Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > All That I've Got

Can You Hear The Wedding Bells?

by ForNeverYours 0 reviews

With only one more week until the wedding will Alex keep her cool or fall apart?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-04 - Updated: 2007-04-04 - 1050 words

It was just a week before the Big Day. Most of the time was reserved in dress fitting to make sure that the dress did fit. I sighed and cocked my head at the reflection looking back at me. I still couldn't believe that I was going to be Mrs. Patrick stump in a week.
"Hey." Sabrina said dropping her bag on the floor and glancing at her dress. "Just one week."
"Yeah." I pulled in a deep breath and felt the thick corset top dig in slightly on my ribs. "Almost too long of a wait."
"You've made it this long." She said taking out a bag of chips and cracked them open. "Want one?"
"No, if I eat anything the corset's gonna cut off circulation to my chest."
She laughed and happily munched on her chips while I stood there and wished I could be eating them with her. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and hoisted up the front of my dress and stomped over to her.
"Gimme those." I grumbled stuffing a few chips in my mouth.
Just then Pete walked in and smirked.
"Whatever you're about to say hold it in Wentz." I said through a mouthful of chips.
"I was gonna say, Alex you know the real mouthful doesn't happen till the honeymoon."
I swallowed hard and frowned at him. I really didn't want to hear his perverted comments right now. Not when my nerves were shot and I didn't want one comment throwing me off for the rest of the week.
"Choke on a razorblade." I said before turning and glancing at the mirror. "I told you I didn't want your shit eating comments and what do you do, you say them anyway."
"Sorry, I know you're not on the best frame of mind right now." He mumbled kicking at an invisible piece of dirt on the floor.
"That's better, now help me get out of this before you go off and continue with your date with my therapist."
He helped undo the ties in the back of the dress then turned and left.
"Bye, Wentz." I called once the door shut. "What's up with him?"
Sabrina glanced up from her laptop and sighed in the 'you're so stupid for not noticing this' way.
"His best friend, who he's almost five years his senior is getting married in a week and he hasn't even found the 'right' girl yet." She said playing with the ring on her finger.
I looked down at the dress that hung weirdly on my frame and slid it down. She was right, if I was almost thirty and didn't even have a serious person to love in my life I probably would be upset too.
"Well, what about Kaela." I bit my lip and put the dress back on the mannequin before finding my jeans thrown over the back of a chair. "They seem to be going good so far."
"But he probably feels like a creepy old man, you do know she's our age, right?"
"No, that is kinda gross." I counted in my head. "Let's see, we're twenty-two."
"Yes...." She closed her laptop and stood up and went over to her dress. "You're getting warmer."
"Shut up." I shook my head and blinked away the thoughts that clouded my thinking. "That means he's twenty-seven."
"Mhm." She nodded before getting buried in black and red fabric. "You're on the right track."
"That means he's five years older than us."
"And she wins this fabulous prize!" She shouted raising her arms up jokingly and smirking. "Took you long enough."
I rolled my eyes and picked up my messenger bag and my coat. I turned back to her and smiled.
"I'm gonna jet, can you handle closing up?" I asked fishing out my car keys.
"You know it." She said glancing at herself in the mirror before unzipping the dress and putting it back on the mannequin. "If you see Joe-."
"I know, if you see Joe tell him you want to talk to him." I nodded pulling the door shut behind me and walking down the long hallway to the front entryway.
Joe was standing next to the front desk, chatting it up with the guy behind the counter. When he saw me he nodded to the guy and smiled at me.
"Have you seen Sabrina?" He glanced at his watch and reached into his hoodie pocket to play with any random object that sat in the black hole that if Joseph Mark Trohman's hoodie pocket.
"Yeah, she's looking for you and she's naked." I smirked and glanced at him pull something out of his hoodie pocket; a tiny velvet box. "Joe?"
"Do you think she'll like this?" He asked opening it to reveal a decent sized gleaming diamond ring.
"Joe, is this a...." I gawked at it for a few seconds and shook away the shock.
"Do you think she'll like it?" He asked eagerly.
"Are you gonna propose to her?" I asked happily.
He nodded and quickly pocket the ring box. I pulled in a long breath and smiled at him.
"When?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"At the reception." He said glancing over his shoulder at Sabrina who was walking down the hallway. "Don't tell anyone."
I nodded and smiled as she came up and hugged him tightly. For some reason I felt so much older and more mature then them. I felt like I had been through so much more things and that they were just dipping their feet into life.
Sighing I turned and left for my beloved car. I grabbed some randomly placed CD from the console and glanced at it before starting the car; all it said across the front was 'love is eternal'. I smiled and put it in the stereo. The beginning notes to Bobby and Bonnie filled my car and gave me a more peaceful soundtrack to drive home in.
Once home I dropped my bag on the floor of my room and flopped down on the bed, pulling an old ripped apart stuffed animal up to my chest and closing my eyes. Patrick came in and lied down beside me.
"One more week." He whispered kissing my neck.
"Yeah." I forced a smiled. "One more week."
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