Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Twenty-Five

by ryanrossISsove 12 reviews

ohhhh snap.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-08 - Updated: 2007-05-09 - 1169 words

Rachel's POV-

"So, I think im going to get a salad." Brendon told the waitress, folding his menu.
He and I were seated at a very fine restaurant, and I smiled at him, as he smirked, and put his head resting on his fist.
"Same here." I said, folding up to menu.
"Sounds good." the waitress said, cheerfully taking our menus and walking off.

I looked over at Brendon. He looked adorable tonight. He was wearing a light purple hoodie, and skinny jeans, with bulky skater shoes. He also had his red rims on, and it just added on to the cuteness.
"So, I've heard from a few friends that Ryan's doing fine." I said.
He nodded.
"Good for him." He said, with a sincere smile on his face.
The thing I liked in Brendon the most was that he wasn't fake in the least. He was one of the most real people I've ever met, and he didn't cover up anything with a smile.
"So, I figured we'll have you playing Ode To Joy with accompaniment by Tuesday." He said.
"Oh, great!" I said, with excitement. Pete was really a genius. I liked the piano, I hadn't done any form of drugs since I started, and I liked spending time with one of my newest best friends, too.
"Shit, I forgot my purse in your house..." I said, smacking my head.
"It's okay on two accounts, buster. One, this whole things on me. Two, your cars at my place too so you can just run in and get it." He said.
"Thanks Brennie Bear, you're seriously an amazing guy." I said, smiling.
"Ha, obviously not, if someone felt it utterly necessary to throw a bottle at me." he said, chuckling.
"Haha, well...maybe it was because he thought you were thirsty. It could have been you're biggest fan." I said, raising an eyebrow.
Brendon raised an eyebrow too.
"Or.." he said, pointing a finger to the sky.
"Or?" I asked.
"Or, it could have been..." he said, looking around.
"Who? Who!?" I asked, with sarcastic suspense.
"It could have been you!" he said, pointing to me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, you caught me." I said, dully.

He gasped, with evident sarcasm.
"You bitch!" he said.
"Haha, if you haven't noticed I'm a bitch, you really must be gay." I said.
"Hey, It's bi. Get it right." he said, correcting me.
"Audrey doesn't count, Brendon." I argued back.
He just shoke his head.
"I have had feelings for girls before..." he said.
"Oh?" I said, making myself seem interested.
"Yes!" He said.
"Names?" I asked.
Brendon smiled awkwardly, rose a hand to his lips, and pretended to "zip" them shut.
"Oh, you're just full of secrets, aren't you?" I said.
He nodded, his lips still sealed, deviously.
"Brendon, you're a funny kid." I said, shaking my head.
Pete's POV.

"Uh...go fish?" I said, dully, as Joe asked for a queen of diamonds.
"Shit!" he said, as he picked a card that apparently wasn't helpful.
"Go Patrick..." I said, putting my head in between my hands, and waiting for the game to end.
Everyone was actually into this game, I was bored out of my mind, and beyond all thoughts inside.

"Peter, any threes?" he asked.
"Go..oh wait, here's one." I said, plucking Patrick's choice card out of my hand, and giving it to him.
"Yess!" he hissed, slapping his match down on the table.
"Andy, any fives?" I asked.
"Mmm...nope. Go fish." he said, scoping his hand quickly.
I picked up a card, a three. I rolled my eyes, and tried to mentally pull myself from the boring ass game of go fish.
Brendon, he's a single, sex addict.
They're on a date.

I told myself not to get all hyped up about it, but I never end up tilling into my end of any promises whatsoever.

She gets to me. She's beautiful. She's not in love with her boyfriend. She's got the right.


She doesn't love me anymore.


She doesn't see me the same way.


We'll never be the same.

"Oh my god, Pete?"

We'll never be fixed.

"Patrick, call 911."

We'll never be together.

"Pete, you're bleeding!"

I looked down, nothing.

"What? Where?"

I asked Joe, while Patrick ran for the phone.

"Pete, your...your eyes." He said, standing up now.

I felt my eyes. I must have been crying. Wow, my thoughts really get to me. I had the weird sensation to look at my tears, but I soon found out, I was crying blood.
Rachel's POV-
I laughed hysterically.
"Brendon! Seriously?" I asked, about the story he had just told.
We were in the car, on the way to his place.
"Honest to god, true story! He just fell right out the window!" He said, laughing at the remembrance.
"Wow!" I said, wiping tears from laughing so much.

Soon, we pulled up to his house.
"Alright, come on in and get you're purse." he said.
I nodded, and followed him up the steps, and to his house.
I made my way over to the piano bench were I left my purse, and grabbed it.
Brendon walked over.
"Tonight was fun." he said, in a low voice, looking me in the eyes.

I got lost in them, how the chocolate color almost came out, so boldly, so beautiful.
I stayed silent for what seemed like five seconds, lost in those eyes, before opening my mouth to say something, but then closing it, when I came up speechless.
He sighed.
"What's wrong?" I whispered.
"Nothing..." he said, but before he could continue, he stopped himself, and leaned into me, pressing his soft, warm lips against mine.
It felt so good, I immediately kissed back, putting sole into it. He kissed back again, this time grabbing hold of my waist, to pull me in.
He pinned me up against the wall, and kissed even deeper, moaning against my lips.
I parked my tongue out in front of his lips, and he generously opened, as we explored each other's mouths with them.
He slid his hand up my shirt, and began to feel around, which felt amazing.
Suddenly, my cell went off. Brendon pulled away, and I looked down at it, and grabbed it, feeling the need too.
I looked at the caller I.D. Patrick.
"Hey Trick." I said, being my peppy, usually self....nothing was up.
"Rachel..." he said, sounding worried.
"Uh huh?" I asked, with less pep.
"Rachel, Pete's sick." he said, quickly, almost to quick to comprehend.
"What?" I asked.
"Pete's sick." he said, slower this time.
"What?" I asked, now in disbelief.
"He's really sick. I need you to come down here, now."

Oh oh! Cliff hangerrr. Yeah, I know you hate them, but, it's just so fun making these, because I AM THE ONLY ONE ON THIS EARTH WHO KNOWS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN!
Ah, I'd throw in an evil laugh, but those are so overrated.
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