Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Burned

Delilah's Fear

by cassandra 3 reviews

It goes back a few minutes in time and shows hoe Delilah feels.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-22 - Updated: 2007-04-23 - 694 words

Delilah could feel Ice trying to claw at her arm, but it didn't hurt. Sure she could feel it, but she wasn't going to draw blood or anything.

Julius ran past both of them. Delilah knew he was going for the gun.

Ice's hands stopped clawing at her arm and slowly began falling to her sides. "Let her go! Now!" Delilah immediately knew it was Sunshine and mentally hit herself for forgetting about her.

Sunshine poked her in the back with her firegun.

Delilah thought about what to do. She knew Ice wasn't going to go anywhere as soon as she let her go and she knew Julius was free and he probably had a plan. So she slowly let Ice fall to the ground. Delilah smirked as Ice gasped for air. Then she heard footsteps, but the sound were very close together and Delilah knew that it was Julius running.

Delilah turned around just in time to see Julius grab the gun and Sunshine pull the trigger. She could see red flames escape from the cracks between Julius' fingers. Sunshine dropped the gun and Julius fell to the ground.

Sunshine stepped back, shocked at what had happened. Delilah stood staring at Julius' hands. Red was all over them, but not the bright red color of flames no that had gone a moment ago. This was a dark red, the color of blood. She couldn't feel herself scream, but she cloud hear it. It was loud and almost unrecognizable. She stopped screaming and started hyperventilating. She could hear Sunshine yell, "What do we do!"

Snapping back to her senses Delilah took out her blackberry and dialled Al. She heard the phone being picked up and yelled, "Al!" Before the person even said hello.

"Let's get out of here!" The only reason Delilah could tell it was Ice was because of where the voice came from.

"Delilah what's wrong." It wasn't al on the other line, she could tell it Scarlett.

"We need help! Now! Julius is bleeding! It's everywhere! He's losing too much. It's everywhere."

"Delilah!" Delilah didn't answer her. Her eyes were fixed on Julius' hands and the puddle of blood that was quickly forming around it. "Delilah! Delilah focus!"

Finally Delilah snapped out of it. "Yes I'm here."

"We got your location. We're on our way. Keep pressure on where he's bleeding. We're coming."

The line went dead. Delilah quickly glanced around for something to keep pressure on Julius' hands. She saw a blanket on the other side of the warehouse, but not wanting to leave Julius she just ripped her sleeve off instead. She quickly wrapped the sleeve around Julius' hands and pushed down on both of his hands with hers. The blood quickly went thought the sleeve. Delilah could feel his blood creeping in between her fingers. It was warm and moist. Delilah gagged, but didn't throw up. Soon his blood covered her hands. She wanted to let go and wipe if off, but she knew she shouldn't. She rested her head on his chest, "Julius don't die... Please." Delilah almost fainted when she looked back at the puddle of blood. "God, there's so much."

After what seemed like forever, but was only around fifteen minutes She heard a helicopter outside. Soon followed but people rushing in the opened door. A man slowly pulled her up by the shoulders as three other guys bent down to Julius. As soon as she was standing Delilah threw her arms around the man. She didn't know who he was and right now she didn't care. All she wanted was to be held and he seemed to understand that. He put his arms around her and after a moment he whispered in her ear, "Scarlett and Al should be here in about a half an hour. They sent us because we were closer." He starched his neck up and Delilah could tell that he was trying to look at Julius. "Jesus, It's everywhere."

The picture came back into Delilah's mind. His blood all over her hands and the puddle of it on the ground. She felt like fainting and this time she really did.
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