Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You

Mikey's Advice

by mcr_lover103 0 reviews

Roxanne decides to talk with Gerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-04 - 443 words

The concert went on as usual, only with Frank being in a totally different world and Gerard looking spaced out. Roxanne couldn't even really enjoy the concert. When they returned home, she opted to hang out with Mikey, Bob, and Ray who didn't mind telling her stories from their tours. Gerard sat with them, still spaced out, and by what Roxanne could guess, fingering a cigarette inside his jacket. Frank would pop in every once in a while between phone calls. Between the laughs from most people of the group, Roxanne could see Mikey glance at Gerard. Mikey was protective of his older brother and he could see something was wrong. Nothing seemed right anymore.

While almost everyone had retreated to their rooms, Roxanne stuck around with Mikey to tell him what was with Gerard. She felt almost guilty about talking about this, but Mikey knew him best.

"Whats up with Gee?" Mikey asked her quietly as they stood in the kitchen.

Roxanne quickly told the story. She tried not to focus on the hurt in Gerard's eyes in her story, but it was hard. Mikey contemplated this info.

"Poor Gee. No wonder why he was upset", Mikey started, "I knew something was up because he has been happy since you have been here"

"Gerard has always been a bit like that, you know, protective", Mikey explained, "Its a plus and a weakness. Go talk to him. He just needs to know you care"

After everyone had gone off to sleep Roxanne walked to Gerard's room, where she knew he would still be up because she could hear the tv. Roxanne walked in to find Gerard watching Braveheart. He turned to look at her.

"Oh, hey Roxanne", he said to her.

Roxanne took a place on his bed next to Gerard. They turned to face each other.

"I'm sorry about before", Roxanne said softly, "You know about the whole me being able to take care of myself and stuff. I don't know why I said it really"

"I shouldn't have gotten upset", Gerard admitted.

"You were right though. I should stay out of their problems because it caused even this" Roxanne told him.

"Roxanne.........", he said in a certain tone. Did Roxanne detect a certain loving, sexy tone in his voice?

"If theres one thing I have learned, it is that you never say you were wrong. You can be sorry but not wrong" Gerard almost whispered into her ear and gave her a kiss.

Roxanne fell asleep after hours of just laying in Gerard's arms. She contemplated the arrival of Jamia, but brushed it away soon afterward. Right now it didn't matter.

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