Categories > Anime/Manga > Weiss Kreuz > Entwined


by schism-ism 0 reviews

A try at fleshing out Nagi, a little.... (possibly) eventual NagixOmi

Category: Weiss Kreuz - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Nagi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2005-11-08 - Updated: 2005-11-08 - 219 words


Crawford's teaching of "control" was like meditation under threat of pain. Something like "relax and breath, or I'll shoot you." There were other remotely sage-like things mixed in. There were references to superiority. What they were capable of transcended the boundaries of normal men. It was a game of power and learning to utilize it.

It was a game.

Interaction at the "learning facility" he was being sent to would be a game among peers.

Being thrown into a wall by his teacher, (Bitch) Ms. Elyke, as part of the lesson plan would be a game among superiors.

Beating Lares [insert last name here] at everything worth doing would be a game of rivalry.

And he would win.

Every time.

Nagi came out of those experiences as a monosyllabic boy with a fondness for describing everything as 'tolerable'.

There was no reason to complain when the beds wouldn't get any softer, the food any more palatable, the people any nicer.

Acceptance was key.

It was why he didn't deign to respond to . . . ignorant comments.

It wasn't worth it.

Breathe in.

People would say and think what they wanted regardless of what he said.

Breathe out.

After all, there were better ways of getting what he wanted, Nagi new this to be fact.

And he would.

He would get everything.
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