Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sweet Child Of Mine

Eternal Beauty

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 2 reviews

This is basically just a chapter all about Charlie and Emma's romance.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-11 - Updated: 2007-04-11 - 2026 words

"Shhh, it's okay, it's all over, Em," Charlie pecked her cheek lightly then rested his head on her's. "No worries, they're gone, hopefully for good."

Charlie looked behind him at Mikey and Alicia's apartment door. He could hear people talking, probably about the incident with Gerard and Emma's grandpa. Trying to get his, as well as Emma's, mind off of it, he looked up at the dark blue, starry night sky. There was a first quarter moon out that night, but it still shone as bright as a full one.

Emma sniffed then shifted her eyes to Charlie's. He was still looking up at the stars but she was sure he was aware that she was looking at him. His shaggy hair covered up one eye, she liked it when that happened it made her even more attracted to him for some weird reason. She reached both her hands to his neck and wrapped them tightly around him. He did the same around her waist and kissed her lips, making Emma feel like she was floating on a cloud. It was a short kiss though, but still it always had the same effect.

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Emma whispered.

Charlie looked away from the sky and down at her, "They always look beautiful." He said with the utmost sincerity.

They stared at each other for the longest time they ever had. He drowned in her bloodshot, hazel eyes and she took in every detail of his flawless face she never had the guts to look at before, when they were just friends. Slowly, Charlie raised his hand to Emma's face and he brushed the length of her face from her chin to the tip of her eye with his fingertips, so lightly it made her skin tingle with an electric flow throughout her body. Once at her eye, he let a finger slide through a strand of her hair and gently twirled it, staring into her eyes every moment.

"You know," he began. "You still look beautiful when you cry, but please don't do that again. It hurts me to see you like that."

Emma fell into his arms and positioned herself so that she could see the stars, but still be as close to him as she possibly could. She thought she felt her heart stop when she thought she heard people gasping and 'awwing' but she let it go. She always felt relaxed when she was with him. Emma looked up at Charlie for a moment, he was looking at the stars now. As she looked at him, she could feel the words on the tip of her tongue, trying to push past her lips and into Charlie's ears, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him. She just didn't have the guts to let him know what exactly was going on in her head.

"What are they doing? Bob, what the hell are they doing?" Gerard asked from across the room, where he was holding Charlotte. He had relocated from the dinning room to the living room couch, so that he could easily monitor Emma and Charlie, or so he thought.

"What do you care, didn't you say he was 'a good kid'?" Bob asked while he was hunched over by the window with everyone else.

"Will you guys please just leave them alone? They're kids, give 'em some privacy!" Charlotte asked between tears.

"Bob, what are they doing I have a right to know!" he tried to look past his friends crowded around the window, but there were too many of them. The next thing he heard was everybody take in a deep breath then let out a quiet "aww".

"They're just holding each other!" Bob squealed. Gerard could tell he had that signature Bob smile painted on his face like a clown. "It's the sweetest thing ever."

"Bob are you crying?" Gerard asked disbelievingly.

"It's just," Gerard sighed as he heard Bob try to force back tears. "They're just so sweet to each other, I've never seen anything so pure and innocent."

"Bob, get a hold of yourself and stop using words like pure and innocent, I've never heard you say anything closely related to them!" Gerard held up a hand to emphasize but Charlotte pulled it down with a weak hand.

"Honey, relax, Bob's just happy, as usual."

"Yeah, but does he have to be such an ass when he's happy?" Charlotte giggled for the first time since the "incident."

"Gerard?" he looked down at his wife. "Did you really mean what you said about Charlie, you know before you attacked my father?"

Gerard inhaled deeply before answering, "Yeah, I guess I did," a high pitched squeak escaped Charlotte. "Just don't spread it around," he mumbled before Charlotte grabbed his face so she could kiss him smack dab on the lips.

She gazed at him dreamily before saying, "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" so quickly Gerard had to play it over and over again in his head a couple of times to understand any of it.

"That obvious, huh?" Charlotte nodded her head quickly with an enormous smile on her face, some tears splattering off of her face into different directions.

"I'm just glad you finally admitted it, it's been driving me crazy!" Gerard giggled, Charlotte just smiled. "But there's something I don't get."

"Hmm?" Gerard sank into the couch as if he were hoping it would eat him alive.

"If you approve," Charlotte followed him into the couch. "Why won't you stop stalking them?"

"Me?" Gerard's eyes nearly popped out when he heard Charlotte's words. "Puh-lease! They've got an entire fan club over there!" he gestured towards the window where most of the remaining party still watched them. "I'm surprised Bob hasn't pulled the bullhorn out on [i]them[/i] yet!"

"Stop avoiding the question and tell me!"

"Alright, alright," Gerard looked down at the carpet. "I'm still just not sure if I can trust Charlie," Charlotte opened her mouth to reply but Gerard shook his head first. "Please, let me finish, Charlotte. I know we've known him for five years now, but what if all of tat was just an act? What if he's really some abusive pervert that just wants Emma for her body?"

