Categories > TV > Life With Derek > What a love, What a tragedy

Remote and Phone Call

by LindseyG1117 0 reviews

Time for fighting, and the world to come crashing down.

Category: Life With Derek - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 1215 words

A/N: Thanks everyone for the great reviews! I hope y'all are enjoying! I am sorry the last

chapter was so short I will try and make this one longer! Hope you enjoy but I don't think

the tragedy will come up until the third chapter, I am not sure it might be this one who knows!


I do not own LWD only the plot of this story.


Derek held Casey's hand as they made their way to Marti's daycare.

Casey looked over at him and started a him for a a few seconds

and absent mindingly pushed his hair out of his eyes.

She loved his hair, his eyes, his body.. everything about him

was perfect in her eyes.

She turned on the radio to a country station..not really liking country

but she just turned it on and Derek's and her song came on.

They looked at each other and smiled as the song began

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat

of his car.he had a one hand here on the steering wheel

the on my arm. I looked around turned the radio down

he said 'baby is something wrong?' I said 'Nothing

I was just thinking how we don't have a song and he said

'Our song is the slam of screen doors

sneaking out late

tapping on your window

when were on the phone and you talk real slow

cause it's late and your momma don't know

our song is the way you laugh

the first date man i didn't kiss ya

and I should have

and when I got home

be for I said 'Amen' asking god if he could play it again'

I was walking up the front porch steps after everything

that day. Had gone all wrong and been trampled on

and lost and throw away.

got to the hallway well on my way to my loving bed.

I almost didn't notice all the roses and the not that read:

'Our song is the slam of screen doors

sneaking late

tapping on your window

when were on the phone and you talk real slow

cause it's late and your momma don't know

our song is the way you laugh

the first date man i didn't kiss ya

and I should have

and when I got home

be for I said 'Amen' asking god if he could play it again'

I've heard every album listened to the radio

waiting for something to come along

that's as good as our song

'Our song is the slam of screen doors

sneaking out late

tapping on your window

when were on the phone and he talks real slow

cause it's late and his momma don't know

our song is the way he laugh s

the first date man i didn't kiss him

and I should have

and when I got home

be for I said 'Amen' asking god if he could play it again'

I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car.

I grabbed a pen and a note napkin and i wrote down

our song.'

Derek and Casey mouthed along with it as it played and turned the radio off

after it was over and they were poling into the parking lot of Marti's daycare.

Derek got out and opened Casey's door for her as he always did for her.

he enter twined his fingers with hers and they started making

there way to the front door of the daycare.

The young girl standing out the front door welcoming parents in to pick up their

kids was making goo-goo eyes at Derek and Casey was kind of annoyed but did not let

it bother her. She knew he was hers..

They went into the room where Marty was and found her in a purple princess dress asleep with her head down

on the desk.

Casey laughed as Derek went to go pick her up.

"Well we can see who won the fight over what they want to wear this morning" Derek said to Casey about

Marty's attire.

Casey just laughed and moved Martie's hair away from her sleepy face on Derek's shoulder.

They put her down in the extra car seat that Derek always had with him and got into the car.

"Do we have to pick up Lizzie and Edwin too?"Derek asked as the starting making their way down the street.

" I don't think so, mom didn't say anything about them."She replied while he took his in her own.

Ten minutes later they pulled into the driveway of the Venturie-McDonald house.

Casey took the keys from Derek so that she could go unlock the front door while

Derek got Marty out of the car seat.

As she seat Derek's keys on the table she noticed a not sitting there.

Dear Derek and Casey,

Lizzie and Edwin wanted to stay at a friends house so we are going to be

dropping them off their on our way to the airport.

Watch out after Marty and please, no parties..

We will see you soon give Marty hugs and kisses from us!

love always,

Nora and Gorge

p.s. there is plenty of food for everyone to eat and we left $50 just case

anyone wants to go out to eat or order pizza.

Casey smiled and set the note back down on the table and Derek made his way down the stairs

after laying Marty down in her room.

Casey leaned to get the remote as she sat down but Derek was too fast for her and grabbed it

before she could.

"Derek!" she said trying not to laugh

" you snooze you loose" he said in a sing-song voice

"Well aren't you Mr.Mature!" she said laughing and leaning over him trying to get the remote from him

"Nahanahanah"he mimicked laughing at himself and her as he raised to remote high over his head.

"Give it to me!" she said playfully as she had her arms raised up as high as she could trying to get the remote.

He quickly through the remote on the couch and tickled her sides in one motion.

She started laughing and trying to flee his grasp and eventually the both came tumbling to the ground for their wrestling.

Derek leaned down looking at her beautiful face and went in for a kiss,but just as their lips touched the phone rang.

"ignore it." he said against her lips.

"I can't" she said laughing and pushing him off of her.

She got up and smoothed out her hair and answered the phone.

"Hello?"Casey said as she picked up the phone.

"Is this the McDonald-Venturi residence?" the voice from the other side

of the phone said.

"Yes, how can I help you?"she replied.

"My name is Officer John, I'm afraid I have some terrible news for you and you're family"


A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you enjoyed! I will try and update this story every day..But it will be hard starting next Monday..but I will try

Please Review! I hope you enjoyed!


By the way that song that is featured in the chapter is called 'our song' by Taylor Swift.

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