Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A User's Guide to Pregnancy.

Due Date Filler. . .

by Meg2005 2 reviews

Due Date time.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-29 - Updated: 2007-04-29 - 1117 words - Complete

'Jonathan come on we have a doctor's appointment in half an hour in Chicago.' Cooper said as she pulled on her yoga pants while Jon was still in bed.

'Do I have to go?' Jon whined. Cooper turned around and glared at him as she started to storm out of the room, 'No baby, baby I'm sorry. I'll go.'

'You don't want to go, I'm going by myself.' Cooper said as she tried to walk away but Jon wouldn't have it.

'No honey, I do want to go. I'm sorry, let me put on pants and brush my teeth.' Jon said pulling her back into the bedroom. Cooper sat down on the bed and crossed her legs waiting for Jon to finish.

'Hurry up.' She scolded.

'I'm sorry; I'm having problems with my jeans.' Jon said with a hint of pink rising in his cheeks.

'What's wrong?'

'Nothing don't worry about it.' Jon said walking out of the bathroom and towards the closet for a bigger pair.

'Babe, what's wrong?'

'Cooper it's nothing.'

'Johnny, baby what's wrong?'

'We haven't had sex in a while okay; it takes a little while for the morning to wear off okay.' Jon snapped.

Cooper tried to hold it back, in all honesty, she tried but in all didn't work. Cooper couldn't hold back her laughter anymore, 'I'm glad that you think it's so funny.' Jon mumbled as he buttoned his least favorite pair of jeans.

'You're the one that wanted to baby I would have been perfectly happy, we could be having sex right now, hot...sweaty....naked.' Cooper whispered in Jon's ear.

'We have a doctor's appointment.' Jon said closing his eyes tightly as he began to brush his teeth.

'Good Morning.' Dr. Hudson said as Cooper sat on the table while Jon stood next to her looking uncomfortable.

'Good morning.' Cooper smiled.

'How are you feeling?'

'Pretty good.'

'Jon, how are you feeling?'

'Constrained.' Jon said looking down at his smirking wife.

'Well let's get this show on the road then shall we?' the doctor smiled as Cooper laid back on the table, 'So first I'm going to do a little exam to make sure everything is good down here and then we're just going to clear up a few questions for you, and we can set a due date for you today.' She smiled.

Cooper smiled as well looking up at Jon who kissed her hand with a smile on his face.

'Alright Cooper, you are at eleven weeks; meaning that if all goes according to plan, your little bundle of joy will arrive on the fourth of May.' Dr. Hudson said looking down at the clip board.

'May 4th.' Jon smiled.

'Okay so let's talk for a second, we haven't had this talk yet but it's very important for the well being of your baby.' The doctor began. Cooper sat up on the table dangling her legs off the side. 'I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I need you two to be very honest with me, I won't judge you they will just be for medical history and that sort of stuff.'

'Alright.' Jon said as he sat next to Cooper making sure to hold her hand.

'Alright Cooper, have you ever been pregnant before?' she asked.

'There was one scare when we first got together, we had been together...what? Eight months?' she asked looking over at Jon.

'Something like that.'

'Anyway, I thought I was pregnant but it turned out as a false alarm I think but other then that no.'

'Have either of you ever done methamphetamines or other street drugs cocaine, heroin, etc.?'

'No never.' Jon said.

'Cooper what about your drinking history?'

'I haven't had anything to drink since August, I guess when I was in Vegas with Jon we drank but that's been the last time.'

'Alright, have either of you been diagnosed with any disorders, sicknesses, or diseases?'

'No.' Cooper said.

'Alright so this is going to be sort of a low down of what is going to be happening in the next few weeks.' She started, 'Cooper, your morning sickness should start to disappear; your appetite should come back, your cravings are going to go into super mode, your energy level is going to sore as is your sex drive; Jon don't be alarmed sex during pregnancy is perfectly healthy; you should start to show probably closer to the sixth week then now since this is your first child. In about eight weeks we should be able to tell what you two are going to be having. Cooper, I need you to continue with your diet, you're doing perfect right now, plenty of water and fluids and lots of rest and you should be good to go. You don't really need to worry about miscarrying anymore, that period is over so be excited.'

'Thank you Dr. Hudson.' Cooper smiled as she got off the table.

'You're welcome Cooper, if you need anything you have my home and cell number don't be afraid to call me.' She smiled.

'Thank you.' Cooper smiled with Jon nodded before the doctor walked out of the room. Cooper turned around to Jon where he pulled her into a big hug. Cooper wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her close, 'I love you.' She smiled resting a palm on his cheek.

'I love you too baby.' He smiled before kissing her gently.

'Let's go home; we have some news to tell every one.' Cooper said excitedly.

'Jon are you sure you want to do this? I mean really, we don't have to, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.' Cooper said as they stood in the kitchen two hours away from the barbeque they called.

'Babe, I know you are nervous about telling your parents but they will be okay with it. You have nothing to worry about.' Jon said cupping her face.

'She's going to lecture me on having a baby because you want it. You know how she is. We use to talk about never wanting kids and here we are six months away from popping one out. She's going to shit a brick on both of us.'

'Baby, it doesn't matter what she says anyway, it's our life together and if we want to have a kid we can have a kid and we are having a kid. Besides, it's a little late now, you're three months pregnant.'

'I know. I guess I'm just a little nervous that's all.' Cooper smiled.

'Well don't be nervous, you have nothing to be nervous about.' Jon said before realizing he would later be eating his words.
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