Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never in a million years

Bunch of nothing

by thebroken 3 reviews

Patrick Stump and a good cake.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-22 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 1941 words

“EBBA!” The girls screamed and attacked me with a bon crushing group hug as they met me up at one of the hottest clubs in New York. The record company said we needed to get ourselves out for a start to the music industry. And they had indeed started big. We were at the, THE biggest celb party of the month and everyone was there and then I mean everyone. You couldn't turn around without seeing a well recognisable face. Pete Wentz of one of my favourite bands Fall Out Boy was kicking by the DJ table together with Jon Walker of Panic! At the disco. Mikey had also joined them and jumped around like crazy being watched by Alicia from the bar. Déjà vu anyone? She laughed and shook her head and turned to talk with Tove who just had taken the seat next to her. Jennie was still standing on my left with a tight grip around my arm. She never liked big groups of people but she need to get used to it. Julia was already in the centre of the dance floor gaining killing looks by all the plastic girls sounding the stars. Tonight was really her night.

"Lets just cheek this party out and then we can go home. We got the video shoot tomorrow with Marc Webb!" I screamed into Jennie's ear.

"We are?" she replayed.

"Yeah, we are!" and she nodded and we began walking out of the neon light.

"I'm just going to the bathroom. Be right back!" Jennie screamed and pointed towards a door in the back. I nodded and sat down to wait on the only free chair of the bar next to... what made me jump high, Patrick Stump.

"Hey there, watch it!" he said as I almost spilled out his drink.

"Oh, sorry. Just didn't realise who I just sat down next to," I said excusing myself and he laughed.

"It's nothing," he said. "It's a good thing you cute."

"I'm what?" I said taken totally of guard. "Who are you? This is not the shy Patrick you read about in the magazines!" I said joking and gently pinched his arm like I wanted to see if he was real.

"It's all fake!" he said proud. "Naah, I was just pointing out was obvious. And you call me naive? And what was the pinching about." He asked me.

"Just wanted to see if you were real." I said. "It's kind of hard to believe I'm sitting her next to one of my biggest idols."

"Oh, you're a fan!? That's original"

"Yeah, watch it so I don't go all crazy teen fan on you. I might have passed twenty but I still got it!" I said.

"I will!" he said. "You already know who I am and by going thorough my trash this morning knows what I ate for dinner yesterday. Who are you?"

"Ebba!" I said shortly. "Larson."

"So Ebba where are you from?"


"Europe, that's why I couldn't place you accent," he said taking a sip out of his drink. "What do you do for a living then?"

"Isn't time we drop the act?" I asked him. "This meeting was so much better than the one 2 weeks ago."

"Yeah totally," he said and waived for the waiter to get him another drink. "You want anything?"

"Just a coke is fine," I answered and continued. "You really went for it. Keep this up and you might not be alone anymore."

"I'm not alone, I'm sitting here with the most beautiful girl on this party. Your new hair colour kick ass by the way!"

"Good thinking Stump!" I said. "Are these parties always like this?"

"Pretty much," he said. "Wanna get out of here?"

"I haven't finished my coke yet," I said.

"Eh leave it. I'm rich I could by you a coke factory," he said and I laughed. Patrick and I had become friends really quick.

"Well you can come back to my apartment but I warn you, you can't stay long we got the video shoot tomorrow," I said and he nodded. "I just got to tell Jennie I am leaving," Patrick and I searched the room for Jennie until we found her up in the VIP room with lips attached to no other than Ryan Ross. They looked like teenagers since Jennie had the same body type as him. I just shook my head, left the party and drove back to the apartment.

"Cool place!" he said simply as he took of his jacket and left it on the stool in the hall.

"You hungry?" I asked him feeling the erg for something sweet.

"Just a bit," he answered quickly and I showed him into our big kitchen.

"Have you ever eaten what we call in Sweden Kladd kaka?" I asked him.

"Klaoud kaoka?" he said confused.

"Yeah, it's kind of like brownies except it's not brownies," I said.

"I'd like to taste that!" he said.

"Okay," I said and began to take things out of the cuppers to make the cake.

"You're gonna make it now?"

"So I like to bake in the middle of the night big deal," I said and putted two eggs in a bowl mixed it with the sugar and continued to make the cake. "You want to lick the spatula?" I asked him when I had put the batter into the baking tin. As soon as the cake was done I cut out a big piece for Patrick and one for me. I jumped up on the counter. I had always loved sitting on tables. I heard the door in the hallway opened and heard Jennie's voice through the open door.

