Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You II

Mail and Confessions

by mcr_lover103 2 reviews

Roxanne recieves something in the mail and Gerard and Mikey have a talk ***UPDATED AND CHANGED. PLEASE READ***

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 512 words - Complete

Chapter 4:

Monday was a seemingly uneventful day as Roxanne sat in the school cafeteria with Lenore and her other friends. As she took a bite from her sandwich, she couldn't get the idea out of her mind that something unexpected was going to happen. Her friend, Marie, noticed Roxanne and asked what she was thinking about. She told them quickly.

"Yea, I know what you mean", Marie said.

"Probably Ms. Fisher is going to give us a pop quiz or something", Deena said, receiving many nods from the other girls.

Not exactly what I was thinking, Roxanne thought. Oh well, she decided, its probably just some crazy notion of mine.

Roxanne returned home, still with the same feeling from before, even though it did turn out that Ms. Fisher gave a pop quiz to the geometry class. So when Roxanne found that there was mail actually for her, she wasn't too surprised. She grabbed the large envelope and brought it upstairs with her. Roxanne changed quickly and sat down with the envelope on the bed.

"I wonder what it is", Roxanne announced to her room as she opened it. She slid the thing inside out of the envelope and saw what it was. A copy of 'The Umbrella Academy'.

Roxanne immediately grew angry. Was this some kind of evil joke, sending her a comic book written by a man who had broken her heart? With an annoyed groan, she shoved the comic book into the envelope and stuffed it into the bottom drawer of her dresser. If she found out who had done this, she would kill them.


Gerard and Mikey stood at the front door, waiting for their mother to come and say goodbye. Mikey and him had to meet the other guys up in New York City. His mother came and gave a kiss to both of her sons and wished them well. As soon as they got in the car, Mikey had a few things to say to his brother.

"Gee, I know it's going to be hard for you up in New York, but I want you to know that I'll be there for you bro", Mikey said to Gerard as they sat in the back seats.

"Thanks Mikey, but I don't need you to 'be there for me'" Gerard responded. I only need Roxanne, he thought to himself.

"I know you will say that, but I know you", Mikey told him.

"Besides, maybe I'll find her", Gerard said softly.

"Gee, the chances of that actually happening", Mikey started, "Well they're low"

"I will find her, you'll see", Gerard insisted to his brother.

"But what happened that day......"

"What happened that day was a total MISTAKE"


"I was confused, okay? I was upset about losing Roxanne and I couldn't control myself. If I could go back I would"

The two sat there in silence for a while. Mikey could see that Gerard was very upset right now. He put him arm around Gerard.

"If you love her that much...........", Mikey said to him.

"I do....", Gerard whispered.

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