Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ::We Can Take It To The Highway::Mikey Way::


by magstamonkii 0 reviews wrote this! sadly not me *sniffle* but i still made .x.My Music/My Tears/My Romance.x. so rad that its pretty good!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-08 - 1059 words

"I can't believe she said that," I whispered, and Mikey held me close. We got to his house, and hesitated at the door.
"You think it's safe?" I asked, scared of seeing Gerard right now.
"Safe or not, its all we got, unless one of the guys want us right now." He stated, then opened the door.
"Mikey, is that you?" his mother called from their living room.
"Yeah mom, its me. Is Gerard home?" We rounded the corner and saw his parents sitting on the couch.
"No, we haven't seen him all day, its scaring your mother," his father said, then added as a thought. "Did you guys get in a fight or something?"
"Yeah. He hit Eve and I stood up for her." Mikey said slightly defensively.
"Don't say that, gerard would never do such a thing," his mom gasped, and I showed her my bruises.
"Mike, what ticked him off?" his dad asked, neither parent taking their eyes off the marks.
"Well, he was um, jealous. Eve and I are dating, and he didn't like it," Mikey stuttered. Mrs. Way's eyes softened.
"I knew something would happen between you two. You are so cute together!" She said, pulling me into a death hug. I gasped quietly, and took a big breath when she let me go.
"Well mom, we're going to go to sleep, its been a long day," Mikey said, taking my hand and dragging me upstair to his room.
"I had to get you away," he said, smiling. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"And why was that, Mikey?" I asked in a whisper. He placed his lips gently to mine, a sweet kiss. Neither of us parted our lips, just a cute innocent kiss.
"Because I didn't want to start kissing you in front of my parents," he said a bit quick before placing his lips on mine again, and pulling me to the bed. We laid facing each other, just kissing gently, rarely any tongue, and fell asleep in each others arms.
~Gerards POV~

How could she do that to me? I mean, I made it clear I wanted to be with her. How could she choose Mikey over me? I kept repeating those lines over and over in my head as i walked down the street. The sun was starting to set, and about fifteen minutes since Ray and Frank came pounding on the door, asking for Mikey's inhaler. I handed it to them, and I felt absolute rage at him still. "I hope your too late," I said at the closed door. Then realized, why should I hate him? He had no idea I liked her. Sure, he stood up for her when I got a little rough, but he's just a kid. I rounded the corner, approaching a familiar bar, where everyone knew me as a regular. I pushed open the door, the smell of alcohol and ciggarettes heavy in the air.
"Jake, the usual." I said absent-mindedly. He nodded, taking my money and goin off down the bar. I lit up a cig, taking a long drag off it before exhaling deeply. Jake pushed the drink at me, and I took a deep gulp, the liquid stinging all the way down. I sat at a table, staring at my drink as it slowly dissapeared and as more glasses around me started stacking up, along with cigarette butts.
"Hey, mind if i sit with you?" a feminine voice chimed in. I waved at her to join me, and when I finally did look at her, I was stunned. She was beautiful.

~Normal POV~

I rose quietly, rubbing at my eyes, and treaded to the bathroom. I flicked on the light, and my eyes slowly focues on the mirror in front of me. I did my business, washing my hands, and when I opened the door, Mikey was standing there. We grumbled in greeting, then I laughed.
"Look at your hair," i got out, and he squinted at the mirror. His hair had a Tim Burton quality, sticking up at random places and frizzy. He chuckled lightly.
"Now, move, i have to pee," he groaned, starting to do a dance. I giggled and stepped out of the way, dragging my feet down the hall to his room. I laid back down in bed, pulling the covers up around me. I heard the toilet flush and the sink run for a moment, then Mikey came in and joined me under the covers.
"I love you Eve Sardine," Mikey whispered in my ear, but before I could say anything a crash rang through the house, announcing Gerard's homecoming from his latest escape. Mikey shot up and had a spare shirt on before I could grab his arm.
"Are you sure you wanna see him? I can smell the alcohol from here," I said, and he nodded, snatching his glasses up from the nigtstand. I sighed, then got out of bed, picking up a pair of Mikey's jeans and pulling them on before preceeding out the door.
"Gerard, what the hell have you been doing?" Mikey said down the hall.
"I was out...with, um...myself I guess. I was pissed and...This is Liz," Gerard slurred. I came into the hallway and saw Mikey standing just above the stairwell, and went to his side. I looked down and saw someone, a very beautiful someone, hanging on his arm. Gerard's bloodshot eyes cought mine for a moment, before his temper rose.
"What the fuck is this whore doing here?" he yelled.
"Don't call her that, you know damn well it isn't true, or anywhere near her level." Mikey roared back. "Besides, what do you call that woman on your arm?" he added after a pause, and Gerard didn't like that. I flattened myself against the wall and Gerard tackled his brother against the wall and I heard a few cracks and Mikey cry out in pain.
"Gerard what are-" I started before his fist connected with my face. The girl that used to be on his arm now screamed, waking Mr. and Mrs. Way, and seemed to snap Gerard out of his trance as his fist collided against my face once more. My eyes blotched to black, and before my mind went, I grabbed Mikey's hand in mine and pulled him close.
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