Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Brought You To The Dark Side, But You Brought Me To The Bright Side

I Brought You To The Dark Side, But You Brought Me To The Bright Side (Part 2)

by panicatthediscoxchik 0 reviews

Creatures of the night. Things will Never Be the same.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-05-08 - Updated: 2007-05-08 - 1716 words

Rachel's Pov

I sat in Chemistry wondering where the fuck Frank had gone I mean he called me

Every morning I'd be able to wake up to my phone ring and hear his voice saying

"Hello beautiful how are you this fine day?"

Even if it was raining.

What if he's cheating on me?

What if he's mad at me?

What if he's hurt?

What if he's dying?

What if he's already dead!?

All these questions were running through my head when I heard a book slam.

"Miss Powell welcome back to the real world, now do you think you can concentrate?" the teacher Mrs Walker said in an evil tone I smirked sarcastically

And looked at my fellow classmates smirking at me.

I gave them all the preppy bitches the finger,

And looked down at my desk.

The graffiti on it was mostly mine.

It had things like "I ¢¾ Frank" on it and "I'm worthless" for when I wasn't having a good day (true story lol my Bio table looks like that)

I suddenly got a sheet of paper thrown in front on me

I sighed and started answering the questions on paper, boy was this day gonna drag.

Gerard's Pov

Frank was right all along I'm so glad I worked up the courage tell her.

Well sorta tell her she kissed me before I got it all out.

That really shocked me,

She's never usually that forward, but I'm glad she was today.

What's my next lesson? Great, it's Art and better yet I have it with her,

I looked over to see Rachel staring into space

She was really worried about Frank

I just think he's playing hookie, he's like that he probably had a test in Maths today

So he thought he'd avoid it.

I jumped as the bell rang and gathered all my stuff together.

Rachel waited for me outside of class as she also had Art

"Hey" she said looking at her shoes.

"Rach, he's probably goofing off somewhere don't worry about him." I said looking at her.

"Well he isn't getting any ass at the weekend now." Rachel sighed.

"What?" I said in dis-belief

"It doesn't matter, here's your lover." Rachel laughed as Brina walked towards us

I punched Rachel playfully in the arm and she pulled a tongue at me so I pulled a tongue back.

"That cut me real deep Gee," Rachel said laughing

I swear if she wasn't Frank's girlfriend she'd be his twin, ew that'd be gross!

But they were so alike it was scary I mean they even have their lip pierced on the same side.

"Hi babe." Brina said coming up to me and kissing me on the cheek. Wait! Did she just call me babe that felt so good.

"Hey." I replied and pecked her on the lips.

"No student contact in school! I get to your next lesson!" a teacher said walking past us. I just laughed and Brina muttered, "Fuck you" under her breath, unfortunately the teacher heard.

"Brina, come here please!" the teacher said, and Brina did as she was told.

Rachel and me then watched as she got a big lecture about language around school, and respect.

By the end of it Rachel and me were in fits of giggles.

"Yeah haha, so funny, not!" Brina said walking back up to us.

I smiled and took hold of her hand.

"No human contact, remember." Brina mimicked the teacher.

"Fuck them." I laughed as we walked into Art.

I sat next to Brina with an empty seat next to me Brina sat between Rachel and I.

I started drawing, I knew what it was going to be but I didn't want anyone else to know.

I was about half way through it when Brina looked up.

"Woaw, it's, it's me." She exclaimed and I laughed a little.

"You're just so beautiful." I said looking into her eyes.

She blushed red and went back to drawing.

"What are you drawing Rach?" I asked her, Rachel was competition in Art,

She was an awesome artist and could draw almost anything.

She held up a picture of a broken heart dripping blood.

"Rach, he'll be fine, you'll both be fine!" I said sighing

"Why don't you text him?" I asked

"Coz I spent all my bloody credit sending him cute messages." Rachel said fixing her drawing.

"Text him on mine then!" I said passing her my phone.

Frank's Pov

"What am I supposed to do now? I'm hungry!" I said looking over at the woman.

She looked at me and laughed.

"I have just the thing." She said and walked over to the closet.

She opened it and a body fell out I gasped

As it began to struggle.

