Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Original Heroes

Who Let the Dogs Out?

by DJessie 0 reviews

THANK YOU GreenNoseRing for letting me put this up here. I just love this stor so much I HAD to put it up here!! Thanks again! Based on the original characters for COTT.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 1740 words

"Just wait one minute, guys," Herry told his friends. "I need to pull over for a sec."

The team was supposed to be going into the woods to look for Cerberus. But obviously, Herry had other ideas. They had pulled up at the New Olympia animal shelter.

"Um, dude," Neil said, "If anyone DID find Cerberus, I think they'd have to spend their time running in fear then to turn him into the shelter."

"I'm just seeing if Pepe's here," Herry said, "We'll be in and out, I promise."

The others were hesitant, but Herry finally convinced them to go in.


"I don't see him anywhere, Herry," Atlanta said as they strolled along various cages.

They had been looking for ten minutes, and Pepe was nowhere to be found.

"Fine," Herry sighed, walking towards the exit.

As the seven friends walked out the door into the office, they noticed a balding man with a protruding beer belly wheeling in a cage carrying... Pepe!

"Hey, that's my dog!" Herry said to the man, running up to him.

"I'm sorry, son," the man told him, "This dog has been viewed attacking several people. I'm afraid you can't take him."

"What?" Herry asked with disbelief. Pepe was a sweet, affectionate dog who would never hurt a fly.

Herry looked into the cage and saw Pepe balled up in a corner. The dog's eyes were angry and his teeth were bared.

"Pepe?" Herry whispered.

Pepe jumped up and immediately began barking loudly at his master. The man shot Herry a look of apology and wheeled Pepe into a room marked, "DANGEROUS ANIMALS"

"They can't do this!" Herry exclaimed, "They can't put Pepe down! It's unfair! We have to save him!"

"But, how?" Trent asked.

"Yeah, they aren't exactly going to let us waltz in and take him," Odie complained.

Atlanta looked over at the door and noticed that the man had left the room holding Pepe. Now the only people in the shelter were her, her friends, and a teenage boy with bad acne and a high collared shirt sitting behind a desk and wearing an apron.

"Hmmmm," she muttered.

Suddenly, Atlanta hatched a plan. She took off her white sweatshirt, revealing an emerald green tank top, slid her dark wash jeans down so they rested just above her hips, and loosened her hair out of its ponytail and let it fall freely down her upper back. She then took a pink gloss out of her pocket and slid it across her lips.

"Watch the master at work, boys," she smiled, sliding up to the pimple-faced teenage boy.

"Hi," she greeted flirtatiously, plopping herself up onto the desk.

"H-hi," the boy stuttered.

"Hey... I've lost my dog, and I'm so worried," Atlanta told the boy, "Has someone turned in a puppy that's half Mastiff, half Chihuahua?"

"What the hell?" Archie muttered, "That's impossible!"

"That's brilliant," Jay chuckled.

"Um, I don't think so," the boy said, flustered.

"Oh, okay," Atlanta said, flustered, "I just thought..." She made her chin tremble, and wiped a lone tear from her cheek.

"I'm sorry," she cried, "I'm just so worried about my!"

"It's alright," the boy told her, "I'm sure you'll find him!"

"You're so sweet, thank you!" Atlanta exclaimed, throwing her arms around the boy's neck. She squeezed her left hand out and waved it to gesture to her friends to go and get Pepe.

Archie and Trent's faces were both bright red with anger and jealousy, but they slowly followed the other boys.


"Yikes! Why do I have to carry the crazy, rabid dog?" Odie asked, as he lifted the cage with a yelping Pepe away from himself.

Archie, Jay, and Trent laughed and climbed into Herry's truck, dusting off their clothes. They had to crawl through the air shaft, but at least they had rescued Herry's dog!

"Where's Atlanta?" Herry asked, shoving the keys into the ignition.

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!" Atlanta shouted as she came bolting out of the building and dove into the trunk.

Atlanta's shouts had scared Herry to no end, so he immediately slid on his seatbelt and slammed on the gas.

"What? What is it?" Herry asked as Atlanta climbed into the back seat.

"That guy just asked me for my phone number," Atlanta shuddered.

Everyone laughed as Herry gave his friend a look of obvious non-amusement.


"This place is creepy!" Neil whimpered.

They had FINALLY arrived at the forest, but there was still no sign of Cerberus.

"Neil, I'm serious, if you don't shut up RIGHT NOW I will smack you over the head with my flashlight!" Atlanta barked.

Neil screamed and put his hands in front of his face. Atlanta and Archie both laughed and continued to walk down the trail with the rest of the group.

