Categories > Original > Mystery > Drowning Memories: Gone But Not Forgotten

Chapter Two

by the_oddity 0 reviews

Rachael begins her first day at a new school and makes a friend.

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 659 words

The characters Rachael and David were both based on real life celebrities. I did not fully create them, and they are not original characters.

The next morning, Rachael sat at the table eating toast and eggs with her Aunt Bee across from her. "It's that time again," her aunt said excitedly. "I know that moving from state to state is probably hard for you, Rae, and I've considered home schooling you, but I like to see you make friends." Rachael smiled. her aunt said that every morning before Rachael started her first day at a new school. "Thanks Aunt Bee. It's really not that much of a bother."
Her aunt drove her to school that morning, another pasrt of the tradition. Rachael got out of the car and waved goodbye to her.
Rachael took a deep breath and walked up the stone steps towards the main office. She opened the glass door of the office as the secretary behind the desk smiled at her. "You must be Rachael!" Rachael nodded. The secretary stood up and walked over to Rachael and held out a manicured hand. "I'm Mrs. Martino. Here's your class schedule and text books. Your locker number and combonation are written on this card," she passed her a couple papers and a stack of books. "I'm fairly busy, but one of our students has agreed to show you around today." She gestured out the door and nodded to a dark haired boy wearing a black band t-shirt with jeans and some black Converse shoes. Rachael went out to meet him.
He smiled at her and put out a hand, revealing black wrist bands and silver chains. "Hi, I'm David Herman," he said in a friendly voice. Rachael shook his hand and replied, "Rachael Ellis."
David showed Rachael down a hallway and found her locker. He put her books on the shelf for her and examined her class schedule. "We have most of our classes together, so it'll be easy to show you around, and we've both been excused from our first class so that I can show you around the school. Is that ok with you?" Rachael nodded again as David shut her locker. Just now noticing David's My Chemical Romance 'Dead!' shirt, she said, "I love My Chemical Romance!" "Oh, yeah? Me too. What's your favorite song?" "Famous Last Words." Rachael replied happily, excited that they had something in common and something to fill the silence with.
David had showed Rachael the first floor, and they had talked about music the entire time, occasionally pausing long enough for David to say, "...and there's the science lab..." or "...stay clear of this hall at the end of the day on Fridays, it's always too full of seniors to get through...".
They were heading up the stairs when the first period bell rang, signaling that they were out of time. David hung his heaad. "I wish we could keep going. You DEFINITELY beat going to class. Maybe I could show you the second floor during break period after lunch," he said. "Yeah, I think that could work," Rachael replied. David smiled at her. "Cool, see you then," he turned to leave.
Luckily, none of Rachael's classes before lunch were on the second floor, so she saved herself the embarrassment of wandering around looking like a lost puppy. Strangely, she found herself counting the minutes until she would see David again.
And then-the moment she had been waiting for. The lunch bell rang, and Rachael went to her locker as fast as she could. When she opened her locker, a folded up piece of paper fell out. She picked it up and read it:

Let's do lunch. Meet me by
the back table by the vending

She smiled and got her books for the classes after lunch out of her locker and put them in her camo shoulder bag. She shut her locker and walked to the cafeteria.
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