Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating ((Faster)) [[Faster]]

Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating ((Faster)) [[Faster]] **Part 26**

by panicatthediscoxchik 0 reviews

no summary =P

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-09 - Updated: 2007-03-10 - 845 words


When I got home I found a note on the counter. It read:

Hi Sweetie,

I went to work. I'll be home really early, and I will tell you why later. Sorry I didn't get to talk to you last night. I was out. See you in the late afternoon.


Well that's no surprise. She still doesn't stay home at night. I decided to take a hot shower and get some rest. As I layed in my old bedroom, I stared at the ceiling. This place has so many memories of me and Bren. All useless memories now I guess. So much for forever. I looked at my ring I still wore, but on my right hand instead of my left. I could feel tears trying to emerge, but I fought them off, turned the other way, and fell asleep. But was tormented by nightmares all throught my sleep. Nightmares of Brendon, how we would always be together. So much for love. Love sucks.. ='(


I awoke the morning after the club performance with a blistering headache. Ugh. I must have gotten really drunk. Kait and Bekka were there when we performed. Being back at that club brought back so many memories. Memories that made me regret being so mean to Brina on the phone yesterday. What the hell was I thinking?! I love her to death, I did and still do, and yet I probably tore her heart out. But hey, she did that to me too. Maybe her leaving was all my doing, but still she killed a part of me with that letter. Kair and Bekka were acting weird last night. They wouldn't let me go to the bar. They got the drinks I wanted, but wouldn't let me go the bar myself. I saw Jon with a girl last night. I didn't really see her face, but her body! Damn, is Jon lucky. Already his 2nd day back in Vegas, and he got a hott chick! Damn, he got game. I finally got enough energy to roll out of bed and take some aspirin. I took 3. I figured that'd be enough. PATD's gonna perform again tonight at the same club. Then after tonight we are DONE with performing for an entire year. Can you blame us for wanting a year of doing nothing? Our second CD came out and went platinum. So now w're on vacation. Mayve I should call Brina tonight and tell her to come to the club so I could talk to her. Yea, maybe. I'm just gonna sleep some more. My head kills!


"Damn." I said to the empy room after Reena left. That's all I could say. She was hott, and very experienced. XD But damn.
I hope that peach and lime daquiri didn't get her drunk last night. Part of me think she got drunk; because of the headache. Or maybe the headache is from stressing over her loser boyfriend. I'm guessing she's over him, since we did that last night. I don't think she knew I was in one of the most hottest bands. She didn't know who I was in the bar. I like her not knowing I'm practically filthy rich; at the moment. It's better than her being a crazed fan, spending every waking moment daydreaming about me. (=D) I hope she likes the guys. (haha. what he doesn't know wont kill him XD)
I entered her cell phone number into my cellphone's phone book, It was only 1:10 pm, so I'm going back to bed. I'm lazy, and I don't have anything in the world to do; except sleep. God! I can't believe I hooked up with Reena. She is just so perfect.


"I can't take it anymore." I shouted as I buried my head underneath a pillow.
"Everywhere I turn, there's something to remind me of him." I screamed at my bedspread.

I hate this. My bed, my books, my pictures, even my mirror reminded me of him. If you're wondering why my mirror, he wrote in red sharpie:

My Lovely Sabrina (Brina),


Love, Brendon XOX

He was such a sweetheart. Why did I leave? Oh yea, I wanted more in life. I had a lot more than what I have now, before I left. I'm so stupid. I left the only person who ever cared for me. And he wanted to marry me and be with me for the rest of his life. What did I do? My conscience always responded. I hated that stupid voice. 'I know what you did. You weren't thinking straight. You thought you'd come back home and he'd want you in his arms the second you got back. But no, he's over you. haha.'
"I hate you voice!" I said to the empty room, trying to direct it to my conscience.
My cell rang, which was across the room. I sprawled out of my bed quickly to answer the phone. I thought it would have been Brendon, but I was wrong. =(
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