Categories > Original > Historical > Jade of the Wind

Broken Pieces

by ice 0 reviews

Qian recalls her death...

Category: Historical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Humor - Published: 2005-10-23 - Updated: 2005-10-23 - 696 words

I was drowning, drowning in red. I cannot find land and was lost in a sea of darkness. I tried to cry out for help but my voice refused to project. In fact, it refused to work at all. I struggled desperately to see. I ran aimlessly in the dark, hoping to find a light that would guide me to safety. I am alone.
Suddenly I hear a voice, a gentle voice that was carried by the winds. It beckons me to follow. And follow I did.
I walked toward the voice; I walked in the dark for what seems like eternity. The voice is growing louder. I must be near.
"Help!" I cried. "Where are you?"
But the winds did not answer me, and instead it calls out, "Come, come."
I continued to follow.
I reached a hand out. I need to know if there is someone there, someone that the voice belongs to. But I felt nothing.
Desperation filled me, and I cried out again to the voice, "Where? Where are you?"
Still the winds answered, "Come, come, come to me."
I tried to obey, but my legs could no longer move. I have walked for so long. I have walked for so long.
"Please, oh please!" I sobbed.
I fell onto my knees. I cannot walk any farther. I lie on the ground and weep silently. The wind no longer blows; the voice too was gone.
I feel cold, so very cold. To exhausted to fight, I let the darkness engulfed me.

Missing Puzzle
It was the first day of summer, and already the heat was intolerable. If the weather were to only increase in temperature, I would hate to think of the days ahead of me.
I glared at the blue sky outside my windows. Since those long 5 years ago, since the first encounter with my death, I had nightmares of drowning in red. Since then, I could no longer bear the light; it was always in darkness did I find my comfort. Ironic isn't it? To dream of lost in a sea of darkness one would expect one to fear it, yet it was just the opposite of everyone's assumption. It is only then in the dark can I see those cold blue orbs.
They do no understand. No one does. How can they when they were not there when my death approached me that day?
I sighed and left my position from the window. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to see those cold blue eyes again. I I can't think of those things; not now, not when there is so much bloodshed going on. Not when there is a war ahead of me. There is no need for my death at the moment.
Suddenly a knock disturbed my thoughts.
"Qian?" my brother called beyond my locked door. "Qian, we need to speak with you."
I groaned. I hated it when he use, "we". Although, it is the proper and correct term to use when one is of royal blood, however, "we" hasn't been used since the Ming Dynasty. I sighed and went to grant my brother entrance.
"Oh, yes, talk..." I muttered all the while under my breath, "Who could forget about that ridiculous talk?"
I swung open my door and glared at him.
"No," I said before he could question me, "I'm fine. No, there is nothing going on with Suo and I. Really, he's... let's just say as a monk belongs to the monastery and no women shall enter, so shall he not enter a priestess sanctuary. But no, there isn't anyone I favor. And finally, yes, I understand my responsibilities."
He glared back and me, and after a hesitating minute, he replied, "I am just worried about you."
I sighed once again, but this time not in annoyance but in defeat.
"I know, brother." I smiled. "I know."
He grinned widely and patted my head. "I will be out for a hunt. I won't come back till dark. I advise you to be cautious; I will have the guards out in front. If any ill come near, scream, Qian. Understood?"
I nodded.
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