Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Military Gee

Welcome Home Gerard!

by GreenDayNinja 2 reviews

Gerard comes home 6 years later and finally gets to see Rachel once again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2007-03-20 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 513 words

Rachel thought at that moment her life was perfect. All she could think of was what they were going to do first. Gerard finally let go of her, he was crying slightly, trying to hold it in like a man. Everyone knew he was a very strong man, they were so proud of him.

They sat in the dinning room, asking Gerard many questions about the war. But he refused to answer them because he didn't want to re-live all those horrible moments. "Its good to be home." said Gerard interupting the silence. Rachel and Helena cooked a big dinner that night.

They were having desert when Helena noticed in Gerard's eyes that he was tired. Helena just said "Gerard, how 'bout you go ahead to bed." "Ok hun, Good night Rachel I will see you tomorrow, ok?" "Ok night Dad I love you" said Rachel. Gerard hugged her and walked upstairs to him and Helena's room. Rachel went in her room and layed in bed thinking. Thinking about what would happen to her life since her dad was back in it. She just couldn't get over how happy she was to see her father again. Her life would be foerever different now.

The next day Helena was fixing a breakfast of Gerard's favorites: eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice. Rachel woke up and ran downstairs as she smelt what was cooking. "Hey! You fixed my favorite!" she said grabbing a plate and filling it full. "What a coincidence, Rachel. Thats mine too." Gerard said walking in the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"So did everyone get a nice rest last night?" he asked. Helena nodded and smiled. There was alot of smiling at the dinner table that morning.

That morning Gerard was a different person. They could tell because he wasn't just sitting around not saying any thing. He was very happy and talking up a storm. And well, they didn't really know what he was talking about but who would...he was just so happy and didn't know what to say. Then finally he something they knew. "Hey Rachel, when I was away mom said you learned to ride a skateboard." said Gerard. "Yup, it was hard but i learned" she said. "Well...How about later today just me and you go to the new skate park you told me about?" said Gerard waiting for the response. "Really dad! When can we go? Can we go now?!" she said with an astonished look. Gerard thought for a minute with a confused look, but finally said "How about after lunch? Will that be ok?". He look at Rachel then at Helena. Helena nodded and said "Sure, as long as you wear your helmet and pads.". "Yeah, I'll make sure of that." Gerard said in a fatherly voice.

After their lunch of pizza, Rachel ran to Gerard and said "Can we go now?!" "Get ready." he said. She ran up stairs ro get her skateboard, helmet, pads, and coat. She ran out the door and got in the car where her dad was waiting.
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