Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You

Phone Call

by mcr_lover103 1 review

Roxanne and Gerard have a chat on the phone after three weeks of not seeing each other

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-22 - Updated: 2007-03-22 - 377 words

Roxanne was surprised to hear Gerard's voice on the other end. She felt happy again. She gave a sniff at Gerard's hoodie she was wearing like always. It smelt like him. Never the less, she sat up and found her happiness to talk to him.

"Uhhh...hey Roxanne", Gerard managed to get out.

The one thing Roxanne had noticed was what they called each other. The other guys all called her Roxxi, but Gerard only called her by her full name. It worked the other way around too, with the guys always calling him Gee, but her calling him Gerard. It was funny how things like that popped up in your mind like that, she thought to herself.

"I didn't wake you up or anything did I?" he asked sincerely. She loved that about him.

"No, you know me. I go to sleep at 3am"

"Okay, good"

"How'd you get my number? I mean, its cool that you got it and it is nice"

"Oh, Frank gave it to me", he started,"He took it from your phone without telling anyone, not even me. He gave it to me a week ago"


"He said he wanted to give it to me....," she could here him say fuck under his breath, "how'd he put it? If I 'got all lonely and crap' "

"Thats sweet of him"

"Yea, so do you want to hang out soon?"

"Uhhh...sure. When?"

"Well I know you get off for a week for easter....", Gerard said, his voice beginning to trail off.

Roxanne could softly hear Gerard argueing with someone who wasn't on the phone - Frank.

"Frank, get outta here", she heard him say.

"You talkin to her?" Frank asked Gerard. She could almost see the smile on his face begin to grow slowly.

"Yea", was all Gerard said before he returned to their conversation.

"Sure, I only have three more days of school then vacation starts. School ends Wednesday", she told him brightly.

"Awesome", was all he said.

"Where are you guys?" she asked. Roxanne forgot that they weren't in NY all the time.

"In the UK", he replied, "Get ready to face your fears of planes"


(Please comment. I like how its coming out and I want your opinions too)
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