Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

My Beautiful

by akissforjersey09 5 reviews

Elijah makes Killian's purpose quiet clear for our vampire...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-23 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1674 words

"Elijah wishes to see you," Bob said, his voice quiet as he peeked his head through the room. I moved around, slightly disoriented from the argument with Killian. Why did she have to be so stubborn with me? Why couldn't she make this easy for the both of us, and why did she have to smell so good?

I nodded to Bob, letting him know that I understood and heard, and I slowly moved toward the door, the stone walls seeming a bit darker than normal.

Once I finally arrived at Elijah's door, the oak immediately swung open and revealed Elijah, reclining at his desk, absentmindedly playing with one of his many human toys. He collected them because he said that they amused him.

"Come forward Frank, I don't bite...those who've already been bitten," Elijah said, looking at me, still playing with the human toy. It seemed to be a small round ball that was red and was about the size of a regular human palm.

I took a seat and looked at Elijah, waiting for him to get to the point of me being here.

"Frank, you see this?" Elijah asked, his eyes now focused on the red ball.


"Good. It's a human invention of course. Quite amusing really."

I didn't say anything because I had a feeling that this was going always did with Elijah.

"And do you know why it's so amusing? Because of the simplistic design, though flawed, it captures the attention of all. Would you like a go?" Elijah asked, extending the ball out to me.

I refused and let him continue.

"The ball is a metaphor for humans. Humans are simplistic, predictable, over dramatic. They suffer the flaws of their simplicity, predictably, their ability to love, and their mortality. Through all of this, it still captures the attention of all. Frank, do not let Killian fool you, there is nothing more to her than the shell that encases her. She is just like this ball, simplistic and predictable. Because of these flaws, we must make boundaries known." Elijah's eyes were now staring through mine, hoping to find a shred of guilt in something I've already done with Killian...well, kind of did anyways.

"I don't understand," I said finally, screwing my face into total confusion.

"Frank, it is no secret that you have already had a relation with Killian. I could smell her scent the moment you walked into the dinning room last night, and I could tell in her eyes that there was something that connected the two of you. You know it is against all rules to have any personal, romantic, or emotional involvement with a human. I don't think I have to remind you of what happened to Vin," Elijah said.

No, he didn't have to remind me. Almost every vampire who was present saw the repercussions of his mistake, and maybe that was what kept me from taking Killian that night.

"You're free to go now Frank. Just remember our rules apply to all, no matter how valuable they may be to the clan or to our kind."

I nodded and swiftly got up, closing the door behind me. I couldn't keep doing this. I couldn't deny what my instincts were telling me. I needed her blood, I needed her more than she probably needed anybody in this world. Her scent killed me every time I was near her, her face and innocence and human-ness made me want her even more somehow. I liked the blush on her cheeks, the human responses, the warmness of her skin. It had been so long since I had felt warm skin on my ice cold that I had forgotten everything I was supposed to represent for our kind and clan.

The things you've done to me...My Beautiful...

I could hear the hallways were quiet and seemingly empty, just like I had observed during my time here. I guess I could call it day, but there were no windows anywhere in this stone fortress for me to verify that.

I opened the door slightly and the whole corridor was empty, prompting me to go ahead and sneak my way into the corridor and wander around to see if I could find out exactly where I was.

Seemingly hours later, I bumped into someone, almost sending me to the ground if they didn't catch me. I looked up to see the vampire from the night before...and from my nightmare. He straightened me up and slightly pushed me away, giving me a weird look before stalking off. Did I do something?

Every time I was around him, I always felt like I did something wrong.

"Can I help you?" the friendly blond guy--well, vampire really--from days before that would give me food in my room.

"Actually, I was just wandering around; I'm a bit bored."

"It's not wise to wander around here. You could get into things that Elijah wouldn't like for you to see."


"Yeah, he's our rector...our sire. He called us to this way of life. You met him last night. He was the first to address you at the head of the table."

Automatically my mind shot to the memory of last night at the man who was unbelievably pale, had bony and long fingers, and jet black hair that touched the highest point of his back.

"So where is this place exactly?"

"Underground New York," he said, glancing around.

I nodded my head until it finally sunk in.

"W-wait...Underground New York?" My voice was panic-filled and higher than normal.

"Yes, we can't live in the sun."

"Oh, because you're vampires right?" I asked, panic still evident in my voice.

"No. The sun actually doesn't burn us to cinder. The sun just irritates our skin; almost like getting hives or a bad rash. By the way, my name is Bob," he said, extending a pale hand forward.

"Killian," I said, shaking his offered hand. His skin was cold, chilling my whole arm with a blast of iciness.

"Sorry, I can't help it."

"No, it's fine. But who is the guy with the dark brown hair, slightly green eyes and the attitude?" I asked, trying to get some information about this vampire who kept haunting my dreams and my waking thoughts.

"His name is Frank. He's actually a pretty well-trusted vampire in our clan...very important to our kind as well. He's quite rare to be honest."


"All of us are different breeds of vampire. Some are normal, with only the ability to bite and drain. Some vampires are a bit more extraordinary and have some extra talents of their own such as mind-reading, fortune-telling, or an overwhelming gift of charisma. But Frank and a few select vampires are actually extraordinary and powerful vampires. You find them mostly with the elders and older vampires mainly because it's more pure the vampire venom. But Frank was changed by an ancient, by an elder and that alone makes him special...makes him different."


"Because elders feel they have no obligation to change humans anymore. Vampires are one of the most powerful of all of us 'underground dwellers' because of our numbers. When you've changed so many, there's no reason to keep going, that's why you change so many in the beginning. It's a bit hard to explain really. I guess it's kind of like the reason old people don't have kids after they've already had kids that have grown up and had their own children."

The information was staggering, and quite startling. I never really looked at vampires from the stand point of the way one has to live. It made me slightly sympathize for this vampire Frank. "So what's the special and beyond ordinary talent of Frank?" I asked.

"He's overly sensitive to the scent of blood and has the talent of hypnosis. It's actually quite effective not only on humans, but immortals as well."

No wonder he hated being around me.

Two weeks passed and I had the hardest time keeping away from Killian. I could smell her scent in the corridors now, and on my clothes as I sorted through them. Nothing should smell so sinful, so tempting...

In the end that's what Killian was for me. My temptress, my sin that indulgence would never reward me with. I could never have enough of her, even if she freely gave herself to me.

Her scent was becoming unbearable as she now began to wander around with Bob. I guess he was informing her of our way of life. I could see her face every time I was alone with my thoughts and when I closed my eyes. Her piercing stare and her full lips always pouting in confusion.

That night I talked to her alone.

"Killian, I want to apologize for my actions these past two weeks. I've been very unpleasant. I wish to start over with you, so we can really understand one another," I said.

Her eyes searched me cautiously. "Why now?"

"Because I've finally understood that no matter how hard I try and stay away from you, the more I want you, the more I set myself up for failure. My orders were not to get close, but I won't. We'll be more like casual friends or something."

I couldn't understand why my words were becoming hard to say and come up with and why they came out in a rush. Indeed...

Without a doubt and to the fullest of my knowledge, Killian was three things: My Temptress, My Sin, and more importantly My Beautiful...

I'd like to thank rejected_smurf_god, SafeFromRobotsDAMN, natalie, cutegirl12356, thruthekeyholes,and Reign_Madden for all of their support through the reviews. I apologize that I couldn't get this out faster, but my laptop crashed and I had to get a new one and get everything installed on it, so I should be back in business and updating regularly again...

Thanks...and reviews are greatly appreciated...

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