Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You

Plane Ride

by mcr_lover103 1 review

Roxanne decides to brave the plane so she can see Gerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-22 - Updated: 2007-03-23 - 394 words

Roxanne was a bit shocked to hear what Gerard wanted her to do. She was scared of planes, but really she was afraid of crashing. Gerard must have remembered her mentioning that.

"Gerard, I don't know", Roxanne said.

"Come on, do it for me", Gerard playfully pleaded.

"Well, when you put it that way..", Roxanne answered, not sure if she was playing along or really accepted it as a reason.

"Good, I'll set everything up", he said happily, "I'll call you Wednesday".

"Okay, bye"

"Okay, see you"

Roxanne could swear that she heard Gerard slightly whisper 'love you'. She wasn't sure though. Roxanne really couldn't wait until Wednesday. She would be back with her family!


Roxanne soon became a happier person. Mostly everyone could see this, even though they still didn't know why she wore the guitar pick necklace and the black hoodie. She told her mother she wouldn't even be in the country for easter but her mother just gave a smile. She never believed her.

In the late Tuesday afternoon Gerard called Roxanne, telling her to go to her local airport. Everything was set up. He also told her not to bring anything more than she brought last time. She had brought about nothing then. So Roxanne headed down the stairs, told her mother she would be gone until school started a week or so later, and her mother only told her to say hi to her friends, Lena and Mary, for her.

Roxanne smiled at that thought. While her mom thought she was still in Brooklyn she would be in the UK. With Gerard. She found her way to the airport and got on her flight. While sitting in her seat, the stewardess came up to her and handed her a hand written letter that she was asked to deliever. It was from Gerard. Roxanne read over the little note from Gerard. It said simply:
Hey Roxanne! I know you're scared of planes so I got something on the plane for you to help you feel more comfortable
- Gerard

She looked up from the letter wondering what it could be. It was then that she saw Gerard prance down the aisle and sit down next to her. Roxanne was completely amazed at this. How sweet!

"See", Gerard said to her with a smile, "I told you to do it for me"

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