Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You

The Man

by mcr_lover103 1 review

Roxanne approaches the dark figure to find out who he is

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-20 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 296 words

Roxanne was finally only three feet away from him. She stood there, hoping he would look up. He did, only giving the universal-man-'hello' - slightly nodding his head at her. It was him!! Roxanne really couldn't believe it. The man she decided was to be her future husband was right there! Now as these thoughts flashed in her mind, she suddenly realized something. She should say something to him. Just as Roxanne thought of this, he jumped up, seemingly thinking maybe he was scaring her.

"Oh sorry", he said quickly, struggling up to his feet and tossing the cigarette to the ground.

She couldn't let him - Gerard - just leave. She knew she had to do something.

" weren't botherin me or anything.." she called to him as he walked away, looking in every direction. It was hard to be gorgeous.

It was at this moment that it felt like a second was a year. Roxanne stood there, waiting to see if he would stay. If she could just talk to him for a few minutes! He would surely fall in love with her.


He turned to look at her, - she didn't look like any photographers - just a teenager. She did have beautiful eyes though.

"Thanks," he said, giving a half smile and settling back down on the ground, "finding a new place to sit would of been a fuckin bitch".

"No problem," Roxanne managed to say.

"Who are you?"he said after lighting another cigarette and taking a smoke.

"Roxanne,"she said. ACT COOL!!

"Awesome, I'm ----- "

"Gerard, I know. My friends obsessed with Frank. She planning to marry him or any future son of his"

Gerard smiled at this, and tapped the cold floor next to him, prompting Roxanne to sink down next to him.
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