Charlotte gasped then smacked Gerard's arm, "Gerard, what the hell's wrong with you tonight? Charlie's a good kid, I can tell it's not some facade or whatever. It's just a gut feeling, but still he's done a lot of things for Emma that some 'pervert' would never do," Gerard let his head fall down limply. His thoughts went back to the day Emma found out about Charlotte being pregnant and how Charlie ran after her, then carried her when she slipped on the ice.

"Fine, you want me to say it? You're right! Charlie's Emma soul mate and I have no doubts about them whatsoever, as of now!" Charlotte clapped her hands like a hummingbird's wings and then kissed him like she did earlier.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it," Charlotte started poking him rapidly in the stomach and kept singing the entire time.

"Umm, Mr. and Mrs. Way?" Charlotte stopped her poking and placed her hands onto her lap, where Gerard placed his on top hers and rubbed them softly.

Chloe and Danny were standing in front of them, they were standing side by side, shoulder-to-shoulder. Danny was a little below Gerard's shoulder so he towered over Chloe and the rest of the kids. His hair was long, and blonde, but not at all like Charlie's. It was straight and there was usually nothing covering it up. That night he wore jeans and a long sleeved red shirt and a black tie.

"Uhh, sorry to...interrupt, but it's getting' kinda late and Chloe and I promised our moms we'd be home before midnight."

"No problem, they might not like having their little play ended so early," Gerard nodded his head towards the few people that still watched his daughter and Charlie. "But they'll get over it."

"Thanks, uh, Chloe needs her jacket so I'll just go help her with that," Danny and Chloe then walked towards Mikey and Alicia's room, happy to get away from the awkwardness.

"So I'll go get Charlie and Em," Gerard tried to walk fast enough so that Charlotte couldn't say anything, but alas, he was too slow.

"Oh, no you're not," Charlotte jumped on his back, almost causing him to fall but he caught himself.

"Char, I don't think it would be very appropriate for both of us to get them like this!"

"Oh let me do it!" Bob raised his hand like a second grader, from his spot by the window, and then dashed off towards the dinning room. "Hey, Blaire, do you remember where I put the bullhorn?" he asked from the other room.

"Pookie, why don't you try to go about, I don't know let's say fourty-eight hours without the bullhorn for once?" a sad sigh was heard and then Bob came out with his hands in the air, showing he was surrendering once and for all.

"Fine, fourty-eight hours and that's it, unless something really, really good happens, then I don't care what you do to me, I'm breaking out the bullhorn once and for all," Bob had been taking a step across the room towards Blaire, who had been watching Emma and Charlie with him, until he was standing right in front of her, getting ready to bend down and kiss her passionately.

But just as he was about to make his move a voice said "Get a room, will ya?" Emma and Charlie had come back from outside, but were still as close to each other as they were earlier. Everybody watching them had pretended to look as casual as possible by talking to one another and staring at the walls, but they didn't really seem to notice, or care for that matter.

"Hey, it's getting' pretty late we should be taking your friends home, right about now," Gerard told them as he tried to amputate Charlotte from his back.

"Okay, where's Chloe and Danny?" Emma leaned against Charlie a little more and let her hair fall over her face. Charlie quickly brushed it away. though, and when Emma looked at him he just smiled.

"They're getting Chloe's jacket," Gerard replied, still trying to get Charlotte off of him.

"And they're still not back? I'm gonna go check on 'em. Come on, Charlie," Charlie was freed of Emma's embrace and was then pulled off to Mikey and Alicia's room.

They got to the bedroom door and heard the springs of the bed squeaking, "Holy crap, aren't Alicia and Mikey in the living room though?" Emma gasped at Charlie's insinuation.

Emma shut her eyes and quickly opened the door, as if that would make any difference. What she found inside shocked the hell out of both of them. Chloe and Danny were in each other's arms, connected at the hip and lips. The only thing Emma could think was thank god they weren't on their backs. They all noticed each other when Charlie and Emma came in, but it took Chloe and Danny a minute to actually stop kissing each other for their friends' benefit.

"Uh, hi?" Emma started sarcastically.

Her friends waved in response, "So, you guys' ready to go?" Charlie asked in a rush. Chloe and Danny ran out the door, still silent.

Emma and Charlie followed, flabbergasted at what their friends were doing and why they had no clue as to what was going on. "You guys ready to go?" they heard Gerard ask from the hallway they wreaking through.

"Yeah, Dad, can we just leave now?" Gerard nodded.

"Night, Ma, we're leavin' now!" Donna straightened up on the chair she was sitting on.

"Alright, goodnight, son," Gerard hugged his mother and went right over to Mikey.

"Later, Mikey, we're gonna jet now," they gave each other a brotherly hug and Gerard and everyone left.

Before Gerard got to the stairs Mikey called after him, "Try not jump anymore old dudes!"
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