Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ::We Can Take It To The Highway::Mikey Way::


by magstamonkii 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 1240 words

We pulled up in front of the theater, and got our tickets 5 minutes later.
"Drinks are on me," said Frank, pulling out his wallet. And thanks to a little kid just below Madison's view, their drinks were on him. He went in the bathroom and emerged about ten minutes later, his shirt still dripping wet. She bought the drinks, and after looking out for any more kids, we walked into the theater. We chose a row about 2 down from the very back, in the middle.
"So Madison, how'd you meet my dear non-related brother, Frankie?" I asked, Mikey's hand trying to rest across my shoulders, but i pulled it off without looking away from her.
"Well, I was down at the music store looking for anything remotely good, and I ran into him, kinda like the whole incident out in the lobby. Well, we got around to talking, and he was really cool, so we exchanged numbers and that was three days ago," she said.
"ah, very neat. Well, Frankie's cool, I'll let you talk with him now. Mikey I said NO," I turned to him, taking his arm off my shoulders for the fourth time.
"Dude, that wasn't me!" he shouted in defense, and I saw a flash of black hair behind me.
"Frank you evil con artist!" I said, slapping his head as he jumped back into his seat.
"What, it worked well enough." he said, his hand resting on madison's for a moment, before the both flushed and moved. Mikey pouted in his seat, pretending to ignore me, until I wrapped his arms round my shoulders and kissed his cheek. then he birghtened up, and the lights dimmed, starting the movie.
"Ha, dude, that was fucking great!" Madison said, now holding Frankie's hand.
"You smell like penuts," I said to Mikey, who had his arm around my waist.
"yeah well you smell like, old people!" he said back, and we laughed.
"Who's up for food?" Frankie asked. we all nodded, hopped into his car, and fought over wehre to eat.
"Dude, no more pizza, please!" i begged, and we passed Sbarro's for the third time.
"Ok, how bout Chevy's?" Mikey said, and we all agreed.
"East coast mexican food, nothin better," I said, stabing my fork into the enchiladas in front of me. Our conversations mainly stuck within the couples until Mikey missed his plate ans got hisfor stuck in the table.
"How'd you do that?" Frank asked, and Mikey shrugged.
"So, Eve, how did you meet these two lovely kids?" Madison asked, Mikey and Frank taking restroom breaks.
"Well, Frankie's parents lived next door to me for a few years when I was about 1 year old, then he moved a few streets down when i was 5 and he was 2, and I met Mikey's brother Gerard who was also 6 and Mikey was 3. And despite the age differences, we were best friends. our own little group. When Gerard and I were in 5th grade,we took it apon ourselves to fill up a whole notebook for each grade, and give it to Mikey and Frank for when they got to that grade, becuase life's rough in those grades if you don't know the right stuff. We actually handed over our notebook on senior year to Mikey a couple days ago." I said, and she loooked interested.
"That's cool, I wish my brother would've done that for me." she smiled, and the boys finally came back.
"Shall we?" Frank asked, and we all stood.

With Frank driving and Madison in the passenger seat, Mikey and I cuddled in the back, not only becuase we had a good night, but becuase Frank kept his car at 28 degrees no matter what. We pulled up in front of Franks house, and gratefully got out into the much warmer summer night air. Mikey and I camped out on the sidewalk, facing separate directions with our heas next to each other.
"Eve?" he asked quietly, while frank and madison were doing god knows what inside.
"Yeah Sunset?" I joked.
"Why do you love me? Why do you love me? Why do you love me, its driving me crazy," he said, and I laughed
"Your such a nerd," I said, facing him.
"Well, I didn't just say the opening to a Thrice song," he retorted.
"Mikey?" I asked, finally turning to look back up at the rooftops reaching up for the stars.
"Yeah Eve?" he said, I could still feel his eyes on my face.
"What happened in the shower the other day, I feel kinda bad about it." I said, not looking at him.
"What do you mean?" His voice carried a tone of dissapointment.
"Its just, your 17. I don't want to mess up your life with something like that. What if we had done it, and i got pregnant? You now I couldn't get an abortion, I'd regret it my whole life. That's what I feel bad about," I said somewhat hurriedly, and finally looked back at him. Mikey's eyes were set intently on mine, taking in my face like I was taking his in. I could tell he was at a loss for words, because he knew I was right. Him being 17 with a kid? Akward.
"But you wouldn't have regretted it if we did, right?" he asked after a while. and I nodded.
"I wouldn't have either," he said. "even if you did get pregnant." I looked back at him.
"And what do you-"
"Well, think about it. If you did get, you know, yesterday, we'd have it in May, and I'd be 18 and you'd just have turned 20. I'd graduate in 2 months, I don't think our band would really go anywhere, and don't you say otherwise," he added as my mouth opened. I shut it quickly.
"Gerard would help out, and I'm sure the other guys would too. We'd be off just fine." I looked at him, realizing everything he just said was true. He took advantage of my silence to lean in and kiss me. Gently, but quite akwardly, he slipped his tongue between my lips.
"Ew, brake it up Spiderman!" shouted Frank from the kitchen window. I flipped him off, sitting up and facing Mikey. We eventually moved into the street, where Mikey leaned against a rather high portion of the curb, and i sat between his legs, our arms folded in my lap. He kissed my neck, holding my hands down, both of us knowing that Frankie would catch on if I moved. His lips lightly touched my shoulder, and he kissed my cheek before resting his chin.
"I love you eve." he said simply. I nodded.
"I love you too, Mikey. Til those evil sockets do you in," I joked, and he bit my neck.
"You know what, if Gerard hadn't taken so damn long in the shower, i wouldn't have needed to take the heater up there." Just then Frankie burst out of the front door.
"You bitches so forgot about my movie!" he shouted at us, and we got up, hands still entwined.
"What are you shouting about?" I asked.
"You fuckin promised me Rocky Horror and the Time Warp. I'm out here to collect," he said, crossing his arms over his chest, Madison appearing behind him, unsure of what to do.
"Fine, Mikey will go get it just for you, or mighty Frank of the Curb!" I said, bowing to him then walking inside.
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