"RYAN!" She giggled as they entered the kitchen kissing. You had to go through the kitchen to get to Jennie's room. They both stopped and stared at Patrick and me. Me sitting on the counter legs crossed and Patrick on the stool both eating big pieces of a chocolate cake. I saw how red Jennie quickly got and grabbed Ryan's hand.

"Ryan this is Ebba," She said quickly and then pulled Ryan into her room as both Patrick and I began to laugh hysterical.

"Omg!" I said "That is so not like her."

"Not Ryan either! But you never know with those Vegas boys," Patrick said and took another piece of cake from this tin. "This is the best cake ever!"

I woke up next morning by the sun beaming through my window over the high houses. The fog was laying tick but you could already see it was going to be a beautiful day. I got the erg to scream out the lyrics of beautiful day by U2. I settled by singing them to myself and walked out to the kitchen. I saw that the clock was showing 5.30 which meant we needed to leave for the shoot in half an hour. I made breakfast and began waking up the others. Patrick had spent the night on the couch. And pleasantly sat down by the kitchen table and drank the cup of coffee I gave him. He and Pete would be in the video along with my chem. I carfully knocked on Jennie's door and told her to get up. Julia was sound asleep on her bed still fully dressed. I laughed and shook my head. It was just like old times when we still were in school. We had been totally different but some how ended up the best of friends. I woke her up and walked out to the kitchen again and found a smiling Tove sitting next to Patrick.

"Good morning!" she said happily and took a bite of her toast. I ate nothing but drank a cup of coffee. It was an awkward silence when Jennie came out her room. Tove didn't notice as she sat behind her magazine but Patrick and I exchanged looks. Ryan came out to and sat down next to Jennie. Tove still hadn't looked up from her magazine and I just sat there waiting for her to do it. Tove was THE biggest Panic! fan in the world. She thought Ryan to be the biggest inspiration when it came to writing and playing guitar. She had even written a few songs for the new album.

"Ha!" She said loudly. "Don't you just love the preeeee..." she stopped as she had looked over her magazine and went quite, staring at Ryan.

"What were you saying Tove!?" I said forcing her to not react. "eeehm, yeah look there's a picture of Jennie and Ryan here. I thought it... ehm.. look for yourself," she said and spread out the magazine on the table. Where a big picture of Ryan and Jennie was staring back up at us. 'The tragic lyricist and guitar player of Panic! at the disco finds love.' Read the head line above this picture we Ryan and Jennie were closely attached to each other. They weren't kissing but you could still see that it was something underneath. I looked at Jennie who had became all white in her face and looked like someone just had slapped her.

"Jennie just forget about it. Tomorrow they will have something else to write about," Ryan said and laid his hand on her cheek. "It doesn't change what I feel for you." Feel, love, romance, it all came rushing back to me, Frank. I just had to get out the room I wasn't okay yet. I may look and act fine but inside I had the feeling that wouldn't go away. I just walked out the room and straight to my bedroom and locked myself into my bathroom. Stared myself in the mirror telling myself to get a grip. Don't put yourself through it again. You will nort see him today just act like nothing! I told myself.

"Ebba we're leaving in five!" I heard Tove call and I unlooked the bathroom. And took my PJ off and grabbed a pair of sweet pants and an old tee out my dresser. I took a hood and took my sunglasses from the dresser as always slipping my feat into my green vans. Ryan had left and out side was a car waiting to take us to the location. Tove was tying to get Jennie to spill out everything that had happened last night. Julia was leading ageist her pillow she had brought and listening to her ipod. She wasn't a morning person and that was that. I on the other hand was staring dreamily out the window. Patrick was on his sidekick.
The ride to the studio wasn't long we arrived there after 30 min. It was just a big old house surrounded with trucks with cameras and shit. It was finally the day for the thing I've been looking forward too.

A/N: Well here is the thing as you might had noticed the beginning of this chap sounds so much like a part out of the old one simply because I thought I had lost the part and began to write it again. This time even better and when I found it I just did it like this instead. The reason the chapter ends here is because I need more time to develop the final music video. I already had on thought out for another song but it will be something really big I though I'd start with something smaller. AAnd the next chap will be much longer.

To Beatrix: Du kommer vara med I nästa kapitel jag lovar. Jag har redan skrivit det men det passade inte riktigt med än.
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