Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and The Fury of The Blacks

Aftermath Part 2

by tigra19 0 reviews

shocking realization

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-15 - Updated: 2007-03-15 - 389 words

Speech "blah"
Thoughts blah

Harry Potter and The Fury of the Blacks

The Aftermath Part Two

Riddle Manor.....

A woman could be seen tossing and turning in her bed clutching at the sheets and sweating. Then with a silent scream she bolted upright in her bed clutching he chest looking around her room with gaunt tear filled violet eyes. The woman was Bellatrix Lestrange and she had just come to a rather disturbing realization.

Bellatrix got out of her bed and began pacing her room. Ever since Potter hit me with that Cruitacious I haven't been getting any sleep. It is almost as if a dam has been broken in my mind. She paused in her pacing and went to the window.

Every night since then I have been having these odd dreams. I thought that I was just imagining it after all spending 15 years in Azkaban will do that to you. I know I'm not imagining it; it was too real, too intense for me to.

Therefore someone had my memories repressed. The only people or person with the means or the power to do that is death eaters or Voldemort himself. Since I now know these are my memories that mean ...........Harry bloody Potter is my son. Aint that a bitch.

Bellatrix began to pace her room again her mind furiously thinking over her recent discovery. What the hell am I going to do? Potter no Harry is on the Dark Lords must kill list. I mean I did kill Sirius, even though it wasn't on purpose, really now how was I suppose to know what that stupid veil thingy was.

I can't let him kill my son and Harry isn't likely to believe me but I have to do something. Think Bella think you have to find a way to contact Harry without the Dark lord or Dumbledork finding out.

Bellatrix went to her desk and took out a piece of parchment and began to write. Six drafts and a final copy later Bellatrix hid the final and burned the drafts. She then went to bed as the sun came up with a smile on her lips and for the first time since she was freed she had a peaceful nights rest dreaming of the Dark Lords down fall at the hands of her baby boy.
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