Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Curse

Could I? Should I?

by MyChemPrincess77 3 reviews

i think its my longest chapter yet!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-05-05 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 1008 words


My eyes suddenly opened at exactly 3:47 in the morning. I have no memory of the dream I had, but there were tears down my face. I didn't feel like going back to sleep. Instead I slowly sat up and dashed over to my closet.
The doors squeaked as I pushed them back. I slowly slid inside and sat on the rack that I was supposed to put my clothes on. I was small enough to lie down, even if it was a little uncomfortable. I sat in there, with darkness swirling around me. I thought about how I saved my brother's life today. I couldn't believe it. Today I gave myself a small reason to live for.
My mind flashed back to school, how all the people made fun of my for wearing black every day and not saying anything in class.
"Why don't you ever say anything? Why do you just sit there?" they asked. I just looked down, scribbling random circles on my folder. Until it got to the point there was no more room. Kind of like my mind, I can only remember so much crap people say until I explode. I never wanted to go back there, in the shithole with nothing but criticizing bitches who only care about money. I could be one of them if I wanted to. It's not like I don't have the money. What they didn't know is that I carried around $50 in my wallet. But I didn't want to be one of them. Because then someone will be calling me a criticizing bitch. It just never ends. You are always called something bad, no matter which you are.
"That's it. I've had enough of this shitty world!" I almost yelled, forgetting how early it was. Without thinking, I ran up to my desk and grabbed my house key. I moved over to the window, using the moon as my light.
I slowly scratched the cold metal to my skin on my wrist, creating a small white scratch. The second time, I went in harder, letting it cut through my soft skin. The sad thing was, it didn't seem to hurt as much as I thought. But I knew I done damage when I saw my own blood pop out, leaking down my arm.
"Aaah!" I yelled, shaking my arm. I just wanted to die right there and never solve this problem.
"Mikey?" I heard a gasp. I looked up and saw my brother rushing to my side. Fuck... how did he hear me?
I just looked down at the golden wood floor as Gerard dabbed the scratch with a paper towel.
"Mikey..." he trailed off.
"How did you hear me?" I whimpered. He hesitated to answer.
"Mikey, I am going through some weird stuff right now. Apparently you are too, if you are trying to kill yourself. You need to learn how to get through this stuff." I said seriously.
"Yeah? Look at the position you are in. You have every girl in the school chasing after you and willing to be your friend. Why don't I?" I asked, feeling fed up.
Gerard laughed shortly. "You think its luxury having girls chase you and never leave me alone? All I want to do is hang out with my friends and have fun, not worrying about girlfriends and that crap." He debated.
"...fine, just don't tell mom or dad." I fell over on my bed, dabbing my arm with another paper towel. I heard Gerard leave my room, and I let out a quiet sob.


I couldn't believe that my brother tried to kill himself... And with his house keys! I pressed my cold pillow against my face, thinking about what I really should have told him. But I didn't even the truth know myself. I saved him because I think I had a vision of him in my dream. He was holding something shiny, standing in front of the moonlight. I am starting to have really bad feelings about these visions.
I sat up in bed, and flew down the steps, straight into my parent's room. I had to find answers, and if at any chance it was going to be now. I whipped open the door.
I was a little surprised that my parents were up; they had the TV on, that created a deep blue glow around the room. I used the blue light to lead me over to their bed.
"Mom... dad?" I asked. They both turned around.
"Gerard, honey, what's wrong?" My mom asked with concern.
"It's not another headache, is it?" my dad asked.
I shook my head. "No, it's just..." I trailed off. I couldn't tell them about the visions. What if they think im crazy? What if Mikey thinks I am telling them about him right now? How bad of a brother would I be if I told them? I would be a worse son if I didn't, though.
All of these thoughts kept running through my head, making me feel very dizzy.
"Gerard, sit down. Are you feeling dizzy?" my dad asked.
I nodded and sat down on the other side of the bed, keeping distance. They looked at each other nervously. I suddenly didn't want to know what was going on. I stood up, and started walking towards the door.
"Forget it, never mind," I mumbled before walking out.
When I reached the top of the steps Mikey was standing there, glaring at me.
"You didn't tell them, did you?" he asked. I could tell he was trying to act strong, but I could hear the fear hidden behind his voice.
"No... I want you to tell them." I left him standing there with his jaw hung open.
If he never tries, he will never learn. This is exactly what I realized I should do a second after I said it.

sorry if this is kinda ooc... i dont think a boy would be throwing his face in his pillow, but maybe some do. i dont know.
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