Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sweet Escape.

In it for Graduation..

by favoritexloser 3 reviews

Gradution..a majority said to do the's short, because i cant think of what to write..because i've got my mind on the next chapter(i hope i get it down soon)..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-04-17 - 772 words

Mikey and I didn't get caught the night we ditched the party. Well, the credit goes to most of my friends, who backed us up, when Mr. Byden asked where'd I've gone. Of course, they were very curious of what we did, but I kept it low-key, leaving out the details. So, nobody except those girls knew about Mikey and I. The days following the party, Mikey and I started to get closer. We started to learn more about each other. And thank God, the other girls stopped picking on me. But now, the time came when every senior girl was to cry her eyes out in broad daylight. It was graduation. As I was fixing myself in front of my mirror, I thought of Mikey, today we were graduating. Who knows where the road may lead us to. We promised each other to never leave, but that was the thing I mostly worried about. I was heading off to Kean University, but for Mikey, well, he wasn't planning on anything.
"Ciara, honey, let's get going! You're father wants us to get good seats." my mother called from downstairs.
"Okay, just a minute!" I took one more glance of myself and dashed out my bedroom.
"Ciara, don't rush out like that, you'll mess up your appearance." my mother said.
"Now, there's the graduate!" my dad said, as he tried to hug me.
I backed off, "Dad, save your hugs until after the ceremony. It doesn't feel right to call me 'graduate' until I really take a hold of my diploma."
"Mhm, you're right. See, this is why you've been accepted to Kean." my dad coplimented.
"Okay, okay. Let's get going." my mom was already heading out the door with my cap and gown. My dad was holding the camera. My parents, like any other parents, were the "try to be cool like your friends, but fail embarrassingly" type or worse. But, you know, they're my parents, only this day and summer, and I'm free.

Some of my classmates were already there, and their parents were already sitted. I caught sight of Stephanie, and told my parents to go find a sit, while I put on my gown.
"Today's the day, Cici! The day we're free!" Stephanie said, once I approached her.
"Yeah..but..Something's kinda making me worried.."I said.
"Oh my God. Don't tell me Mikey's cheating on you."
"No,no! Of course not. It's just that, it's almost summer. Which means I'm moving to Kean. And Mikey, well, we won't be as close."
"Ask him to move in with you." Stephanie suggested.
"Stephanie, it's not that easy. I'm going to leave in a dormitory, with only two bedrooms, and 3 housemates. How will Mikey and I ever..."
"Oh! I know. Get an apartment! Mikey could get a job, and you go to college..Yeah, it's very simple." Stephanie interrupted. Just then Mikey showed up. He was very formal. A new suit and tie, he looked like a businessman.
"Apartment for what?" He asked.
"Ciara, here, wants you to be closer to her." Stephanie said.
"No, Mikey, I mean, if you want, but that's what I want, but you know, you have your choices, I'm not demanding you or anything." I said.
"Well, I got this job at this bookstore, in Cliffton." he replied.
"Oh, okay. So, that's great." I said. Mikey smiled and headed somewhere else. Once he was out of earshot, I nudged Stephanie, "How far is Cliffton from Union?"
"I don't know. Ciara, it's almost summer, don't make me do math."
I thought for awhile. Cliffton is up in Passaic County, and Union is in Union County, so.. Argh..Forget it. All we know, is that Mikey is far from me. This can't be any worse.

Soon, it was time to get the whole graduation ceremony started...

------------/ skipped the whole damn boring ceremony/-----------

I gave Mikey a big hug. "Aww, Mikey, I'll miss you.." I tried to say through my tears.
"Don't worry, I'll visit you." He replied. Everyone else was crying and hugging each other. The guys who had no girlfriends, just slapped each other in the back, saying congratulatory notes. But I didn't care. All I cared of was Mikey's hugs. We would almost be apart. I have to savour the moments, while I can. Then we both let go of our hug. Tears quickly dripped down. I couldn't control myself.
"Ciara, don't cry. I'm here.." Mikey said, wiping my tears.
"Mikey, I can't ever say good-bye.."
"This is not good-bye.."
Tears started flooding down my cheeks more and more. I hope this isn't good-bye..
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