Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From the beginning ... till the end ...

part four

by hulahoopspower 1 review

My best friend Bob !

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2007-04-14 - Updated: 2007-04-14 - 384 words

While I was cleaning my room, the phone rang so i jumped on it to answered.
"Hello ?"
" HEY!!! "
"Oh hello Bob ! How are you?"
"I'm good. I just wanted to check on you, you didn't called since like forever !"
"'re such a girl, we talked together two days ago during something like three hours dude. "
" Yeah ... I know but since you're my one and only best friend, I like to know how is your life. What are you doing this weekend ?"
" Nothing, why?"
" I think we should go to central park or something.. Don't you think?"
" Hell yeah it's gonna be fun! I'll bring my camera so we can take some stupid pics!"
"Ok so call saturday at 11h am ok ?"
" yeah no problem "
"Bye dude !"
" Bye girl"
And I hung up. That was going to be a lot of fun, we always manage to get in trouble, we got kicked out from a water park twice in the same summer. haha ! I had known Bob since I was 5 years old he was older then me but he had always been my best friend, even if my mom still thinks that we are gonna get married some day. 0.o Sadly, he was going in a private school so we couldn't see each other as much as we liked to.
I was quite happy to do something with Bob this weekend but then, I realised that the girls would still be at my house when me and Bob would meet ... and that I would have to drop my new friends to go with Bob ... so I called Bob back .
ring. ring. ring
" Hi! Can I talk to Bob please ?"
"Yeah sure. BOB !!! GET THE PHONE "
"Hey "
" Dude, Its me! I just wanted to know if it was ok if my new friends were coming with us since they are sleeping at my house tomorrow night ?"
" Three girls, just for me, and you think you need to ask ? haha sure "
" Eww dude please they are my friends ... "
" just joking Gabrielle. Calm the fuck down"
" ok haha! see you saturday and don't forget to call"
" don't worry girl"
" ok bye !"
Now that everything was ok, I walked down the stairs to go eat and after I went straight to bed.

~~ review please puppy eyes
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