Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenage Tragdey

I like my coffee black just like my metal.

by sweet_goodbye 0 reviews

end of the day

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 711 words

A/N I'm a review whore so please just review =D thank you.

Ryan began to walk back to her locker with out Gerard as some petite Cheerleader had stopped him to talk and flirt. So Ryan walked ahead.
"Oi RYAN!" Frank called after her. His fringe was plastered to his forehead as he ran after the blonde headed girl.
"Walk you home?" He asked out of breath.
"You don't know where I live, I could live ages away from you.. I might not even be walking home." Ryan protested as they both walked side by side to the west locker bay.
"I saw you pulling out of your drive way this morning, you just live up the road." Frank smiled like the smart ass he is. Ryan undid her locker and piled her art book inside and grabbed her Jack bag and Frank and Ryan walked out of the school yard chatting about music.
It was about a 15 minuet walk back to Ryan's place. But she dragged her feet a bit just to talk to Frank a little longer.

"well this is it." Ryan flicked her hair over her shoulder and smiled at Frank.
"Uh.. Cya tomorrow." He stuttered. An awkward silence fell over them as they stood there looking at each other."well this is it." Ryan flicked her hair over her shoulder and smiled at Frank.
"Uh.. Cya tomorrow." He stuttered. An awkward silence fell over them as they stood there looking at each other.
"I should go now." Frank said breaking the silence. Ryan giggled as Frank turned his back and walked down the long quiet street with his hands in his pockets. Ryan sighed and walked up the front steps to find her brother and parents sitting on the porch.
"How was your first day of school?" Ryan's Mother questioned. Ryan nodded a good and walked inside.
She threw off her shoes at the front door and then she walked the stairs to her room.
Her dad must have been in there all morning arranging it all because it was all set up and just how she had it in their old house. Ryan threw off her school clothes and put on her Pj's knowing she'd have to do it all over again tomorrow.

Gerard and Mikey walked home together like they did everyday. They were the closet brothers you'd properly ever meet.
"Ryan seems nice." Mikey randomly said, noticing that his brother and her had gotten on really well at lunch.
Gerard didn't answer instead he just nodded his head.
"What do you think about her brother?" Mikey quizzed. Gerard shrugged. Mikey grunted in frustration. Gerard walked a head leaving Mikey far back, alone.
Mikey sighed and flicked his sandy blonde hair out of his eyes and tagged along behind his big brother.
When they reached the house Gerard walked inside and straight to his room upstairs. Mikey remained in the Kitchen, fixing himself a bite to eat and worrying about his brother.

Gerard rolled over and looked over at his clock.
He didn't sleep through like he had hoped. Throwing back the cover of his single bed he climbed out and looked around his pitch black room for some clothes. He tripped over his school bag when leaving his room. Tip toeing down the stairs and out the door. Once he was again on the moon lit streets he lit up smoke and headed to his favourite place. He took a last drag from his smoke before throwing it to the ground. Gerard reached the park and walked over to the swing and took a seat.
"Hey." He heard a soft whisper from behind him. He flinched in shock and turned around to see a small girl dressed in black standing there hugging herself, trying to keep herself warm. Gerard's eyes adjusted to the light and realised that the little girl was just Ryan. Her blonde hair was put up into a messy bun and her blue eyes laced in smudged eyeliner. She wore baggy jeans and a Misfits top. Gerard dragged out another smoke out ogf his pocket and Ryan took a seat on the swing next to him.
"Why are you up so late." He muttered as he took a drag.
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