Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Rebirth of Hope

It Begins

by sailorchick321 3 reviews

what will the order do now that harry is dead? and how much help can he be for the other side? HBP compliant

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, James, Lily, Lupin, Peter, Ron, Sirius, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-05-09 - Updated: 2007-05-09 - 1565 words

It Begins

Severus Snape, Death Eater spy for the light, knelt before the Dark Lord, kissed the hem of this robes then took his place in the half circle surrounding his throne. He had less than 20 minutes to lure the Dark Lord out and was still drawing a blank as to how to achieve it.

The Dark Lord rose slowly freezing each of his followers with his gaze. This was the first full summoning since the night Dumbledore died. Snape remembered that night well. Each night in his dreams he relived it. He hated Albus for forcing him into that position. He had loved that man more than his own father and he had killed him. Sure Albus was right, he could not have lived the summer anyway, but that didn't relieve the guilt.

At least Albus had been right about Draco. The boy was caught between Scylla and Charybdis, while he believed purebloods to be better that any other type of wizard, he didn't think it worth fighting a war over. He was content to simply be rich and superior and let the mudblood's continue their miserable existence, that way he had someone to be superior too. Draco loved his father and wanted to make him proud, but not at the price of joining a mad man. And not if it required him to kill, he just didn't have it in him. Loathe and disdain he could do, but not take a life. Draco was currently mark-free in a small cottage in south France that Snape used as a safe house.

A gathering this large could only mean that the Dark Lord was announcing victory and the death of the Chosen One. Maybe, just maybe, a selective truth would work.

"Luciusssss, my favorite, come ssssstand by my sssside, my pet." Hissed the monstrosity the was the Dark Lord. Malfoy Sr. rose and walked to his side. "Behold, my ssssecond. My Children, I have glorious news for you all. Tonight is a night to rejoice, and rejoice we sssshall. WORMTAIL!!"

The rat scampered out and prostrated himself before his lord. "M-m-m-masters?"

"Bring out the entertainment." As the rat hurried away, Voldemort turned his attention back to his Death Eaters and began pacing across the room touching the heads of his followers. "Tonight as we celebrate, my petssss," he drug his have across Snape's face, "remember thisssss, WE HAVE WON!!! Yes, yes my loyal, the brat is dead and we have won thisssss war." He threw back his head in laughter. "Luciusss, luv, tells me again of hissss death"

Lucius began his tale, and Snape couldn't help but be impressed, the boy had actually managed to take Bellatrix with him. That boy could have been great, had he lived. During Lucius' recitation Wormtail scampered back in levitating ten bound and tie muggles, all female and all young, maybe between 15 and 20 years old. Snape racked his brain, if he didn't flush the Death Eaters out then the Order had come for nothing. The wards would take too long to breach and the defenses within the castle were too numerous for the Order to stand a chance trying to get in. He had come up with a plan, he only hoped it worked.


Moody surveyed the gathering Order members. All the faces were grim, but determined. "Alright, everyone knows their positions. Go now, Snape's already been called. Good luck." With that the groups started appariting away to their appointed locations around Voldemorts lair. "Good luck to us all."

Severus was running out of time. He knew it was risky to speak out of turn, but he couldn't risk the "party" starting.

"Master." Snape fell to his knees under the Cruciatus curse. The Dark Lord did not tolerate any sign of insubordination and speak with out permission was seen as such. After what seemed like hours the curse was lifted, and Severus lay on the floor panting.

"Yes, Sssseverusss? You had ssssomething to ssssay?" hissed the Dark Lord.

"Yes, My Lord. I have news from the Order." Panted Snape.

"They no longer matter, they cannot touch me," Voldemort knelt next to Snape and whispered, "I. Have. Won."

"A horcrux, My Lord." Snape replied in the same quite voice.

Voldemort's eyes grew wide. "SSSSILENCCCCCE" he bellowed. "What do you know!?"

Snape quickly checked his Occlumency shields, with Voldemort being this close he didn't want to take any chances. Still in a whisper Snape said, "The boy, My Lord, the night before he died he told Moody, Arthur Weasley and myself that he had completed the mission Dumbledore gave him. He found and destroyed a ring he clamed was your Horcrux. My Lord, the remnants of the Order gather outside to try to kill you while you are vulnerable."

Snape held his breath. If the Dark Lord thought that the Order only knew about one of his horcruxes he would be willing to show himself. He would also want vengeance for the destruction of that small part of his soul. As long as he could draw him out the Order stood a chance of killing him. He hoped this would work, this had to work.

Voldemort held his gaze for a long moment, then, "Change of plansss, my children, it sssseemsss we have unexpected guest on their way. First we will crush the ressssistancccce, then we will have our fun." He paused and look back down to where Snape still sat on the floor. "You ssshould have told me this momentsss after you heard it. Avada Kedavra."


Harry stood aghast after being told why the furies had summoned him. He actually almost felt bad for Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Almost. "What will happen to me after I do this? If I do this?"

"You will return to the Afterlife from whence you came here, of course." Replied Alecto.

"Or you could choose to stay here," purred Megaera, rapping her arms around Harry from behind. "With us."

Harry shuddered, and looked back over his shoulder. "How will I know when I'm done. I mean they will run from me once they see their comrades start to fall. How will I know I've gotten them all?"

"You will feel the mark, lov. They cannot run from you. You will instinctively know where they hide and who they are and how many are left." Meg replied as she nipped his ear.

The action sent shivers through Harry. Of all of the Furies he feared Meg the most. It was plan to see that Alecto and Tis were dangerous, but Meg didn't look it. That to him made her all the more deadly because you didn't expect it from her.

Harry took a deep breath and moved out of Meg's arms. "Can I have a second to think?"

Tis cocked her head to the side, "What's there to think about? You want he dead and we want to play."

Harry sighed and tried to explain what was bothering him. "I do want him dead, and I think most of his followers disserve what's coming. But some are just misled kids, and one is a Spy for us. What about them? And what if one of my friends gets in the way? If I do this I'll see them and they'll see me, but I wont even be able to say good-bye to them. And Fate said I was supposed to have a long life and die happy. How does that fit in?"

"We have no dealings with Fate." replied Alecto. "As for those you don't want to deliver to us, just make sure they don't get in the way. Your time is short, make your decision now."

Harry raised his head to look at her, then to her sisters. This would save his friends. He nodded, "Alright, but I want to return to my family after, not come here. I trust you to deliver justice and vengeance. I don't need to see it."

The three Furies gathered around Harry, one at his back and two slightly in front to form a triangle around him. They each raised their wings so that the tips touched those of their sisters. Alecto behind him began the chant placing her hands on his back. Just as she began to repeat herself Tisiphone joined her and reached down and grasped Harry's right hand bringing it palm up to her face. At the third repeat of the chant Megaera joined, and repeated Tis's action on the left. The fourth time through Alecto removed her hand from Harry's back and walked around to stand between her sisters facing Harry. Meg and Tis kept chanting as Alecto spoke to Harry. "Are you ready Mstislav?" Harry nodded again just as Meg and Tis finished the chant and each bit into the wrist they held.

Harry crumpled to the ground in pain. Knowledge pounded in his head as he curled into a ball. He screamed as wings ripped from his back. Battle after battle replayed through his mind as he absorbed what he Furies had given him. All their knowledge of warfare and strategy, their combined skills and strength all for a single purpose, a single mission Deliver Voldemort and all his Death Eaters to them. 8000 year the Furies had been forbidden to take vengeance on man for their sins, now the Powers had seen fit to let a Fury walk on earth again.
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