Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Time of Deciding


by sheepo39 5 reviews

What happens when a character falls in love with another character and someone dies. Can't really think of what to write for the summart

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Horror - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-04-06 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 137 words

List of awesome shows.

Delilah and Julius, Seinfeld, Macgyver, A-Team, Spongebob, Ali G show, Family Guy, Deal or No Deal, Who Wants to be a Millionaire

List of Awesome Movies Air Force One, Anchorman, Blades of Glory, Borat, Moonraker, You Only Live Twice, Goldfinger, the Man With the Golden Gun, Spongebob Movie, Kindergarten Cop, Terminator 1, 2 and 3, Junior, The Breakfeast Club.

List of Awesome programming Languages Apple Script, Microsoft Visual Basic, QBASIC, Perl, PHP, ASP, Python, Java, Ruby Javascript, Basic, ActionScript, C++, C#, J++, J#.

Most of those programming languages are used for creating programs except for Actionscript which is used for making games.

List of terrible shows Class of the Titans

Class of the Titans is the worst show ever. The only people who watch are tweens and prostitots who are in lvoe with the shows characters
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