ray, you do have some balls after all." I smiled. He gave me a sarcastic look, and they went back to playing their games.
"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Mikey," I said, grabbing my coat and heading out the door.
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