"Herry, I swear, I have to put this dog DOWN!" Odie complained. He was still carrying Pepe, because Herry didn't want to leave the dog alone in the truck.

"Okay. Five seconds," Herry groaned.

Odie happily set the dog cage on the ground and wiped his hands, which were covered in puppy drool, on his slacks. Pepe continued to howl and scurry around the kennel, finally managing to bust open the door. Seeing his freedom, the small dog instantly bounded out of his prison and down the forest path.

"Grab him!" Jay called. The seven instantly began to run after Pepe.


After at least ten minutes of running, the team reached a large clearing, where Pepe stood growling in the middle.

"It's alright, boy," Herry said softly, walking up to his dog, "It's me, Herry. Remember?"

Pepe snapped at Herry's hand and disappeared into the bushes. Herry followed after him. He didn't get very far before he let out a yell of surprise and a huge black Doberman with glowing red eyes jumped on top of him.

The others took their weapons out and ran towards their pinned friend.

"!" Archie grunted, kicking the creature away from Herry. But the dog just bounced back and leaped on top of Archie, sinking its teeth into his leg.

"Aaaaaaah!" Archie shouted, clutching his leg and kneeling to the ground. Atlanta and Odie quickly ran over to their fallen friend.

"Are you okay?" Atlanta asked, grabbing Archie's wrist.

"I'm fine," Archie muttered, "It just hurts like freaking hell."

"It didn't quite break the skin," Odie said, examining the wound, "But it still looks really painful. You should get it checked out, just to be safe"

Odie and Atlanta helped Archie up to realize that more angry dogs had appeared in the field, and the rest of their friends were trying their best to hold them off. Just when it seemed like the canines were losing, one the larger ones poked its head up and began howling loudly. The others, including Pepe, instantly followed suit.

"What are they doing?" Trent asked, still twirling his nun chucks around in a circle.

"I don't know," Jay told him, when all of a sudden; large running noises could be heard in the distance.

"Um... what's that?" Herry said nervously.

"Can't tell," Atlanta gulped, "But it's getting closer."

And sure enough, a large monster with three skulls for heads and gigantic fangs emerged from the trees.

"Well, we found Cerberus," Odie squeaked.

"Can we run now?" Neil asked. That question didn't need to be answered. The group quickly bolted through the foods, Odie and Atlanta still supporting a limping Archie.

They couldn't go the way they came, since that way would lead them directly into Cerberus's jaws, so they had to find another path and hope it lead to an escape quickly.

"Must...keep...running...." Neil panted. The blonde boy had never run this far in his life even if it was added up all together, let alone in two minutes!

"There's a fence up ahead!" Atlanta called. Then she realized what she had just said. "Oh shit! There's a fence up ahead!"

"Well, start climbing!" Herry shouted, "'Cause I'm not waiting around here to be turned into dog crap!"

After everyone was safely boosted over the fence, the group ran down the hill on the other side and stopped to catch their breath.

"I think we're going to have some trouble getting him back to the Underworld," Trent wheezed.


Back at the school, Jay and the others were breaking the news to Persephone.

"...And we don't know where he is now," Jay said, finishing his story.

"This is bad, this is very bad," Persephone murmured, waving her hand over a vase of wilted tulips. The effect made the flowers stick up immediately, restoring the life back into them.

"So what do we do?" Archie asked. He now had an Ace bandage wrapped around his hurt leg.

All of a sudden, Odie stood up and snapped his fingers.

"Orpheus!" he exclaimed.

"What?" the others asked, confused on who Orpheus was.

"He was a hero in ancient Greece," Odie explained, "He had a magical lyre that could calm even Cerberus into a deep slumber."

"Absolutely not," Persephone said angrily.

"What? Why?" Atlanta asked.

"Elysian Fields is no place for mortals," Persephone told them, "Even those who are as brave as yourselves. Hades wouldn't be happy at all."

"But, Persephone..." Trent began.

"I SAID NO!" Persephone screamed, transforming into her angry form.

"Okay," Trent squeaked.


"Well, this blows," Neil groaned, as the group stepped out of Persephone's solarium.

"Not necessarily," Archie grinned slyly.

"What do you mean?" Atlanta asked, knowing fully well a plan was hatching.

"Atlanta, you and Jay come with me," Archie instructed, "Herry, you take the others into the weapons room and find a way to keep Cerberus busy until we can find you, okay?"

"Okay..." Herry said, sounding a little reluctant.

"Good," Archie said, turning to Jay and Atlanta, "Come on guys. We're going Mission Impossible on the Underworld's ass."

"Oh my god," Atlanta groaned, cupping her head in her hands.
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