Categories > Anime/Manga > Hellsing > Mirror Images

Lady Catherina

by SilverNocturne 1 review

TBHellsing fusion,vol8AU.Alucard's thoughts on Integral,the war,and his possible future.

Category: Hellsing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama - Characters: Alucard - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-03-23 - Updated: 2007-03-24 - 168 words

A/N-For those of you guys, who have read TB novel this chapter should be a pretty good tip to Alucard's identity in TB verse.

Disclaimer: See ch-1

Chapter 3 - Lady Catherina

She's the closest, that I have ever came to being with you. She is complimenting this shadow of my former self as you complimented me in my full glory.
Lady Catherina -bright gold locks to your almost silvery, milky white skin to your deep mocha color, deep blue to your intense bright eyes...
Even your histories are somewhat alike. Holding high positions from young years, surviving and flourishing in the world of men, where your very existence is looked down upon, ready to sacrifice everything for your beliefs, even your lives...
But it is not to be. I may have lost you, but she will be mine.

A/N-Well, that's all guys. Maybe sometime in the future, when I'm more confident in my English, I'll make an expanded version .Please tell me what you think of it ^___^!
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