Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And if your heart stops beating...

Close encounters of a MCR kind

by blueside21 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-09 - Updated: 2007-04-09 - 1089 words

"Oh, I appreciate that" said Frank with a rather peculiar look upon his face.
"Okay well the PS2 is there and the games are in the cupboard over there" I said pointing to a rather old looking cupboard I bought for $10 at a garage sale. "Make yourself comfortable and I'll make dinner"

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, and alas it was empty! "Fuck" I thought aloud. I slipped on my vans and my wallet as there was a grocery store not so far away.
"I'll be back in a bit, ok?" it was as if I was talking to a brick wall. I walked out the door and pressed the button for the elevator. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Gerard standing behind me.

"Oh, hey Gerard" I said, quiet unenthusiastically.
"You don't mind me coming do you Aimz? I can call you Aimz right"
"It's ok, you can come if you really want to I'm only getting a few groceries." We got inside the elevator and I pressed the ground button. "and no one has called me Aimz since high school!"
"oh excellent it can be our thing" he said smiling

I'd been warned about musicians; well actually I'd dated several musicians in high school and they were sour relationships. Often ending after a drunken rage and getting a black eye for "hitting on some guy" or they wanted more and more money. That convinced me to never again date a musician. But there was something about Gerard, maybe it was his smile, or his ability to make me feel like important, or maybe it was the satisfaction of knowing he was sober and clean and he also had a steady flow of income.
We got out of the elevator and Gerard put on some sun glasses and we walked down the block in total silence. Several girls walked past and stopped as we walked past, one girl dropped her coffee. This caused Gerard to burst out laughing and he pulled out his wallet and gave her $10 to buy a new one. I stopped at an ATM to check my balance and to get some cash out.

Available Amount:

"Shit" I said accidentally aloud causing people to stare including Gerard.
"Something wrong?" he asked moving closer to the screen
"No, no. I'll be with you in a second."

~ 3 months later ~

It's been three months since our encounter with My Chemical Romance. Sarah, Geri and I haven't even gotten a phone call from them, I guess we where just another 'pit stop' on their way to stardom. It was New Years Eve and we decided to go celebrate up in New York. I however hadn't felt like celebrating, I had just moved back into my mum's basement as I couldn't pay rent. I had been fired from the hospital, Geri included, after pictures of us and the MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE boys appeared on the cover of the local newspaper as well as national papers. We where still in our work uniforms, so they saw it as some breach of conduct. Geri easily got work at her aunts successful restaurant, and Sarah was working at Starbucks.

"Cheer up Aimee, things can only get better." Said Sarah sympathetically.
"Yeh I guess your right" I said taking a sip of my hot coffee trying not to spill it on my MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE jumper.
"Oh my god!" I heard Geri scream.
"What!?" me and Sarah said in unison, Geri looked as though she had seen a ghost.
"It's... It's the guys from MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!" she said jumping up and down
"No it's not...oh shit it is!" shouted Sarah.

They where walking through the crowd towards the stage. We walked, well more shoved our way through the crowd towards them. I was trying to find Gerard, but I couldn't spot his platinum blonde hair. Geri ran over to Mikey went to pinch his bum, when a secerity guard came and grabbed her.
"Hey! I'm with them!" she said kicking, Mikey turned around and quickly glanced at her and said
"I don't know you...Geri?" He said and ran over and hugged her.
"You know this woman?" said the security man in a deep voice.

I spotted Gerard standing by the steps of the stage, he no longer sported his platinum hair, it was black again. But he did have a new blonde accessory hooked on his side.

"Are you alone? Is Aimee, and Sarah here?" I heard Mikey ask Geri. I walked over towards them
"Yeah I'm here and I believe Sarah and Frankie are already reunited.." I said and hugged Mikey.
"You should see Gee, he..."
"looks busy, best not tell him I was here."
"oh I was hoping you would watch us.." said Mikey with slight sad tone in his voice.
"Yeah, please stay Aimee" said Geri trying her best puppy dog face.
"Ok, you can stay, I have to get home anyways." I said. I hugged Geri and Mikey and headed o the nearest subway station.

~Gerard P.O.V~

I was chatting to a few fans by the stage stairs and Angela was at my side. She was nice and all but she got on my nerves a lot! I looked to find Mikey and I almost died of happiness. There was Aimee and Geri, what are the odds! I had wanted to chat to them again but the hospital told me they had been fired when I called, and silly me forgot to get a last name. I went to the apartment complex a few weeks later and the super there said they had moved. Mikey was the first to see me.
"Hey Gee! Look who's here!" he said pointing to Geri
"Hey Geri so long no see! Where's Aimee?" I said not noticing Angela beside me.
"Who's Aimee?" she asked
"Oh know one, go find a spot backstage ok?"
"Ok" she said and left. After she was out of sight Geri asked
"How'd you know she was here?"
"I saw her here! Now where is she?" I said getting a little frustrated.
"I think I know why, she must of saw you with Ang-whats-her-face and didn't want awkwardness" said Mikey
"Mikey you ain't making sense!"
"She went home." Said Geri calmly
"finely a straight answer, and where is home?" she looked a bit unsure whether to tell me, but she pulled up my sleeve and borrowed my pen and wrote down the address
"You didn't get it from me ok.."
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