Categories > Anime/Manga > Hellsing > Mirror Images

Wartime Memories

by SilverNocturne 0 reviews

TBHellsing fusion,vol8AU.Alucard's thoughts on Integral,the war,and his possible future.

Category: Hellsing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama - Characters: Alucard - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-03-23 - Updated: 2007-03-24 - 198 words

Disclaimer: See ch-1

Chapter 2 - Wartime Memories

The fire, the screams, your beloved country - a manifestation of hell itself. And you in the midst of it, laying in my bloodied arms - dying, your precious lifeblood leaving you. Dying for a country, that gave you nothing but misery ,ignoring me, deaf to my pleas of saving you, making you a vampire, a real no-life queen, blind to the tears of blood streaming down my face. Those damn seals, psychical manifestations of my slavery preventing me from disobeying and doing it without your consent.
Then your heart stopping...
Everything after that becomes a blur...hearing ,as if from a great distance my own screams of pain and anguish...feeling the seals crumble without a living Hellsing to hold them...power, pent up for centuries finding its freedom at last ...humans and vampires-Iscariot and millennium alike...their screams of pain and terror ...then-nothing absolute silence. no pain no anguish, no nothing. Only silence and numbness.
I remember that, although it was yesterday. Everything after that became least before I saw her.

A/N-Sorry for the delay, I'm almost done with ch3.I'll try to post it sometime in this week ^_^.
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