Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just To Get Back In Her Arms

All We Could Ask For

by bellaxmuerte 6 reviews

Fast forward in time, but flashbacks never cease.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-20 - 1221 words

Just To Get Back In Her Arms
Chapter 2

February 2007
New York City

"Thirty. In a week I'm turning thirty. I am such a spinster." Stef picked up the coffee pot, poured herself a cup, and slumped in her kitchen chair, defeated. Sarah laughed and poured herself a cup. "You are so not a spinster, you just haven't found the right guy yet, that's all."

Stef cocked her head to the side and raised her eyebrows, "Easy for you to say. And when is your wedding again? Five months? That's what I thought."

"Oh, stop being so bitter. Look at you. You live in this gorgeous New York City apartment, you're a successful author, you're loaded... I bet you don't even have to write another book, and your set for life."

"It's not all about the money and the glory, you know. What you found with Jake... that's something really special. I'm almost 10 years to 40 and I want that already. You know how badly I want a family. Yet I've dated and dated and can't find the one."

"Who cares about 'the one'? Think Carrie Bradshaw- "Sex and the City." New York is a mecca for young, hot guys. Get some, then move on to the next."

Stef glared at Sarah. "You're not helping. All I'm saying is that I want to feel something special with someone. That's only happened to me once in my life..."

"Oh, no no. I know what you're thinking. Honey, that was 12 years ago. You were a foolish teenager. Honestly, could you stop thinking about him? I still can't believe what that son of a bitch did-"

"Hey hey now! That son of a bitch was my best friend for 18 years and the man I lost my virginity to. You could be a little more compassionate about this all."

Sarah sighed. "My dear. Think of what he did to you. After 12 years, how many times did he call you? Once. And do you remember that conversation?"

Stef closed her eyes. "Please don't remind me."

"My point exactly."

"But he's different now, Sarah. I know he is. I just can't go around continuing to be bitter. When he called me, that was 5 years ago. He's been sober for almost 3 years now."

"And how do you know this?"

"Ok, well Gerard's sobriety is mentioned in just about every interview and website that has to do with him. But if you want real credibility, my mom told me. Mrs. Way told her that Gerard was seeking help, and he got it, and he's been sober."

"Well wouldn't you think that, if he cared, he would have somehow gotten in touch with you in his 3 sober years?"

"I guess."

"Forget about him, girl. He's not worth it."

"Yeah... forget... sure."

After Stef had gone away to college, she rarely went back home. This particularly had to do with the fact that she didn't want to run into Gerard. Simply being at home even reminded her of him. While in college, she only visited for Christmas and Easter. The only summer she spent home was right after freshman year because, for the following summers, she had jobs or internships elsewhere. Besides Sarah, who now worked for Jane magazine, Stef had only remained close to Mikey, but that didn't last very long. Once Stef had graduated college in 1999, she went to 2 years of grad school in the city and had been there ever since. Around that same time, My Chemical Romance had begun to form and slowly, she lost touch with Mikey.

Sarah grabbed her bag and began to stand up. "Ok, I have to get to the office now. Thanks for the coffee. Cheer up buttercup."

"It's not that I want to be with him or anything. I don't even want to see him."

"What?" Sarah asked, turning around. She saw Stef sitting there, holding her mug in both hands, staring at the table. After a few seconds, Stef looked up and stared at Sarah. "I don't want to see him," she said. "I don't want anything to do with him. I don't know if I can forgive him. But we shouldn't talk about him like that. He needed help. And he got it. That's all any of us could have asked for."

Sarah walked back over to her friend. "I know," she said, patting Stef's back. "Just try not to think about it anymore. Call me later."

Sarah left and Stef stood up and walked into her bedroom. She pulled out a box from underneath her bed and opened it up. The box was full of letters, pictures, drawings, anything imaginable. She smiled as she pulled out a picture of she and Gerard, sitting on her front porch. They were both grinning ear to ear, Stef with a missing front tooth and Gerard with a few scrapes on his face. As far back as it seemed, she remembered that day as if it just happened.

June 1983

"Stef, get back here!!!" Six year old Gerard ran after Stef in her backyard. Stef giggled as she let her best friend chase her. "Na na na boo boo!" she said as she stuck her tongue out to him. She ran around the side of her house and ended up on the front pavement. She stopped to catch her breath and didn't realize Gerard was right behind her.

"Boo!" he screamed as he pounced on her back, causing her to fall. Before she could completely catch herself, her face hit the pavement and one of her teeth became loose. Immediately, she started to cry. Gerard didn't know what to do.

"Stef, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She stood up. "You are such a BULLY!" she yelled, still crying.

"Umm, so push me?" Gerard suggested.

"No cause I'm not a meanie like you."

"Well if you push me, then my tooth will come loose and we could lose teeth together."

Stef still had a scowl on her face, but agreed to this and shoved Gerard as hard as she could onto the sidewalk. While he didn't lose any teeth, he did end up with my scrapes on his face. When Stef saw Gerard wince in slight pain, she couldn't help but laugh a little. "Ok, we're even," she said.

"What on earth is going on out there?!" Mrs. Cardamone yelled, running from the house. "Stefanie Diane Cardamone, why do you have a bloody mouth? Are you ok? And Gerard. Stefanie, why did you push him? DONNA! Donna, get out here! Oh look at you Stefanie. That tooth needs to come out. We're just gonna have to wiggle it til it's out. Donna, look at our children." Donna Way had come out of her house to see the 2 six-year olds, who looked like they had just been in a wrestling ring.

"You two are such trouble," Donna said. "Let's get you both inside and cleaned up."

Present Day

Stefanie couldn't believe that the boy in the picture was the same boy whom she hadn't spoken to since she was a teenager. The demise of their friendship was almost unreal to her. As she went to put her box away, someone began to knock on her door.

*Sorry, this chapter was kind of a filler. But I hope you liked it anyway. And review, please! :-)
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