Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Fourteen

by ryanrossISsove 12 reviews

You're secrets out. I know this hurts, it was ment to, pete. it was ment to.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-04-09 - Updated: 2007-04-09 - 1355 words

I started to walk faster, my heart racing a mile a minute, trying desperately to figure out where the sound was coming from, or if I was loosing my mind after all, then I heard it, this was the push over the edge.
"Matt! Stop it!" she screamed. It came from the house I was standing in front of, and I raced up to the door, and banged as hard as I could on it. I heard what I presumed to be Skellington scream "You stupid bitch! Who'd you call!" as I banged on the door. "No one, I swear!" Rachel whimpered from inside.

"Tell me now, or I'll kill you right here." he hissed. I ran at the door, and broke it down. Soon, I saw Matt standing over a cowering Rachel, his fists covered with blood, looking at me. Rachel's lip was bleeding, and she had a black eye. Her mouth was almost to the ground when she saw me, and her eyes wide.

"Did you touch her!?" I screamed, right in Matt's face.

"What's Petey Wentz gonna do about it? Challenge me to a dance off?" Skellington laughed.

I shoke my head, and punched that mother fucker so hard, I could hear her jaw break as he flew to the ground, and clutched his jaw, rolling around, whimpering. I rushed over to Rachel, who just looked up at me like I had two heads.

"Oh Rachel." I said, trying not to cry. She looked so weak, so skinny. She had cuts and bruises on her arms, and it hurt me to see her in such a terrible state.

"P..Pete. really you?" she whispered, before shutting her eyes, and nodding her head. I bent down, and picked her up, cradling her.

"Of course it is." I whispered.

When she didn't respond, I whipped out my sidekick, and dialed 911, explaining my situation.

Soon, they came with two ambluences, one for Skellington, who'd be arrested after, and one for me and Rach.

I sat in the back with her, and held her hand as we went to the hospital. She didn't once stir from the sleep she sunk into at the house. When we got to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room as commanded.

It all happened so fast, one minute she was here, happy, healthy, with us. We were friends, then she left, and we didn't have her, and I felt horrible. Now she's back, and she's worse then ever. I was sick to my stomach, thinking about her, about if she'd make it. About what that jackass Matt must have done to her, about what she must have done to herself. I paced the room, and soon, a doctor came out, and asked for a Mr. Wentz.

I walked over to him, and he shoke my hand.

"Rachel's doing just fine, we had to rid her system of the many drugs flowing through her stream, and she has a few cuts we treated, but other then that, shes fine, you can go see her now." he said. I nodded my head, and followed him to her room.

When we reached it, the doctor walked off at her door. I gulped, and opened it, sitting in a chair next to her bed.

She just stared at me, with her beautiful eyes, and a smile on her face, for about five minutes.

"Thank you Pete." she said.

"Your welcome." I said, beaming.

"Pete, how'd you find me?" she asked.

"I honestly, have no clue...I was walking, and I heard your screams." I told her. She nodded her head.

"Why...why'd you leave?" I asked, putting my head down.

She sighed.

"Pete, I have three things to tell you." she said.

I perked my head up.

"The first thing I have to tell you, is why I hated you in the first place." she said.

This was it, she was going to tell me her past, what I've yearned to know for so long, was finally going to be told.

"Pete, listen. This was old Rachel. She had an amazing fashion sense, ha, just like Rachel today. She played bass, and was absolutely obsessed with a band called fall out boy. They had this bassist called Pete Wentz, who old Rachel saw as her complete roll model. He played bass, she played bass, he wrote amazing lyrics, she wrote well, I dunno about amazing, but lyrics, and she wanted to follow his every foot step. She saw Pete as her only thing to turn to, as all of her friends started turning to drugs, and sex. Old Rachel didn't want to turn to them, so she looked to Pete and fall out boy for help. She told herself "If Pete can stay away from all the bad things in life, even if he has problems too, he must be a really strong person" and my life was good, because fall out boy made it. Then, everything came crashing down, too quick. Rachel had found out that Pete tried to kill himself. End his life. The person keeping old Rachel alive, tried to take his own life. It killed old Rachel. She had also found out that he deceived his best friend, Chris, and he had also taken bad pictures of himself. It all happened to quick for her, and she hated Pete, for letting her down. It let her know, that no one can be saved, that no one can swerve the bad things in life, so Rachel tore down the Pete posters, the fall out boy posters, and she followed her friends, and let a lot of people, like Shaant, and her parents down." she said.

I was speechless. It finally all came together...I let her down. I really let her down. This is what fans are talking about when they say "fall out boy saved me" fall out boy, no wait...I, killed her.

I just nodded my head, tears stinging my eyes.

"Now, the second thing, is why I fell in love with you." she said. My heart leaped. She...was in love with me? I couldn't help but smile, just a little bit.

"Lately, I, new Rachel, have met this Peter Wentz. At first, I hated him, like I have for a while. Then, I got to know Pete, on the inside. I thought that maybe he had a reason that he did what he did, that maybe I judged him to quickly. I learned that the real Pete Wentz had a heart of gold, and he really, actually did care about me. And I found myself in denial for the longest time, but eventually, I fell head over heals for him. I even started dating Matt, so I could keep my mind off him. Off you, and I couldn't." she said.

"I love you too, Rachel." I mumbled. My head down.

She put her head down, and wiped tears.

"And the third thing, why I can't be with you, at least not right now." she said.

My heart didn't break, it was interested to know, so I listened.

"It's all happening to fast, what you did to old Rachel made a huge gaping hole on my ego, and it's still being healed, being filled it. Not to mention what Matt did to me, just added on. I'm sorry Pete. I really do love you." she said.

"I'll wait." I said, looking behind me.

"You'll wait?" she said, seeming astounded.

"Of course. I love you." I told her.

"Oh, and by the way, when were you going to tell me you were friends with my Gabrielle?" I asked, smirking. She smiled

"You never asked. And, he's MY Gabrielle." She said, smiling.

"Typical Rachel." I said, shaking my head.

She smiled, and nodded, as she sat in her hospital bed. "Pete Wentz saved my life, literately." she said, almost to herself. This statement made me smile.

Okay, this is not the end, it's not even close to the end, I have some major drama coming up. Review. It'd be the right thing to do.
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