Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ::We Can Take It To The Highway::Mikey Way::


by magstamonkii 0 reviews

:o chapter seven!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-08 - 773 words

I woke up in a bright room, and winced from the halogen lights.
"Mikey?" I groaned out, and someon sturred.
"Hey, she's awake," said Gerard's voice, and I tried to move away from it, but evidentally the meds overrode that decision. His rough hands took mine and caused a flinch to run down me and I pulled my hands away.
"Eve, I didn't," he said, and I felt a tear well up in the corner of my eye.
"Where is Mikey?" I croaked, my jaw hurting each time i talked.
"Eve, you shouldn't be talking. And you shouldn't be in here Gerard," came a female voice you only knew too well.
"Mom?" I asked, opening my eyes again against the harsh lights.
"Yeah hun, its me," she said, and it tore me.
"Get out." I whispered, but she didn't move. "I'd rather have Gerard in here than you, your bitch. How could you? How could my own mother acuse me of sleeping around?" I yelled, staring her into her eyes.
"Eve you never talk to me like that." she said in a low tone.
"I was in the fucking kitchen, don't act innocent. You told him I wasn't there, that i was probably out screwing one of those boys im always with. You disgust me, now get out before I have the nurse come in here." I said in a venomous tone, each word making her cringe towards the door.
"I hope you know you brought this on yourself. Everyone thinks your fucking those boys. why don't you go get some girlfriends to hang out with? Be normal?"
"Mother, I AM normal, just fuck off. Just because you believe every word that asshole says doesn't mean it's true. Get a backbone." I yelled, and with a final exchange of glares, she left. I let my head fall back, a fresh headache stretching across my head, and my jaw felt over worked.
"Miss Sardine, are you ok?" A nurse asked.
"Yeah, can you tell me what happened to me?" I said in a whisper, not wanting to over used my vocal chords. "
You were beaten. Mr. Way out there got you pretty good. Your jaw iss fractured, and your right cheek had a hairline fracture, and major bruising." She said, and your stomach churned.
"Is, um, Is Michael Way in here?"
"Dude, it's MIKEY!" a familiar voice goraned from behind the curtain next to me. I tore it back to see Mikey. I shot out of bed, different IV's trailing after me and I hugged him.
"Eh, Evie that hurts," he bit, and I let go.
"Oh sorry. Im so sorry." I apologised, taking his hand and kissing it.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Gerard attacked you, I think a few ribs cracked, then when I defended you he came at me, and, what did he do?" I asked the nurse again. "
He gave Mr. Way-"
"Mikey," "
Mr. Way-" "
Mr. Way is my dad, I am Mikey Way," he corrected, evidently not giving up til she used his name right.
She sighed," Mikey has two broken ribs, one fractured, and one punctured lung. Miss Sardine," she stopped as Mikey eyed her.
"Eve, has a fracture jaw and left cheek, and massive bruising. Now if you two are done, I need you to stay in your bed," She said, taking your arm. I flinched, and looked at it. there was a dark red bruise and something poking out.
"How'd they miss this?" Mikey asked.
"Mr. W- Mikey, this is recent. This just occured, going by my schooling, at the most 20 minutes ago." she said, pulling me back to the bed and went to get the doctor. I heard Mikey grunting and looked over to see him trying to sit up and pull himself over.
"mikey stop your going to hurt yourself even more." I scolded, but he just shook his head at me.
"The guy next to me smells like death and hospital." he whispered, and I laughed. I got up and helped pull him over and jumped into the stretcher just as the doctor came in.
"So, miss Sandrine, you seem to have a broken arm now?" he said, pulling on some latex gloves. I held it at him, and he poked the bruise. I inhaled sharply, and he set it in place, then wrapped a layer of cotton bandages and set a cast for it. The whole boring procedure put Mikey to sleep, as he was snoring loudly when the cast was ready to start drying. I laid back and drifted away, only feeling his hand slip in mine before finally drifting to sleep.
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