Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Grab my hand and you wont be alone

Day off

by Crimsonsorrow 5 reviews

Nat and her friend Letty hang out for a while she also gets a call and finds out MCR is going ot be back home soon

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-04-18 - 800 words

A/N: I know a short chapter but i needed to get something out ya know so i really hoped you liked it. Contest is still going on so send me more feedback if you will

Chapter four

The next day Natalie had off and intended on laying around the house and doing nothing while Don and Donna were at work. At the moment she was on her lap top writing some stories of hers, she loves writing one of her passions other than music of course. She was just about o write down one of her idea's when the phone rang, grudgingly she got up to answer it.

"Hello?" she asked whoever it was on the other side of the line.

"Natalie, hi it's uh Mikey." Mikey said to her a bit nervously since he's never spoke to her before. "It mom there at all?" he asked her.

"No, they're both at work, they'll be home around four, do you want me to give them a message for you?" she asked him, hoping that she could help in some way if he wanted her to.

"Yeah umm can you tell them that we're coming home and that we'll be there in a weeks time if we aren't running late." he said to her.

"Okay I'll tell them when they get home tonight. Can't wait to meet you and Gerard, I guess I'll see you later. Bye." she said to him and hung up the phone.

Natalie decided to go to the mall, there was nothing better to do plus one of her other friends works at the Starbuck's there. She met Letty, by going to Starbuck's so much and always sitting in the same spot and having the same thing at the same time everyday unless she had to work.

The mall as always was buzzing with energy and tons of people there for shopping and to hang out with friends as it always is. Immediately Natalie walked into the Starbuck's and smiled at her friend who was behind the counter making drinks for people who wanted them. She went and sat in her regular spot waiting for Letty to make it and bring it over to her since thats what she always does when Natalie comes, she's so good to Natalie.

Finally once Letty was done with the costumers she went to making Natalie her drink that she wanted and brought it over to her. "Here ya go Nat, so I finally just got off of a seven hour shift wanna go hang out and do whatever?" Letty asked her smirking.

Natalie shrugged not really caring, "Sure why not I got some time to kill before I decide to go home." she told her as they made their way out of Starbuck's.

"So what's mama Donna doing today, does she have off or is she working?" Letty asked as they entered Spencer's.

Natalie shook her head at one of the grotesque objects on display, "No this is her three day work week, she wont get home until some time after four." she told her and looked at some belts that they had.

"I miss her, especially the Italian dishes that are so yummy in my tummy, mmm good." Letty said already imagining it in her mind and being able to taste it, metaphorically of course.

"I see how it is Letty, using me so you can have a nice home cooked Italian meal from Mama way, ignoring me completely. I see what you're doing, I'm on to you." Natalie said in the most serious face possible but soon burst out laughing when she looked at Letty who was almost laughing herself to death at that as well.

The workers of Spencer's came over to the two uncontrollably laughing girls and asked them to leave because they were distracting the customers. "Unfair man! We were just providing entertainment." Letty yelled once they were a few feet out of the store.

Natalie shook her head at her friend and they continued the rest of the time at the mall laughing when people looked at them weird when they were well plainly being weird as they usually were. Get Natalie alone and with a few people she doesn't know she's really quiet and reclusive, put her with Myka and Letty and she can be as wild, crazy and weird as them if she wants to be.

Hell she can even be weirder than them at times, which is kind of scary seeing as Myka and Letty are the weirdest people in Jersey as far as anyone else is concerned. Just wait until Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob arrive back and meet Natalie and her friends, they weren't half as weird as they were when they were eighteen and what not.
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