Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Grab my hand and you wont be alone

The next day

by Crimsonsorrow 5 reviews

what happens when she wakes

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 1339 words

A/N: I hope that you liked this chapter, so be nice and review

Chapter two

When they arrived at the house Donna noticed that Natalie was fast asleep, "Natalie, wake up we're here." she said to her and groggily woke up and took her back pack from the back and followed Don and Donna up to their house.

Once they got inside Don headed to the kitchen, "I'll start making you something to eat, Donna can show you where the shower and everything is." he said smiling at her.

She returned his smile and followed Donna up the stairs to the bathroom, Donna left her to taking a shower saying that she would bring some of her son's PJ clothes to wear until they can clean her's and get her some more. Natalie would have lived to stay in the shower longer but she knew that Don and Donna were waiting for her and making her something to eat so she quickly washed herself and got out.

Donna had set a Misfit's shirt out for her and a pair of PJ pants that were too long for her since she was only five foot three or so, most definitely not that tall. Quickly she brushed her hair out and headed downstairs to the kitchen where she could smell the wonderful food coming from. Once in the kitchen she sat down at the table, across from Donna who was smiling at her.

"Here you go Natalie." Don said as he set a plate of food in front of her. "Eat it, it's good." he said sitting besides Donna.

While Natalie was eating Donna and Don asked her exactly why she was there, "I know you may not want to tell us why you're here but your going to have to so we can help you Natalie." Donna said to her smiling slightly.

Natalie really didn't want to tell them but knew she had to in order to get over it, "Well to start off my dad's dead, died when I was fifteen. My mom she's dating this scumbag who keeps on coming onto me which isn't something that an eighteen year old wants from a forty some year old." she said to them. "My mom first started dating him when I was fifteen a bit after my dad died, but eventually she broke it off with him because he was a drunk and that's why she divorced my dad. Stupidly she got back together with him a year or so later." Natalie told them not sure how she is going to get the next part out since it was kind of really emotional.

"Why would she do that when she knew what he had done to you?" Don asked unsure how a parent would let a man that tried to come onto their child back into their lives.

Hesitantly Natalie looked at Don, "She didn't know, I never told her she was too in love to believe me same thing happened with her first boyfriend. Only instead of him trying to get into my pants he was controlling and hateful towards me but never when mom was around." she explained.

Donna touched Natalie's hand lightly to give her some sort of form of support, "You shouldn't have been afraid to talk to your mother and tell her what was going on. Even if she didn't believe you you could have told someone else who would have." she said to her and squeezed her hand.

"That's not even the worst part," Natalie told her and continued. "My mom's boyfriend was home alone with me, my mom had to go to a friends party for something or another. He came over to me drunk as hell, when he's drunk he's mean and not very nice. He pulled me up and pushed me into my room; he raped me at sixteen years old." she said to them not able to look them in the face, ashamed that she couldn't stop that from happening to her.

The two looked at each other and then back at Natalie a silent agreement that no matter what this girl would now be apart of the family. "Natalie it's not your fault, he was a sick bastard who should be put in jail and never allowed to look at women again if that';s what he does to young girls." Don said determinedly, to him women should be respected and loved like he had taught his sons, women should never be hurt and abused.

"There's a bit more," Natalie told them. "But it was the main reason why I left, but I'm really tired and would like to sleep. So can we save it for another day instead?" she asked really rather not wanting to talk about it ever again and intending to keep it like that; avoid it at any necessary measurements.

Donna nodded, "Sure dear come on lets get you to bed." she said and took her upstairs to what used to be Mikey's old bed room.

Natalie didn't fall asleep right away like she had hoped would happen, she stayed up and was just remembering everything that happened within the past few years the things with her mom and shit like that. When she finally did get to sleep it was well past two in the morning; she most definitely wont be up bring and early the next morning maybe sometime in the afternoon or something but not in the morning.

When Natalie woke up the next morning she noticed on the clock on the wall that it was one in the afternoon; she got up and out of bed and noticed that all her clothes that she brought with her were on the small desk that was against the wall. Natalie smiled at that, Donna was already acting like a mother to her and she's only known her for a day.

She dressed in her baggy jeans that are a bit too big for her and her Iron Maiden shirt, she loved that band along with the Misfits they are some of the coolest bands to ever grace the planet; at least to her it is. She put her hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs where she saw that Donna was on the phone talking to someone, she waved at Natalie when she saw her enter.

"Gerard look I have to go Natalie just woke up so I'll talk to you later alright," she said to her son. "You want to talk to her, well okay just don't scare her off Gerard." she said handing Natalie the phone who looked frightened.

Natalie fumbled with the phone before she put it up to her ear, "Hello?" she asked.

"HI Natalie, I'm Gerard." he told her. "Mom explained what happened and everything, it looks like you are going to be living there then." he said to her.

"Only if you don't mind because if you do I can find somewhere else." she said to him.

He laughed a bit at her when she said that, "No you stay besides who am I going to hang out with when I come back there huh?" he asked her.

"You live here?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah I'm a dork I still live with my parents." he said with a laugh to her. "Look Natalie I have to go we need to go to sound check so I'll talk to you later. Tell mom bye for me." he said to her.

"Okay. Bye Gerard." she said and hung the phone up.

Donna smiled, Natalie and Gerard clicked right away like she knew they would, both were kind of shy and she had the feeling that her and Mikey would get along just as much as her and Gerard did. For the rest of the guys she wouldn't be able to tell if they would like her or not, all of them are seven to twelve years older than her, Frank being the closest to her age.
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