Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > My Heart Can't Take This Hurt

Chapter 3

by Rybekka 3 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-04-17 - 1120 words

Thanks for commenting Trophywives and ImAPanda =D

Ryan's POV

I knocked on Brendon's door. After only seconds he came running to answer the door.

"RYAN. Finally, we've been waiting" he said excitedly and then ran back inside without a word, leaving the door open.

I just stood there confused. What was that about? I grabbed Claire's hand and led her inside the house. Now I get why Brendon was running. The guys were playing Guitar Hero and apparently Spencer didn't want to press pause.

"NOOO. I lost! NO FAIR! You didn't press pause so you got ahead of me!" Brendon yelled and pouted childishly. Spencer and Jon started laughing taking no notice of me or my little sister that stared confused at them.

"Hey guys, havin' fun?" I said and couldn't help but grin at Brendon's childish reaction to losing the game.

"Hey!" Spencer said and stood up to say hi to Claire. "Hi Claire! What a fine doll that is!" he went on smirking at Claire that was happy to get attention.

"Yes! Her name is Princess Bunny. She is my best friend." She squealed and made the doll kiss Spencer's cheek.

"Aww, thanks Princess Bunny!" he said and smiled at Claire. "Hi Ryan. How was detention?"

"Uh. Boring. So you guys wanna talk about this band thing?" I said wanting to get straight to the point.

"Yeah!" said Jon that had just been watching as me and Spencer talked. "I talked to my mom before I got here and she says I can take Bass lessons, cause I really want to get better and now I have a reason." Jon continued, smiling shyly.

"That's great Jon. So where can we practice?" Spencer asked when we had moved the conversation to the kitchen table. Claire had gone to play with her doll and was in the living room so we could talk in peace.

"Not at my house, it's the smallest of all." I replied instantly. My dad wouldn't even let me practice the guitar when he was home, and now when he was without a job and would be home all day. There was no way.

"Okay, I'll ask my mom if we can do it at my place. We can't do it at Jon's place he lives in a apartment building. How about here Brendon?" Spencer asked.

"I don't know I'll ask my mom. We probably can if I clean up the garage." Brendon said and sighed at the idea of cleaning the garage.

"Well, okay. We can ask our mom's and then talk about in school tomorrow. So what more do we have to talk about?" Spencer said controlling the discussion.

"Umm. Name?" Jon asked.

"The Bunny Princesses!" Claire suddenly squealed. I laughed and picked her up and made her sit in my lap. "I like that name Claire but we are boys! So we can't be princesses." She put on a small pout and then jumped off my lap singing some cartoon song.

I turned to face the guys and said: "How about we write down some ideas and then decide when we start practicing?"

"Yeah, okay. Let's do that." Spencer smiled.

We ended up spending the rest of the day playing video games and eating cookies. I was happy I could stay at Brendon's with Claire and he didn't mind, cause I really didn't want to go back home. But when Brendon's parents arrived from work half past seven we all had to go. I walked home with Spencer since we lived in the same street but Jon lived in the other direction, so we bid him goodbye and he started walking in the opposite direction.

After saying goodbye to Spencer as we walked by his house, I kept walking in the dark holding Claire's hand. I was scared to go home. I didn't want to go home. I wished I could have stayed at Brendon's a little longer.

"Ry, I don't waaant to go home" Claire said biting her nails. I picked her up and let her hold on to my neck.

"It's okay Claire. Daddy's not home" I said when I saw that dad's car wasn't in the driveway. I let out a relieved sigh and walked up to my door and opened it with my key. I saw my mom in the kitchen by the stove. She was shaking as she made soup.

"Hi mom." I said feeling guilty, she was probably worried sick about me and Claire.

"Ryan? RYAN, where have you been? Is Claire with you?" She said and turned around to face me. She looked terrible, she had been crying and her makeup was all messed up. She ran over to me and hugged me. That was not the reaction I was expecting.

"I'm sorry mom." I said and hugged her back. Claire stood there and then joined the hug. This was weird, I hadn't hugged my mom for months. But it was like everything was fine for a minute.

Then suddenly she released me. "Where were you Ryan? I have been worried sick!"

"Sorry, I went to Brendon´s. Dad wasn't in a good mood today." I said and looked at the floor. "Did he get fired again?" I added, with my voice shaking a little. I stared into my mom's eyes. They were filled with sadness.

"Yes Ryan. We can't do this anymore. I can't let him treat you like this anymore." She said and started shaking as more tears fell from her eyes.

"Mom, don't. Claire's here." I whispered desperately and walked over to hug her again. Claire just stood there staring at us. I didn't want her to hear this.

"Ryan, please I have to. I can't live like this. I just can't anymore." She said sobbing.

"Claire Bear, go play in your room. I'll come after a moment." I said to Claire still hugging my mom.

"Why? What's wrong Ry?" Claire said and looked up at me with her confused brown eyes.

"Nothing's wrong," I said smiling assuring at her. She just murmured 'okay' and left the room. I let go of my mom and made her sit by the kitchen table.

"Mom, sit. Do you want coffee or something?" I said trying to make her stop crying.

"Sure," she said and sat with her head in her hands and cried.

Could you blame me for feeling like giving up? I couldn't stand the responsibility I had on my shoulders. I needed someone to hug me and tell me everything was okay. I had no one that could help me. No one to talk to. I was completely alone.

I am alone in this bed, house and head.
and she never fixes this.
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