Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Romance Is A Very Strange Thing

Why should I care anymore?

by ThePatient 0 reviews

-is again refused-

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-03-31 - Updated: 2007-03-31 - 995 words

Gerard awoke from a deep sleep. He looked around and was shocked by what he saw. He was in his room but everything was a mess. Like someone had sneaked in and destroyed it.
All his papers were on the floor, glass bottles were broken on the floor, posters ripped off the wall, a picture that had been on the shelf was broken on the floor face down and he had been lying in a pool of blood.
He walked over and picked up the picture. It was of him and Abby when they had been in the park. She was laughing cause Mikey had just got attacked by swans and he was staring up at Abby when the picture was took.
He decided he wanted to ring Abby since she had left in such a rush. He picked up the phone then the events of last night hit him. The policemen coming, going to see the body, trying to drink away his pain, trying to destroy any memory then fallen on a broken bottle and gashing his arm on it.
"No!" He muttered. He couldn't come to terms with the fact she was gone. No, she wasn't gone. He would ring up and she would answer all annoyed he had rang her this time in the morning like usual.
He picked up his phone and dialed her number. An electronic voice came on, "This phone has been disconnected, please try another number." He hung up staring at the ground.
He fell to his knees and sobbed for her. For her beautiful body. For her pretty face and most of all for her caring and loving nature. He sobbed until there were no more tears to shed for the love of his teenage life.
There was too much emotion to let out. Anger at himself for not driving her home, sadness because she had gone, anger at her for leaving him on his own.
"YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME!" He screamed at the ceiling, "and now look at me..." He bent his head into his hands.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see a pale faced man standing above. His was so pale it looked like he had no blood running through his veins; his dark eyes were almost black but had a tint of emerald in them when the light caught them and his long brown hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, tied with a black velvet ribbon.
He was wearing a long velvet, black cloak that reached over his boots. His hand was resting on Gerard's shoulder in more of a strong grip than a comforting one.
"Who are you?" Gerard asked staring at him in awe.
He was amazing to look at. He was breath taking just by a first glance, the sort of person that would stand out even in a crowd of people that looked the same as him.
"My name, Loui Vanhellton. My purpose, to offer you a gift you can't refuse." He bent closer to Gerard's ear, whispering softly the last few words he said, "I'm going to offer you, the chance, i, never had." He took pauses every few words making Gerard want to know more about him. Making Gerard even more intrigued by the man.
"How did you get in here?" Gerard asked curiously. He had never heard the door open and even if it had he was facing the doorway and would have seen the man come in.
"Through the door, how else is it you enter a room?" Gerard shrugged the answer off. He must have just forgotten that he had seen the man enter.
"What off this chance you said you were here to offer?" Gerard was curious as to what it was. He was sure he could refuse it, it's not like he could bring Abby back. Abby. With that name Gerard dropped his head.
"I can't bring her back you're right." Gerard's head snapped up.
How did he know he had been thinking that? Unless he had spoke out loud without relising it. "But i can let you be with her again." Gerard gave him a puzzled look.
How would that be possible? He didn't understand. He stood up and locked eyes with the strange man. In a flash the man was back behind Gerard. He gripped onto Gerard's shoulders and pulled him to him.
He lowered his head so that his mouth was level with Gerard's neck, "She never died you know, she just went through the first few stages. Gerard was entrance by Loui's voice. It seemed to be whisper but yet it seemed to be powerful and magic.
"The first few stages?" He asked puzzled. Suddenly pain shot through him. He gasped and tried to fight the man off of him but could feel himself getting slowly weaker. The man was draining him. Draining him of blood.
Gerard gave one last weak ragged breath before he collapsed in the mans arms. He was still alive, but only just.
"You could become one of the undead, just like her. All this pain would stop and you could be together once again. All you have to do is say you want it." With that he dropped Gerard onto the ground. Gerard hit the ground harshly but hardly felt it. He had heard all of what Loui had said. He would do anything to stop the pain that was coursing through his body.
""He gasped out choking on blood at the same time. Loui smiled.
"Good." He picked Gerard back up and turned his head to the other side of his neck. "But fist i must rid you of your mortal life." He bit into the other side until Gerard's mortal life left his body forever.

A/N Hope you liked it! Sorry i haven't updated but i was at a mychem gig! The wembly show was fucking awesome!!
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