"Well there you are." The woman said sitting back in her seat.

"What do you expect me to do with him?" I asked as I saw the fear in his eyes.

"Bite him of course, you are hungry aren't you?" she asked, I nodded. "Then drink!" she said. I sighed getting up I walked over to the body and picked it up.

"But how do I-" I said but was cut off by her.

"Just bite down on his neck then drink his blood, then pass him to me I'm starting to get hungry too." She said sitting back in her chair.

I looked at the guy and then bit him, it was horrible at first, he started screeching.

But then I started drinking his blood,

It tasted wonderful.

It was so rich and thick I could feel myself, become full of energy.
I finished and tossed the body to the woman.

She began to drink and I felt my phone vibrate.

I took my phone out and the woman looked up.

"Who is it?" she asked watching as I opened my phone and started reading the text.

It was from Rachel, but from Gerard's phone. "It's from my girlfriend." I said,

And then read the text again.

Hey Frank

Where are you? I'm worried about you,

You never phoned this morning, but w/e tb to my phone

Cya soon Rachel x

Uh-oh she's mad at me I can tell she never said love Rachel and she never

Usually calls me Frank in texts.

Perfect! Just what I need right now;

I'm a vampire and I have a girlfriend who hates me.

And by the time I've finished telling her where I am and why she'll probably be my ex-girlfriend, that is if I do tell her.

I mean I could always, not let her see me as a vampire, I mean...

We only really go out at night anyway and I could tell her my Mum made me move schools, I wouldn't be lying to her, I'd be protecting her.

I decided what I was going to say and text back.

Hi Beautiful,

Sorry I'm off school I'm really ill, my Mum says

I must stay in bed until the weekend

So I should be able to come around, sorry I didn't phone,

I slept in

Love ya bbe Frankxx

I shoved my phone back in my pocket to see the woman staring at me.

"Yeah?" I said looking back at her shifting about were I was sitting on the floor.

"Tell me about her." She said leaning back in her seat tossing the now dead body aside.

"Who?" I asked looking at her.

"Your girlfriend." She said.

I then described every detail of Rachel to this woman.

"She sounds pretty." She said smiling.

I nodded smiling at the thought of her.

"Ashame she'll have to be bitten too." The woman said

"What?" I said

"You can't have a human as a girlfriend Frank!" the woman said.

Wait! How did she know my name?

"Why not? And how do you know my name?" I asked backing away slightly.

"There's so much temptation there Frank, you know how hard it'd be living with that, trying to avoid killing her for her blood, and I know your name because, you told me before you passed out you wont remember telling me but you did." The woman said. "Well...what am I going to do then?" I said burying my head in my hands.

"The only thing you can do, bite her or dump her." The woman said the two things I most dreaded.

Rachel's Pov

Felt my phone vibrating and picked it out reading a text from Frank,


"Guys, he's just sick so he's staying off the rest of the week." I told Gerard and Brina But then I realised that they were too busy giggling at each other to even notice I'd said something.

The bell went and I made my way to break with Gerard and Brina,

I sat at the table with Bob and Ray and started talking.

I got some grapes out of my bag and started throwing them at random people, missing Frank as he usually did this with me but oh well, he can make up for it on Saturday.

"So how's Frank Rach?" Gerard asked me.

I've already fucking told you but you were too busy sexing Brina with your eyes to notice! I thought. "He's sick so he'll be off for the rest of the week." Were the words that actually came out of my mouth, as I didn't want to embarrass Gerard.

After a while of just talking I took Brina aside I hadn't got all the details of exactly what happened this morning as I was running late, as usual.

"So, spill." I said smiling at her, yeah I'm nosy and I love it!

"What?" Brina asked knowing full well what I meant.

"What happened between you and Gee before I arrived?"

I asked and her smile widened as I mentioned his name, wow this girl has fallen for him, hard!

"Well he was just telling me that he liked me and I kissed him." Brina said blushing again.

"Woaw Brina, you're never this forward with guys, I'm so happy for you." I said, eugh I sounded so preppy I must go wash my mouth out with soap.

I hugged her and we headed back to the table, I wonder how Frank is doing?
this was a part that Rachel wrote! Enjoy!
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