Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You


by mcr_lover103 0 reviews

Gerard and Roxanne see what happens when little trouble is stirred up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-02 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 434 words

Roxanne laid on Gerard's bed watching tv with Gerard. Today the band had nothing to do so Mikey, Ray, and Bob went out for awhile. Frank had stayed in his room, talking to Jamia. While in the middle of watching Queen of the Damned, Frank walked into the room. He had a small smile on his face.

"Jamia is coming up here tomorrow", Frank informed Gerard and Roxanne, "We have been talking but she says it will be better to talk in person"

"Thats great Frank", Roxanne replied. At least Frank was smiling again.

"But Frankie we have a concert tomorrow", Gerard now told him. Gerard hated having to miss any concerts. He said that it was one of his few obligations to his fans.

"Shit! I fuckin forgot", Frank announced, smile gone.

"I'll stick around and keep her company", Roxanne offered.

"Roxanne, you missed our other concerts, you have to come tomorrow", Gerard said to her. She wondered why he wanted her to go to the concert.

To Frank, Gerard said, "Why don't you tell her to change her flight for the day after tomorrow?"

"Yea, I'll go call her. She'll understand", Frank said, a small smile forming at the edge of his mouth. He left and shut the door, returning to his own room.

Roxanne looked at Gerard with a weird look.

"I could have stayed", Roxanne told Gerard.

"It's always better to stay out of other band member's relationships", Gerard replied.

"But its Frank"

"Even if it is Frank, if it was even Mikey I would say to not get caught up in it all"

"I can take care of myself", she informed him with a bit of attitude.

Roxanne instantly wished she could take those words back. Gerard had a hurt look on his face. She had upset him. Though part of her wondered how, Roxanne knew why. When Gerard had gone through the drugs-and-drinking part of his life, people had to watch over him. Roxanne knew that he only wanted to protect her, even if it wasn't for the same reasons.

If Gerard noticed the expression on Roxanne's face, he didn't show it. He quietly turned back to watching Queen of the Damned with the hot long, black haired vampire. Roxanne could see that he wasn't angry, just hurt, but it could be the same thing. Gerard was right. Even barely geting involved could mess you up.


(sorry guys about this chapter. just tryin to build up to when Jamia returns. lots of awesome violence will take place, thats all I will tell you ;) I will write more tomorrow )
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