Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Curse

Tell me why i feel this way

by MyChemPrincess77 2 reviews

sorry ive been gone along time.. i went to see mcr play on tuseday, IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-05-12 - Updated: 2007-05-12 - 624 words

Blood mixed with the rain, streaming down the empty street. The only noise was faint screams. A car lit up the alleyway, but the only thing that was visional in the light was the blue sky, that faintly represented crystals.

I awoke with a sudden jolt, breathing hard and fast. I tried to calm myself down by looking around my room, slowly taking in the events of last night. As I cleared my head, I realized how cold it was in here.

It felt like something was squeezing the warmth out of me, until I was numb. I folded my arms and heavily brushed the goose bumps that formed there, trying to get the blood flowing in my arm again.
Crap. I have to go to school today. What the hell time is it? No, im not even going to look at the clock. Im gonna sleep in and pretend to be sick.

I leaned back down, forcing my eyes not to look at the clock. I closed them, trying to fall back asleep. But the noise coming from downstairs told me it was around 6. I sighed and slowly sat up, trying to fight off the cold that was swarming around me. This was a bad time to be in shorts and a tee-shirt.
I jumped out of bed, quickly running over to my heater before the cod air almost killed me. I stood in front of the heater, expecting a burst of warm air. I didn't feel anything. I pressed my hand to where the air was supposed to come out. I felt nothing. Odd...

I bent down and checked to see if it was on. The light was shining and the button was switched on the on side. I touched it, holding my finger to it for at least ten seconds. Did I go crazy or something? God, why isn't the heat working?
The cold floor started to sting, so I jumped up and went downstairs, immediately turning to the kitchen.
It was the typical morning scene; my mom was sipping coffee, my dad was reading the newspaper, and Mikey was sitting there, with an uneaten muffin in front of him.
"Gerard, go upstairs and get dressed! You will be late!" my mom warned. I nodded, reaching for chocolate chip flavored PopTarts.
"Hey, dad, does the heat work?" I asked casually, tearing the delicate foil wrapping. He brought his newspaper down so I could see the confusion on his face.
"Yes, it's been on all night." He walked towards it, gently putting his finger on it.
"Argh!!" He jumped back, yelling. I felt a little guilty now.
"What about the one in my room?" I asked slowly, watching him shake off his red finger in cold water.
"If one is on, they are all one. So yours must work."
"But..." I started to argue. "I just put my finger on it and it didn't burn!" I finished, holding up my finger to prove it. My mom gasped and Mikey laughed slightly.
"Hey, maybe you got that disease, you know when your nerves get all weird and you can't feel pain anymore!" he exclaimed. I glared at him, and then quickly looked back at my mom who was looking at my finger. I moved my hand away to look at it myself.

It was bright red, and it kind of looked like a second degree burn or so. Not that bad, on account of I don't even feel it.
"I don't know about that, I think I want to take you to a doctor," she worried.
"Oh, mom im fine. It's nothing." I shrugged, taking another bite of my PopTart. I really didn't feel the burn on my finger, I just felt cold.
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