Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > My Heart Can't Take This Hurt

chapter 6

by Rybekka 2 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1368 words

Thnks fr th comments =D

Ryan's POV

"Where are mom and dad?" Claire was shaking as tears slid down her cheek. I put my arms around her and wiped away her tears. "Its okay."

But it wasn't. It scared me how easy it was to lie about such an important thing. Everything wasn't okay. She was eight and she didn't deserve to be crying every night because of her parents. They were supposed to wipe away her tears. Not be the cause of them.

I held her tightly and waited until she calmed down.

"Claire, are you ready to tell me what happened?" I whispered softly and brushed away her hair from her wet eyes.

"The were yelling... and s-s-screaming, and then suddenly all was quiet" She stuttered in beween sobs. "And then they were gone."

"Where?" I was drowning in problems now.

"I don´t know. They. just. left." Drowned.

I got Claire to sleep. But not myself. I didn't sleep one minute that night. Well, there was one time where I almost fell asleep then but my timer when off, telling me it was 7:30.

This was just fan-fucking-tastic.

I couldn't skip school again. I was in enough trouble already. Just a few more seconds, to think things over. My parents hadn't still come home, my best friends were mad at me, the girl I was possibly falling for liked somebody else, I had to be there for my little sister and I had no one. Wait. Add, I lost my iPod.

I looked through the pockets of my jacket, but nothing. That was just great. My iPod was my everything. I had raised money for months to buy it. It was the only thing I had to listen to music. It was practically my life.

I got out of bed and woke Claire up. She had slept through the night. I wish I could be her. So young and oblivious to how bad things really were.

The next thing I had to worry about was school. I'd probably get detention today for skipping school yesterday. I hoped the guys wouldn't be mad at me because of yesterday. I really didn't need it.


It was at lunch break when I first saw the guys, I was really starting to think that they were avoiding me, or they hadn't come to school today.

They were sitting at our usual table chatting quietly. I walked over there and sat down between Brendon and Spencer but they didn't seem to care to say Hi or anything. Just a nod in my direction. At a time like this I really needed my iPod.

"Guys, I'm really sorry I didn't make it last night" I said when a few minutes of silence had passed.

"Yeah. It's okay. Really, we'll just practice some other time. But we can't today, my grandma has this thing." Spencer said but didn't even look at me. Everything was not okay.

Suddenly someone poked me in the shoulder. All eyes turned to the person standing behind me. I turned to see who it was and I met Sophia's flushed face.

"Ryan, hey" She said blushing.

"Hey," I said simply. Then I saw the confused faces of the guys so I introduced her. "Guys, This is Sophia." I added gesturing at the brown haired girl.

The guys smiled politely back at her without introducing themselves. A curious look appeared on their faces afterwards.

"So, what's up?" I asked her as she stood there frozen to the floor.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. You forgot your iPod at my house" She said shaking off the shyness and handed me my little iPod mini. I felt my face light up as I received the little device. I turned my head to announce my happiness to the guys when I saw the weird looks on their faces.

"What? I thought you were babysitting Claire yesterday?" Brendon spat at me.

"Wait, what. No. Oh, I mean yeah I kinda was but.."

"But what? and who is this girl anyway?" Brendon cut me off and crossed his hands completely ignoring that Sophia was still standing in front of him. Spencer and Jon were looking disappointedly at me. What had I now done. Why did I always have to lie?

Sophia just stood there with a shocked expression on her face. "I think I'm gonna go." She said and ran away.

"No Sophia, wait" I yelled after her but when I was going to run after her Brendon wrapped his hand around my arm. At the exact same place my father had yesterday. I felt the pain shoot up my arm and I quickly released my arm from his grip. I covered my bruised arm with my hand and turned to Brendon "Why do you have to hurt me?"

"What? I barely touched it! And you shouldn't be running after some girl! You dissed us to be with a GIRL! That we haven't even met before!" He said angrily.

"Please don't Brendon. You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know what I'm going through right now." I said trying to make him understand but his stubborn expression did not change.

"Yes, exactly Ryan! We have no idea what going on with you! You don't talk to us. You just talk to some random girls you meet instead of us!" Brendon insisted and Jon and Spencer nodded in agreement.

"That's not fair guys. I just. I forgot yesterday. Please don't act like this. I'm really sorry, I'm just going through a lot right now." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I really needed them to understand, I really needed my best friends right now.

"Then talk to us!" Spencer said making it sound so simple.

"I... just can't" I whispered and a tear fell from my eye. I couldn't look at them, instead I was staring down at my hands in my lap.

"Ryan, we'll talk to you when you're ready to tell us what's wrong." Spencer stated and stood up. Brendon and Jon followed his actions and then they walked away, leaving me alone with my worries.


Like I had predicted I got detention that afternoon. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the half empty class room was Sophia. Her pen flew over the paper in front of her. She was looking serious and had a worried expression on her face.

I walked over there and took a seat next to her. She looked up at me and with out a word at the paper again.

"Sophia, please don't be mad at me, Brendon can be a idiot sometimes." I whispered hoping the teacher wouldn't hear me.

"Well. I guess I can't be mad at you. Its not your fault what Brendon said." She looked up from the paper and at me with a small smile. That was what I needed to see. They way that small smile made me feel was unbelievable. Finally someone who understood.

"Thanks Sophia." I said and put my hand over hers on the table.

"NO talking. OR TOUCHING! Damn teenagers these days." The soon-to-be retired teacher yelled over the class room. I quickly moved my hand from hers and smirked at her. She just blushed at all the attention she was getting from the other kids who were in detention.

When I got home the driveway was still empty. I felt how my heart started to beat faster as I realized that my parents weren't home yet. They had been gone for a long time now.

Claire was inside her room doing her homework.

"Hi, haven't mom and dad gotten home yet?" I asked her but she just muttered out a 'no' and kept studying. What could i do? What if something had happened? I had no one to ask for help. Should I call the police?

I heard the doorbell ring. That was probably mom and dad!

Wait. No.

I felt my hope turn to nothing. If that was them they had probably let themselves in. Who was it then?

I opened the door and to my surprise an police officer stood on my front lawn.

"George Ryan Ross, is that your name?"
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