Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Burned

The Hospital

by cassandra 1 review


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-04-29 - Updated: 2007-04-29 - 1144 words

Delilah slowly opened her eyes. She could feel wind pushing against her face. She quickly glanced around, she was in a car. Al was at the wheel and Scarlett was in the back sitting right beside her. Delilah looked to her right, where the wind was coming from, her window was opened. She moved her hand to the little button and pushed it forward. Slowly the window went up.

"Hey you're finally awake." Scarlett laid her hand on Delilah's shoulder.

"How long was I out for?" Her voice seemed dead, as she started out the window at the pine trees.

"More than two hours. We're on our way to the hospital. Julius was taken their in a helicopter. We should get there in about an hour. Oh and don't worry about him, he'll be fine. He's tough."

"Don't worry about him." Delilah began to raise her voice. "Don't worry about him1 you got to be kidding me! I saw him. I saw all the blood. My hands were covered in it. I couldn't even see his hands! That's how much there was." Delilah took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled, quietly she whispered, "He's going to die. I know it and it's all my fault."

There was a moment of silence then Scarlett laid her hand on Delilah's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. She was about to say something, but Delilah spoke first. It was only four words, but it was four words that made everyone quiet for the rest of the way. "Just leave me alone."
They had arrived at the hospital. Scarlett and Al were eagerly waited right outside Julius' room. They were waiting for one of the nurses and doctors, that were rushing in and out of his room, to tell them about his condition.

Delilah had walked up to his room, but when she saw that his room's door was opened she decided to wait in the lobby downstairs.

She had told Al and Scarlett that she was going to the lobby to get something to eat, but that's not really why she was there.

She was there because she didn't want to be by his room when his heart gave up and the monitor showed that flat red line and made that heart breaking sound. Delilah could picture how clear that sound would be with that opened door. That wide opened door with all those nurses and doctors rushing in and out of. In and out. In and out. Soon they will all be out and Julius' body would be moved to the basement.

Delilah could just picture a few nurses wheeling a stretcher, with a body covered by a white sheet on it, past her and just as they turned a corner, the sheet would slip off and only a hand could be seen at Delilah position, one very bloody hand.

Delilah was taken out of her day dream as two hands rested on her shoulder. The person behind her didn't even need to speak. She already knew it was Scarlett. "He's gone, isn't he."

It was a little past midnight. The incident had occurred over five hours ago and during all of that Delilah had been sure that he was going to die, but only now had she really began to think about her life without Julius by her side. There would be no more scrambled eggs in the morning, no more picnics on their days off, no more of his tender kisses, and the thing she used to look forward to, would now be her worse fear...the night. The nights would now be cold without his strong arms wrapped around her. Delilah knew that she couldn't go back to sleeping in her queen size bed all alone, not after she had experienced the warmth and comfort of Julius. Now Delilah was glad that Scarlett was behind her as her eyes began to swell up with tears.

"No. He's with us and the doctors say he's going to be with us for a long time. They told us that he's going to make a full recovery, but it will take some time. A lot of time."

Delilah froze. Could her ears be deceiving her. She had saw Julius and all of his blood. No human could loss that much blood and survive, but it wasn't as bad as she thought. Delilah tried to picture exactly how much blood she had seen, but it she got was a blurry red image.

"Delilah, he's going to be fine. Aren't you excited." Scarlett shook Delilah's shoulders.

He's going to be fine. He's going to be fine. Delilah keep replaying that single line in her head. He's going to be fine. He's going to be fine.

"Delilah aren't you going to say anything."

"That's great." Was all Delilah could squeak out. She felt Scarlett take her hands off of her shoulders and immediately knew that she was coming around to sit beside her. Delilah quickly wiped away her tears as Scarlett sat beside her.

"Do you want to see him?"

Delilah thought about it. Honestly she didn't want to see him in his current condition. She didn't want to see him all bandaged up, with needles stuck in him, but she also didn't want to say no to Scarlett question. Delilah was afraid that it may sound mean or something.

When Delilah didn't answer Scarlett continued to talk, "Well I don't think you should. We should actually be leaving now. Visiting hours are over and now that we know he's going to be okay the doctors are probably going to kick us out." Scarlett looked at Al as he came to sit beside them.

Al put his arm around Delilah's shoulder. "I talked to the doctors and he'll be able to come home in the next few days, but we have to leave now. Sorry you didn't get to see him, kiddo. I can talk to them, they'll probably let you see him for a little while."

"No that's okay. We shouldn't bother them anymore. Let's go."

"Okay then, if that's how you feel." Al stood up and lead the way to the car, outside.

The ride home was a very quiet and long one. Delilah kept falling asleep, but would always wake up right away. Every time she closed her eyes "the incident", as she called it, would replay in her mind. Each time it would be different somehow, like more blood or blood in different places or a different weapon or a different villain, but every one of her little dreams would have two things in common. One, it was always Julius who got hurt. Two, he always died in her arms. Actually their was three things they all had in common. Three, he would always say /I love you/, right before he past on.
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