Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ...::Fused, Fuled, And Ready To Crash::...


by MCR_SavedMyLifeX 2 reviews

i kinda cant figure out a, uh...just read, i guess...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-05 - Updated: 2007-04-06 - 823 words

HARLEY'S POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

i was having a bit of a hard time processing this.

Gerard was the first to come with Dani racing by his side, trying to catch up.

'did they tell you what happened to him?' Danica asked.

'yeah' i said.

'well, what did they say?' Gerard demanded.

'i don't....really......know'

'WHAT?' he asked.

'sweetie, don't get mad at her...she's just in a little shock' Danica rubbed his back.

'sorry. just a little worked up' he went up to a doctor. by now, the rest of the guys and the girls were here. we were all rockers, dressed in black, stuck in the lobby. i looked around to see sickly people helpless. our outfits were not making them feel any more comfortable than they are now.

he came back. 'he's like, in a mini-coma thing. they said he's wake up within the next few days or so. the injuries don't look too bad, but they won't know the full extent until he's woken up. some casting would do him justice'

'wait, what?' Bob asked.

'dumbass' Amsley said, trying to enlighten the mood. Bob was never the fastest to react.

'Mikey's just really deep in thought about how Griffen hurt him' i said, seeing if he'd respond.


i laughed.

'just one problem' Frank said. 'our gig is in like twenty minutes and now we don't have a bassist'

'damnit' Natalie said. 'if only Wendy wasn't with her parents, helping them get settled in their new home'

'we don't know any bassist who can play short notice' Ray said.

'well, there's one other option' Karma said.

'what is it?' Gerard pleaded.

i shyly raised my hand.

'you?' he said. 'you can play bass?'

'learned it in college. now, do you want me to play or not?' i asked.

'do you know all our songs?' Bob asked.

'like hell yeah she does' Lauren said.

'i brought Mikey's bass. i thought he'd be okay. how dumb am i?' Frank said.

'whatever' Gerard said finally. we'll quiz you on the way there. let's just go'

'quiz me? i feel like a teenager again' i said, smiling.

the car ride was filled with me playing bass and a chorus of 'Give 'Em Hell, Kid' and 'play Cemetary Drive' or 'how about 'Demolition Lovers' i could play them all.


i changed into some better clothes and did up my eyeliner. the girls messed my hair to perfection.

'wow' Frank said, clearly joking. 'you'

'shut up, Freak. you've got a girlfriend' i snapped back, in Natalie's defense.

'it's Frank' he joked back.

'close enough'

Gerard went onstage first.

'thank you for being here in advance. and i'm only saying this because your ears are gonna hurt so friggin much that you're gonna have to leave'

the fans started cheering again.

'where's your ear-in?' Ray nudged me.

'i don't use 'em' i said, focusing on the concert again.

'why the hell?'

'i don't like them. they're stupid in a way of using them because you can't feel the music. and they give me headaches' i said. 'now shut up'

he shrugged.

'and i'd like to say one more thing' Gerard screamed to the crowd. 'before we begin, i'd like to introduce Harley Monsetti'

the crowd cheered, despite not knowing who i was.

'see, Mikey has gotten so damn hurt he can't play. so our dear friend Harley stepped in'

a little more cheering built up.

'you ready?' Bob asked.

'she was born ready' Amsley said.

Gerard kept talking. 'so let's all give a warm, brutal welcome to HARLEY!'

Frank pushed me out. the rest of them followed.

Gerard smirked at the crowd. 'didn't expect a girl, now didja? haha!'

the crowd warmed up to me quite well.


that concert was one of the most thrilling things i've ever experienced. i almost forgot about Mikes. almost.

we met the crowd of fans out back. 'brace yourselves' Gerard said.

i saw some people poke me in the back.

'hey!' a girl said. 'you were amazing. so much energy' i smiled and signed her paper. i started singing to myself Today by the Smashing Pumpkins.

'wow' she said. 'you're really good'

'thanks. i'm surprised you can hear me over the bustle of people' i said, kissing her on the cheek.

'can you sign this water bottle?' i young guy said. sixteen, maybe.

'uh, that's an unusual request, but, sure, what the hell' i started signing it.

'it's the water bottle you chucked at the crowd in the middle of the concert. scary how it got so far'

i smiled and finished signing it.


i collapsed back at home. i was now living with Mikey. damn. he wasn't here. he was still unconcious.

but i guess he would've been proud. i's not every day your girlfriend steps in for you at a concert.

so tired....
rate and review!!!! i need it!

rock it and twist on,
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