Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never Be Alone Again

Chapter 8

by MCRANDFOBLover 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 524 words

I looked at dad and realized what it was he did'nt tell me last night.
"Oh my God! You've dyed your hair back to black!!" I yelled, felling like a teenie.
Dad laughed. "Yeah.. Did it on the tour. Do you like it?"
"Well, duuh! I just acted like a big teenie!" That comment made everyone laugh, even me.
"You must be hungry. Sit down, eat!" grandma Donna said and I sat down. I wasn't that hungry since I still was nervous, but I had a pice of toast. Then I went to take a showe, got dressed put on some eyeliner and did a black tear under my left eye.
"So, what do you think?" I asked dad. Don't know why, I just did. I had my favourite black pullover hoodie and a pair of black jeans.
"Well, I know you did not get your fashion sense from Tina." he lauged. Tina.. It was still weird hearing my moms name, especially from him.
"I didn't, but Haylie did. Mom always said we both looked like.. Well, you, and that I got my artistic tallent, fashion sense and other things like that from you while Haylie got her fashion sense artistic tallent, or I should say lack thereof, and other stuff like that from herself.."
"Well, we should get going, we have to go check out your new school." he said and I could hear he didn't like it. I'm guessing I'm going to the school he and uncle Mikey went to.
Turns out I was rigt, I was going to theri old school. Don't call me mean, but it was kinda fun to watch him squirm.. He had his hood up again so no one would recognize him. I still had Connor as last name, both dad and I agreed it was for the best, and he sait that his name was Gerald Connor. I had a hard time not to laugh out loud at that, it was such an awful name! (A/N: Not my opinion, I think it's a pretty cool name..) Anyway, we were shown around the school with a bunch of other new studants and there was some pretty cool people there. Sadly none in my class, what I know off. I haven't met my other classmates yet. And I wouldn't for another few monthes. Don't know why they insisted to do this now.. After that dad dropped me off back home since he had to do an interview. He said what radiochannel it would be on and when, so when it was time me and Grannie sat infront of the radio in the kitchen. There was all the regular questions, but one cought my atention.
"Okay, last question. Gearad, have you change as a person since The Black Parade was released?"
"Yeah, I have. I have become more responsible now. But I have to since I got a kid now.."
There was a moment of silence. "You have a kid?"
"Yeah, I do. It's a long story, but I have a daughter. She's a sweety and I love her very much."
"Aaw, dad!" I said and Grannie laughed.
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